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Wives & wife's & wifes

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Do you care?!!

This has been bugging me in the chatroom for a while now (primarily in room titles)...
Wives is the plural of wife - e.g. "wives that like big cock".
Wife's is the possesive form of wife - e.g. "wearing my wife's knickers".
Wifes is not a word - e.g. "wifes that like big cock". This title makes no sense.
I know this is boring and pedantic, but at least I have it off my chest now!!
I feel so much better now :-D
Glad you got that off your chest lol
Welcome to the forum wave
I care.
And - where it changes the sense of what is being said - so should everyone else.
But I am pedantic - and proud.
Quote by foxylady2209
I care.
And - where it changes the sense of what is being said - so should everyone else.
But I am pedantic - and proud.

Hahahaha!! Thanks for the welcome and support. I honestly expected ridicule for the post, but it was satisfying to write!
bb123 - also pedantic and proud!! :jagsatwork:
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
Quote by Bb123
Hahahaha!! Thanks for the welcome and support. I honestly expected ridicule for the post, but it was satisfying to write!
bb123 - also pedantic and proud!! :jagsatwork:

Lets not disappoint then! I'll go first :P Couldn't give a toss to be honest as long as I can get the meaning of whats being said I dont really care about spelling or grammar.
Welcome to the forum.
Just count yourself lucky it isn't wvs or something similar, as some people in the world seem to believe that text speak is an actual language, universally spoken!
Quote by TheLovelyOne
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

surely not?
that just doesn't sound right to me... but would that be because I/we have been seeing & hearing wrong throughout our lives?
as for propper posting, well, yes, I care a little bit... but this is fun and nonsence place... if I were doing something for the job that would be different.
Quote by __random_orbit__
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

surely not?
that just doesn't sound right to me... but would that be because I/we have been seeing & hearing wrong throughout our lives?
as for propper posting, well, yes, I care a little bit... but this is fun and nonsence place... if I were doing something for the job that would be different.
If 'none' is short for 'not one' then 'is' is correct. But you are right. We have used 'none are' for so long it's pretty well become accepted. (So it says in Eats, Shoots and Leaves anyway). Language changes - it's a living thing. But buggering about with it randomly and mixing punctuation or missing it out often just causes confusion - especially in stuff like this where the tone of what is written is critical to its meaning.
We use language to communicate - if we use it in such a way that the person it's aimed at doesn't understand our intent it is our fault - not theirs. Using a generally accepted set of grammar, spelling and punctuation rules allows us to share that communication far more effectively than if we just used words and nothing else. THAT is why I am such a grammer nazi - not to sound clever - but to make sure the message I try to send is understood.
Quote by foxylady2209
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

surely not?
that just doesn't sound right to me... but would that be because I/we have been seeing & hearing wrong throughout our lives?
as for propper posting, well, yes, I care a little bit... but this is fun and nonsence place... if I were doing something for the job that would be different.
If 'none' is short for 'not one' then 'is' is correct. But you are right. We have used 'none are' for so long it's pretty well become accepted. (So it says in Eats, Shoots and Leaves anyway). Language changes - it's a living thing. But buggering about with it randomly and mixing punctuation or missing it out often just causes confusion - especially in stuff like this where the tone of what is written is critical to its meaning.
We use language to communicate - if we use it in such a way that the person it's aimed at doesn't understand our intent it is our fault - not theirs. Using a generally accepted set of grammar, spelling and punctuation rules allows us to share that communication far more effectively than if we just used words and nothing else. THAT is why I am such a grammer nazi - not to sound clever - but to make sure the message I try to send is understood.
... but where does the "is" go?
Quote by __random_orbit__
... but where does the "is" go?

Not one (of your friends) is online
And while I'm at it, whatever happened to "there are"? It seems to have been replaced widely by "there's".
Quote by TheLovelyOne
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

Ha haaaaa! If you read 'none' as a contraction of 'not one', then you are of course quite correct. However, you could equally well read the 'none' in 'none of my friends' as 'not any of my friends', which would be equally correct, and that would of course, in that case, necessitate the use of yer third person plural form for the purposes of subject / verb agreement, eh?
/pedant :P
*wanders off to correct , glares at in Morridogs*
N x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

Ha haaaaa! If you read 'none' as a contraction of 'not one', then you are of course quite correct. However, you could equally well read the 'none' in 'none of my friends' as 'not any of my friends', which would be equally correct, and that would of course, in that case, necessitate the use of yer third person plural form for the purposes of subject / verb agreement, eh?
/pedant :P
*wanders off to correct , glares at in Morridogs*
N x x x ;)
And what about the sign in Asda proudly proclaiming they're using "less carrier bags?
Quote by neilinleeds
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

Ha haaaaa! If you read 'none' as a contraction of 'not one', then you are of course quite correct. However, you could equally well read the 'none' in 'none of my friends' as 'not any of my friends', which would be equally correct, and that would of course, in that case, necessitate the use of yer third person plural form for the purposes of subject / verb agreement, eh?
/pedant :P
*wanders off to correct , glares at in Morridogs*
N x x x ;)
Isn't (is not) 'none' always a contraction of not one? If it were (love that subjunctive) not any, wouldn't (would not) the contraction be 'nany'?
Furthermore, is not 'not any of my friends are on line' just complete bollocks? lol
Wanders off to read Far from the Madding Gerund
Quote by TheLovelyOne
Isn't (is not) 'none' always a contraction of not one?

Not necessarily so,
pretty much everyone agrees on three basic facts:
* when none quantifies a singular or mass noun, only singular agreement is acceptable
* when none quantifies a plural noun, both singular and plural agreements are acceptable.
* when none doesn’t quantify anything, both agreements are acceptable.

Quote by Witchy
And what about the sign in Asda proudly proclaiming they're using "less carrier bags?

It's fewer FFS! Fewer bleedin' carrier bags, fewer than ten items! banghead It almost makes me not want to shop there anymore. lol
N x x x ;)
So, this is what I've been waiting for my breakfast for. confused
Wive's, wives, wifes, wifelets, wives', wifes' or wifelinkadinkadinkadooo...
It'll spell D I V O R C E if I'm not fed soon!
Sorry for being part of the delay Gem.
I hope not any of your toast are burnt.
Quote by little gem
So, this is what I've been waiting for my breakfast for. confused
Wive's, wives, wifes, wifelets, wives', wifes' or wifelinkadinkadinkadooo...
It'll spell D I V O R C E if I'm not fed soon!

rotflmao Oh Gem, that made me chuckle!
Thank you lovely one.
Well, he's in the shower by the sounds of it... no make that hoofing around upstairs like a baby elephant, so estimated time of breakfast arrival is about 20 minutes.
Bear in mind that he has to pursuede me to drive him to Morridogs instead of making him skate on thin ice ;) all the way there and back, then it has to go in the pan and be devoured...
Admittedly, the last stage of the process won't take long. biggrin
Can you imagine how grumpy I'd be if I'd not had sugar puffs? confused :taz: multiplied by 20 I think. He wouldn't have sugar puffs cos they make your wee smell funny, he said! :?:
Is that true?
Ah... anyway... still have pressies to wrap before the visiting rituals begin. How I'm hating crimbo this year.
* rotflmao He's just read it over my shoulder and pointed out the 'spell' should have been 'spelt'.
Let the stoning commence.
I had to point out that it is 'It'll spell...' therefore 'It will spell' therefore not 'spelt'.
As you were. (tm vix)
Quote by Bb123
This has been bugging me in the chatroom for a while now (primarily in room titles)...
Wives is the plural of wife - e.g. "wives that like big cock".
Wife's is the possesive form of wife - e.g. "wearing my wife's knickers".
Wifes is not a word - e.g. "wifes that like big cock". This title makes no sense.
I know this is boring and pedantic, but at least I have it off my chest now!!
I feel so much better now :-D

You are not alone - boring and pedantic is not a bad thing!
Welcome to the forum smile
From what i have seen of the english written word,there are many different spellings for the same word that mean the same in the context of the written statement.
So maybe i am looking at this from the wrong side of the mirror,isn't it important that the person reading,fully understands what is written and not what words are used..
Maybe i'm wrong on this one ,but hey that is how i feel about it biggrin:D:D
Quote by foxylady2209
I care.
And - where it changes the sense of what is being said - so should everyone else.
But I am pedantic - and proud.

I love you smile
Quote by TheLovelyOne
And what's more, "none of my friends are online"!
It should be "is" of course.
Caring about this sort of thing is probably why I don't have too many friends!

I love you too - and I'll be your friend!
*shudders at Asda, Morrisons and Tesco signs*
FB waves and pokes out her tongue at all the people who will now point out that they KNEW she'd be along soon :giggle:
Quote by neilinleeds
It's fewer FFS! Fewer bleedin' carrier bags, fewer than ten items! banghead It almost makes me not want to shop there anymore. lol
N x x x ;)

This could be fantastic. If all you P and Q minders bog off to Sainsburys where you belong there will be less of a que at Asda.
Quote by little gem
Well, he's in the shower by the sounds of it... no make that hoofing around upstairs like a baby elephant, so estimated time of breakfast arrival is about 20 minutes.
Can you imagine how grumpy I'd be if I'd not had sugar puffs? confused :taz: multiplied by 20 I think. He wouldn't have sugar puffs cos they make your wee smell funny, he said! :?:
Is that true?

Can you not operate the oven or pour milk? When I am hoofing around upstairs that means Mrs Tweeky better have my breakfast on the go already
potatoe aaarrrgggghhhh
Quote by Freckledbird
You are not alone - boring and pedantic is not a bad thing!

Even when people talk at socials that they are scared to make a post on the forum in case somebody corrects their grammar, spelling or punctuation dunno
Quote by Kaznkev
...except some chancer called cubes lol

Oi! I resemble that remark! smackbottom
Quote by Kaznkev

You are not alone - boring and pedantic is not a bad thing!

Even when people talk at socials that they are scared to make a post on the forum in case somebody corrects their grammar, spelling or punctuation dunno
given that i cant spell(dispraxic if u must know),am too lazy to capitalise and my apostrophe key is broken,my numerous posts would presumably have been a field day for any "grammar nazies" however they have generally allowed mistakes to pass without comment...except some chancer called cubes lol I assume this is due to an understanding that liberties might be taken with the postings of old friends that would not be taken with a newcomer like me.
I think the "i wont in case im corrected" excuse sounds a bit lame to me therefore,as i cant imagine any infrequent poster was really harrassed about there grammar/punctuation
As I mentioned recently, I used to be a pedantic cowbag. When I found out that two of the cleverest people I know are dyslexic, I stepped back & thought about my tendency to criticise poor spelling & grammar- I try not to do it anymore.
It still bothers me though that people responsible for sign writing etc get it wrong. If 80% of the signs for karaoke nights in the local pub actually say "kareoke"- the misspelling passes into public consciousness. Oh, and when my kids come home with stuff written by teachers and I get the urge to correct the spelling...:lol:
We should all be bigger, and frankly nicer, than to criticise people in here who may not be lucky enough to be articulate.
Quote by Witchy
We should all be bigger, and frankly nicer, than to criticise people in here who may not be lucky enough to be articulate.

That would be nice! but for some of us luck had nothing to do with it :shock: We just thought skipping school was a much more fun option :lol2: