I just did... couldn't you tell?
I haven't 'faked'... though have 'orgasmed' without noticably ejaculating... i guess if needs be that could be used as way of faking should one choose... though I haven't, honest.
yup... many times.
Needs must when the people are pap and all that.
Yes I have and depending on the situation, would again. I'm talking about playing, I've never faked with Jay and would not feel the need to, it's easier to say I haven't got there than to lie. For meets, I think it's easier to fake than upset them, it would take too long for them to get to know my little quirky ways.
I'm only talking rare here mind, nearly all meets have been fine in that department.
I have and I do.
As I have said in a previous thread, sometimes I find it very hard to orgasm. That does not mean, however, that I am not thoroughly enjoying the sex I am having. But other people don't always see it like this and over-enthusiastic "you will come, just wait and see" ministrations sometimes lead to painful chafing and soreness. I prefer, in that instance, to save my delicate bits any further horror and come over all am-dram and Meg Ryan-esque.
There are other times I would consider doing the same but for different reasons.
No big deal really.
I haven't and I don't think I would, but it sometimes does take a bit of ego-stroking and careful explanation of how just because I don't come doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it - to avoid the determined 'ministrations' Nola mentions AND avoid hurting anyone's feelings (as I suppose I might feel a bit inadequate too if I failed to make a bloke come).
Sometimes it would be easier to just fake it and keep em happy - but sod it, I'm stubbornly honest!!
I as a bloke used to fake it with an ex - she got quite wet and i could get away with saying I had then waiting for a while and finishing myself off with a decent head fantasy and a w*nk But then we were incompatible she being horrible and the sex being duty shag and me? Oh if i'm honest probably not dissimilar to her, Thank god we did seperate.
when you find ya self doing ya shopping list in ya head during a particularly dull and dreary shag where he could go on for ever and you wouldnt notice its time to FAKE it and get outta there
I think anyone who does fake an orgasm, is a " fake " themselves.
Why put up with faking? Why not just be honest and tell the other person, that they are shite and do something about it?
Never understood why people would lie there and pretend. Thats called shit sex, and nobody should have to put up with that, and if they do then they are the losers.
i have in the past.
now i would just tell them what they needed to do to make it happen.
Mind you which one of these are " FAKING IT "