dear lord above man....are u smoking something this morning!!!!!!!
what a thought to ponder over me cornflakes :scared:
I'm hoping that the negative response to the Chubster is more down to his somewhat offensive demeanour (put on or not) rather than his girth, otherwise I am bolloxed for a start boys and girls...
He is awful!! He is just as bad in real life as he is on the TV/DVD etc.
So it's a NO from me.
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I stand corrected then Blonde,but always speak as I find!
I wouldn't want to meet him in any way, shape or form.
I saw a documentary on him, that included most of his backstage and large chuncks of his private life..
apaprently he's racist and obnoxious in real life too..but without the laughs..which makes him despicable and sad to me.
wouldn't want him as a friend.
(and he's the wrong sex
Can't stand the man or his commedy
I've had the dubious pleasure of meeting him when he was not 'in character.'
On that day, at that moment he was rude and quite arrogant.
So, based on that and his comedy I would have to say no.
ive met 'chubby brown' a few times due to the nature of my work & have found him at all times to be polite, respectful & a throroughly down to earth type of guy. his act on stage is purely that.. an act.
sayin that would i want to shag him yukkkk no way !!
Yes. He lives in what used to be my home town, and was a regular customer in the shop I worked in. He is a lovely, polite, pleasant man - nothing like his TV persona.