The worst film ive ever watched was Rumplestiltskin Sp)it was meant to be a horror. It was a cheap made movie of a little guy, in leggings running through the streets of New York ( I think) causing havoc
louise xx
Quote by H-x
Anyone seen 'Deathrace 2000'? that has to rank up there, 'Face Off' was equally dire, 'Zoolander' I didn't even make it to the end.
I thought Fight Club was fab, I thought Vanilla Sky was Tom's best film but then I never got the whole Tom-mania, I prefer actors who can act
Quote by bbw_lover
I've got a few specific ones and a few general ones.
1 Plan Nine From Outer Space - so bad it's good
2 Solaris - just dull
3 Resident Evil - the scariest thing about this was that fact that I was watching it! :shock:
1 Anything with Madonna in it
2 Anything with Tom Hanks in it
3 Anything with Robin Williams in it
Quote by tyracer
any of them computer disney cartoon type the first five minutes is funny,thats it all the same for the next 2 hours.
any of them old black n white war soon look at them very differently after watching the beach landing scene from saving private ryan.