Whaa whaa whaa I hate my job whaa whaa whaa look at me whaa whaa whaa whaa whaa. :cry:
In case of any doubt, I really hate my job right now. It's stupid, it's pointless, I never interact with another living soul and my paycheque is late again. So I was wondering... is this what everyone goes through and I'm just a whining ninny for bringing it up, or are there actually good jobs that mean something out there?
Well I like to think that my job is important but I also know that they can manage without me being there, although not for long (I'm a teacher and it's a hellish job getting replacement cover for staff who are not in school for whatever reason)
Delete the poll and add the folloing...
I love work because it i my access portal to all things Swinging Heaven...
Well, i like the idea of my job, i love kids and all, but if anyone can find me a job working with 1-2 year olds that pays more than £13,000 a year then shove it my way please!!!
My job is theoretically fun.
In practice, at the moment, it's quite sucky.
So I think the only answer I can give to this particular poll question is: 4 chickens and a lamp shade.
Bleurgh. Makes no odds to anyone if I'm there or not.
"Cashier Number Five Please" is not rocket science. As you prolly know (due to my post count) I have been off sick for 4 months. I went in on Friday (letting me go back one day a week to 'ease me back in') and really... they didn't miss me, I didn't miss them.
Not the people, you understand.. the Goddamn company. I did miss the social interaction.
Irealy enjoy the work I do, meeting lots of diferent people working in diferant areas of the country, building sites are a great place to work
Oh yes im vital, if only to pay the wages!!!
I suppose i do enjoy my work, but id love a job were i didnt have to go out oif the house and interact with other humans!!!
i have the best job ever
i work for my hubby and he is far to soft with me
but i work very hard hehehehehehhehehe
jaky xxxx
i am very lucky in that i found a job that pays enough to survive and that i love doing...
when i worked in the mobile phone industry i use to dread getting up in the morning..
now i am doing something i really enjoy.....and interact with all sorts of people, i would never say that work would miss me.... but i hope that in my own very small way i am making a difference...
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
I work for myself and don't really enjoy it much at all. Altough the people who work for me are great and some of them are very dedicated - the reality is that when I am not there, things are not the same :cry: And so I feel very tied to the place.
Its bit of shame as really my only goal in life was to have my own business by the time I was 30. Now that I have it I'm really unhappy with it. I found myself at a bit lost for a while not knowing what to do. However I'm now making plans to bet rid of the business and will have to set myself some new goals.
The problem I'm having now is I really really don't know what to do as literally my whole life I have wanted to do what I'm doing - and I hate it.
I agree with Harry O: I spent a lot of my life 'self -employed' and can honestly say that they were the best years. I was 'my own man', beholden to no bugger (Bank Manager excepted!) and I looked forward to every day. Unfortunately I didn't make any money, in fact the opposite occurred, and feeding my brood of children nessecitated a return to a 'day job'. I still see this as a temporary situation and will return to ' Poverty Bonk' (and peace) as soon as possible.
Where as I can feel for Celtic, I been my own boss, rather like the simplicity now of working for a company... They do all sick pay, holidays, n stuff. Every month I know money will be there to feed the kids. One day I may run my own company again, but not too soon.