Isn't this just like saying if they can't be arsed to pay for full membership they aint worth talking to?
After all thats all non paying members can really do? The majority of posters on the forums didn't have to and joined the site when it was free.
But like some have said, why do full members send out winks, especialy ones asking members to look at profiles when they don't have one?
It would be helpfull if you could easily see from their profile whether they were a freebie or a premium member.
I have never sent a wink but I have recieved a fair few. I don`t mind as long as there is something to look at!.
Here's my last 29 winks for today!! Didn't realise it was National Winking Day till gone 11pm :cry:
It's a bit pointless winking in the dark, need more notice next time please.
Must dash, I feel a sloopy farkle coming on :mrgreen:
Erotykus J. Heuristic
Im feeling like a wink! Off to find some victims..:grin:
Looks like i have become a victim of the Phantom winker.!!
You naughty little winker you.