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Whaa whaa whaa I hate my job whaa whaa whaa look at me whaa whaa whaa whaa whaa. :cry:
In case of any doubt, I really hate my job right now. It's stupid, it's pointless, I never interact with another living soul and my paycheque is late again. So I was wondering... is this what everyone goes through and I'm just a whining ninny for bringing it up, or are there actually good jobs that mean something out there?
Well I like to think that my job is important but I also know that they can manage without me being there, although not for long (I'm a teacher and it's a hellish job getting replacement cover for staff who are not in school for whatever reason)
Delete the poll and add the folloing...
I love work because it i my access portal to all things Swinging Heaven...
Nope, I hated my job too, but the money was good.
Now I'd love to have that job I hated so much back since being made redundant last week sad
Count your blessings and take the opportunity to look around while the cash flow is still steady.
But I do know how you feel Roger, working from home with no one on one adult interaction can be so darn isolating.
Chin up kiss
Quote by roger743
Whaa whaa whaa I hate my job whaa whaa whaa look at me whaa whaa whaa whaa whaa. :cry:
In case of any doubt, I really hate my job right now. It's stupid, it's pointless, I never interact with another living soul

Cool, can I have your job? Sounds like paradise...
Well, i like the idea of my job, i love kids and all, but if anyone can find me a job working with 1-2 year olds that pays more than £13,000 a year then shove it my way please!!!
Wish I had a job a could hate
Any job is better than no job .
Old but can still do a days work alongside the best of em
Fred(aka Medic1)
My job is theoretically fun.
In practice, at the moment, it's quite sucky.
So I think the only answer I can give to this particular poll question is: 4 chickens and a lamp shade.
Quote by Libra-Love
Now I'd love to have that job I hated so much back since being made redundant last week sad
Count your blessings and take the opportunity to look around while the cash flow is still steady.

I sympathise; it's just been getting me down. I left a long-term job last Christmas because it was boring the pants of me - I was literally sitting in an office all day playing solitare (or sometimes Angband) while my skills withered and died. I moved to another company in the belief I was going to be heading up a new, exciting, high-tech project - only to be hung completely out to dry, and screwed out of a lot of the money I'd earned. Since then... well, I.T. jobs don't exactly grow on trees; my current employer are basically a walking corpse who're certain to fall over and die once they've finished burning through their initial investment (can't be long now), since they have no customers and no plans for getting any. I keep expecting to get up one morning and find they've gone bust. (But how would I know?) The working-from-home bit gets on my tits too - especially since it's not what I was promised. (Oh, when oh when will I learn not to believe what people say?) But I've been realising lately that this is probably how it's gonna be for the rest of my life; shambling from one dead-end no-chance small business to another, working on things that no-one will ever use, and with long periods of unemployment in between.
I should've listened to my granny; she wanted me to become a vicar.
You're right; it could be worse. There's plenty who'd beg, borrow, lie and steal to be where I am now...
Bleurgh. Makes no odds to anyone if I'm there or not.
"Cashier Number Five Please" is not rocket science. As you prolly know (due to my post count) I have been off sick for 4 months. I went in on Friday (letting me go back one day a week to 'ease me back in') and really... they didn't miss me, I didn't miss them.
Not the people, you understand.. the Goddamn company. I did miss the social interaction.
I've been off sick for two weeks and know I'll have been missed - but the work goes on without me.
It'll have been quieter without me around, which is why I'll have been missed! That and my wit and sparkling personality!! lol :lol: :lol:
Irealy enjoy the work I do, meeting lots of diferent people working in diferant areas of the country, building sites are a great place to work
Oh yes im vital, if only to pay the wages!!!
I suppose i do enjoy my work, but id love a job were i didnt have to go out oif the house and interact with other humans!!!
Errrr... when you work for yourself then... well go figure... rolleyes
I'm completely vital to my job, one of the most demanding, time consuming, exciting, boring, demoralising, rewarding, energy-sapping, underpaid, overworked sorts of jobs that ever existed.
Yes I'm a single mum. rolleyes
You should all remember that old adage:
Work to live.... Don't live to work

Quote by Libra-Love
Nope, I hated my job too, but the money was good.
Now I'd love to have that job I hated so much back since being made redundant last week sad
Count your blessings and take the opportunity to look around while the cash flow is still steady.
But I do know how you feel Roger, working from home with no one on one adult interaction can be so darn isolating.
Chin up kiss

Flippin' 'eck Libra-Love, I know how it feels to be made redundant so really sorry to hear that. Best of luck in finding something a lot better. Hopefully you will be able to look back on this as being a good thing, if you end up getting a job you enjoy. :therethere: :therethere:
Quote by Fred
Wish I had a job a could hate
Any job is better than no job .

Errr yes, very true, really could do with some money & feeling a bit more useful!
i have the best job ever
i work for my hubby and he is far to soft with me
but i work very hard hehehehehehhehehe
jaky xxxx
I started work at 15, I've had some jobs I liked, and others I hated. So........
I decided to retire at 55, and I now just do some Consultancy Work. I get to pick and choose what contracts I accept, and can lay down my own terms of employment. I work out of doors for some eight months of the year in some of the most beautiful countryside in England. I can only do my work in fine weather, so on wet days I stay at home, but still get paid for it. (It's in my Contract Terms).
It hasn't made me rich, or even moderately wealthy, but I have more than enough to get by on. (Well just) but I wouldn't swap this sort of work for the world..
Maybe next year I will put up my hourly rates and my travelling expenses. A little more profit might just help me get to a few more Munches and parties, and of course take a few more ladies out to play, not forgetting the increased contributions Gordon Brown will no doubt be demanding.
Bugger the 9.0 to 5.0 stint, or shift work, If you have a skill, a talent or knowledge in a particular field, work for yourself, it's a much happier life. Honestly.
The Casanova and Drunk of this Parish. hump drinkies
i am very lucky in that i found a job that pays enough to survive and that i love doing...
when i worked in the mobile phone industry i use to dread getting up in the morning..
now i am doing something i really enjoy.....and interact with all sorts of people, i would never say that work would miss me.... but i hope that in my own very small way i am making a difference...
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by zootle
My job is theoretically fun.

I can relate to the "theoretically fun" bit, too - probably due to the otherworldliness of what I do. Trouble is, I'm responsible for creating most of the technology my company uses, which means I also have to provide all of the basic educational materials and support (bleh) in addition to my real work. Would be so much more satisfying if I could just work away and leave it to somebody else to figure out what to do with the results. rolleyes
~Reese! surprised
I'm currently training to be a driving instructor, which will allow me to work as hard as I want (coz I need the money), but will give me considerable flexibility. For the past few years I have worked as a lecturer, so there are similarities & I'm assured there will be plenty of work. Can't wait. I just need to pass the exams!!! confused
Quote by HungryP
I'm currently training to be a driving instructor, which will allow me to work as hard as I want (coz I need the money), but will give me considerable flexibility. For the past few years I have worked as a lecturer, so there are similarities & I'm assured there will be plenty of work. Can't wait. I just need to pass the exams!!! confused

So could you tell me what im suppose to do with this stick thing with the big knob in the middle of my car? Where do i put it??
Quote by foxylady 123
So could you tell me what im suppose to do with this stick thing with the big knob in the middle of my car? Where do i put it??

Errr well its very technical & difficult to explain.... maybe you need a few lessons. Let me check my diary... :P :P
Quote by foxylady 123
So could you tell me what im suppose to do with this stick thing with the big knob in the middle of my car? Where do i put it??

Well first, unless he's driving a McLaren F1, he really needs to be sat in the passenger seat......... wink lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well interesting mix of people and roles smile Varied bunch aren't we... All the best in your hunting Libra, not nice to lose a job, even one you hate but maybe all for the best if something else comes up fast for you, fingers crossed.
I am one of only 3 people in the country who know my job, and a lot of cashflow revolves around me doing it, would they survive without me, sure, but it would be a real bugger for a while :)
Jack of all trades including writing manuals, intranet, and training, so they can draw on the stuff I would leave behind for a while. Think things would gradually get harder for them as little jobs I do didn't get done as no one else could be bothered.
I work for myself and don't really enjoy it much at all. Altough the people who work for me are great and some of them are very dedicated - the reality is that when I am not there, things are not the same :cry: And so I feel very tied to the place.
Its bit of shame as really my only goal in life was to have my own business by the time I was 30. Now that I have it I'm really unhappy with it. I found myself at a bit lost for a while not knowing what to do. However I'm now making plans to bet rid of the business and will have to set myself some new goals.
The problem I'm having now is I really really don't know what to do as literally my whole life I have wanted to do what I'm doing - and I hate it.
I agree with Harry O: I spent a lot of my life 'self -employed' and can honestly say that they were the best years. I was 'my own man', beholden to no bugger (Bank Manager excepted!) and I looked forward to every day. Unfortunately I didn't make any money, in fact the opposite occurred, and feeding my brood of children nessecitated a return to a 'day job'. I still see this as a temporary situation and will return to ' Poverty Bonk' (and peace) as soon as possible.
Where as I can feel for Celtic, I been my own boss, rather like the simplicity now of working for a company... They do all sick pay, holidays, n stuff. Every month I know money will be there to feed the kids. One day I may run my own company again, but not too soon.