I have the best job in the world. I work for myself . The only problem is recently ive had to give myself a written warning for spending too much time in internet chatrooms.
I did once sack myself accidentally but I relented later on when there was no one to make the coffee
I have done kitchen portering and even cleaning toilets and being an assistant handyman. UGH.
I spent years doing office jobs which I grew to deeply despise.
I now run my own art gallery and sit here happily Posting occasionally in between dealing with customers, doing spreadsheet work, administering the biz, getting art pieces in, writing display labels etc.
I used to Post on but became so deeply addicted I left and never Posted again. I miss it.
Same story soon for The Cafe I suspect.
I probably saw you then, prags, giving Tony Baloney a hard time!
The double Post thing happens sometimes when the site is loading slowly.