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would you shag or give oral to a women thats on her periods?

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7 watchers
Nope Nope Nope, no way, no no no
Even the thought of it - omg where's my bucket.
It's the terms that I find amusing.
Ages ago I was due to drive north to visit a lovely lady. When I say north, I mean a bloody long way north, about 350 miles north.
Anyway a couple of days before my trek she tells me that the painters are in
So what? dunno
What's that got to with me - God, was it a hint to take a paint brush?
Oohh errr, hope she doesn't want me to gloss - always runs with me. Maybe if I take a 6inch brush she will deduce that I prefer to paint walls?
It definately left me in a bit of a quandry.
Anyway, there we were in the hotel room getting romantic when she says again that the painters were in - ffs - I don't care
Oh great she says - maybe if I get a towel the bed sheet will be ok.
:dunno: :dunno:
So of course I'm thinking wow - she must be very wet indeed, ok damn fine idea go get a towel.
So there we were on the bed now, me casually undoing her blouse, well as casually as any guy can, when she tells me - oohh just hang on, I need to nip to the loo to take it out
It was only then that it dawned on me ...............................
So debs, would you suck a knob with a 3 day cheese deposit dunno
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Oh my oh my .....
the very thought of coming in to contact with bodily products from within is just so incomprehensible :shock:
Its a good job we fellas don't issue forth fluids from within :shock:
now for all you men out there that are feeling women can use a diofram and wash .................. and their is no mess at all
so put ya sick buckets away!
infect anel sex can be more messy!
Quote by meat2pleaseu
So debs, would you suck a knob with a 3 day cheese deposit dunno

:thumbup: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
She would do anything
Quote by HornyRed
She would do anything

yes...................... like puting up with you ya fook off to bed you need ya sleep beauties sleep and lots of it! flipa
Oral sex is possible to do while the woman is wearing a tampon, you can still get the clit which imho is the best bit and theres no blood. If you don't want to come into contact with blood at all then use a vibrator on her, it washes clean and you don't get messy.
EWWWWWWWWW.... and yuk.... for years iv put up with not having any fun on my monthlys.
But iv cracked it (parden the pun) after reading a post about the mini pill i went streigt round to the clinic.
And now its fantastic no time off to have the painters in YAYYYY lol biggrin :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have had sex with a previous partner while she was on but she wasn't very heavy. That's the key factor for me... if she's heavy then I would rather wait till she's finished a few days later. With regards to oral, no, the thought of it is a real turn off for me.
Hey there - apologies failed to be able to 'link' to the thread. I've had sex whilst in the middle and towards the end of my cycle - and I think that it's totally down to personal preference. It's a very personal thing. If the lady or the gent is uncomfortable it can be awful, however if you're comfy together and confident then it can be FANTASTIC. As A you're horny as a lady and B - well, it's easier ( catch my drift).
It's not messy to have sex during your period if it's near the end, and if you're discreet. But if you look down you may have a shock (ALWAYS use condoms in this case, and you MIGHT see a little blood but not much). This is a VERY intimate matter and not for those with any personal insecurity.
I think that Oral is however... well, not so good. But a lady wearing a tampon can enjoy some very horny bump n grind - and despite whatever the myths would had you think - women are very sexual creatures, and having a cycle is not detrimental to this fact. Women who are about to menstruate are hormonally charged, and I'm at my most rampunctuous at this time.
OH well - love to hear your thoughts CP

I think it depends on who I'm with, and how horned up she is at the time. It's a frequent comment on here that some girls get more, and easier, horned up during their period.
When I was young and stupid (leave it ! !) Redbeard was not a problem. But as I've (sort of) matured, and I began to realise "this shag probably won't be my last" - I sort of went off it for a while.
But more recently, again depending on the girl, I'm finding sex during periods do-able again.
And as somebody said earlier, you can still flick the bean wink without doing what you might call "full oral"
Quote by mistress_sassy
Oral sex is possible to do while the woman is wearing a tampon, you can still get the clit which imho is the best bit and theres no blood. If you don't want to come into contact with blood at all then use a vibrator on her, it washes clean and you don't get messy.

I've played with someone when she was on her period and I loved it. She was so sensitive and there is no reason for the menstrual blood to go everywhere... tampons, diaphrams and toys can do wonders.
I used to be a bit squeemish about sex when I was on my period, but the guys I've been with since really haven't minded and some even found it a turn on. Maybe it's one of the last taboos... to actually admit you like the warm squidgy feeling. dunno
I'm not a bloke and my cock is plastic so I couldn't say what it is really like from a guys point of veiw.... but then the clit is on the outside boys ;)
Sorry to be direct here, but personally I LOVE IT dunno
Hot, squidgy (as Gem so wonderfully described it) and according to Mrs P, much more sensetive ............. apparantly :shock: :shock:
just loved the "RedBeard" comment rotflmao :rotflmao:
well with mrs been away for the last two weeks and me ending with a mighty hardon when the wind blew in the right direction she comes back with the old pmt = ill let you make your own conclusions???????? biggrin
Dont understand what all the fuss is about to be honest dunno
Dont have a problem with shagging or oral during a period. biggrin
H`red wont let me tho, she`s uncomfortable with it so its NO ! confused
She`s also wildly horny during her period too, its so frustrating :? :?
no problem with having sex with a woman on her period
depends how heavy she is
as to oral
no way
i always feel more horny when im on, luckily im with a bloke who doesnt mind a bit of mess biggrin
as for oral put a tampon in and hey presto no mess :D
Never in a million years...!
CheekyChimp..... cool
About a million years ago when I was 20 and living in London I got lucky one evening and got back to my place with the coffee and the petting and getting all steamed up and bed conveniently in same room, (in fact only seat for two), everything going according to plan when she gave me the bad news. Got the string around my finger and got straight in.
After dressing, I suppose in the dark or at least dim cause I don't remember, I took her home and returned to flat. Went in the loo for a slash, whipped out the old man and nearly fainted. I don't know why I hadn't figured it would change colour! Thought I was an accident victim.
I feeel a lot less horny when I'm's baggy jumper and sulking in the corner time for me :cry:
Having said that, I've been 'persuaded' to have sex while I was on.....quite humiliating really, but the big turn on was 'being made to do it'
Also, I find when I get turned on, things happen up there and the blood flow shuts off. so obviously the body modifies itself for such an occasion, therefore we're meant to carry on fucking while we're on......which means we weren't designed to only fuck for reproduction.....EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!
wink biggrin
my g/f gets even hornier when she's on - I don't mind going down as long as she's not too heavy - it has a kind of zingy metallic taste, which can get a bit sickly. It's a bit messy on the bedclothes though.
Mind you, she always keeps herself very clean down there, and wouldn't ever consider using towels (or nappies as she calls them) - so you dont get the rancid, stinking blood problem. bleearch.
I wouldn't have oral sex with a woman on her period. Just too messy. I've heard it referred to as a "rainbow", or a "strawberry kiss".
Anyway, just off to eat my menstrual, errr sorry, minestrone soup!
sex yes, go down nope!
simply simple.
Quote by Drifter
Anyway, just off to eat my menstrual, errr sorry, minestrone soup!

Thats disgusting drifter :kick: :kick: :kick:
Quote by Amber

urgh (why is there not an emoticon for being sick when you need one)

There you go hun ^^^^^^^
Thank you amber !! thats a kiss on the *cheek* i owe you !!
Thats a definate yes to sex, and a yes to oral if I know the person well.
It can be clean or messy - just requires a bit of fore thought, just like anal.
Definately yes to sex
licking clitty and outside yes but.........NO tonguing
be like lapping a sour dougnut
Quote by Amber
ok....for those who need the sick emotion goes

Thanks Amber. Just about sums up what I feel about this subject.
There is no way in the world I would have let Jon have sex when I had a period. Nor would he have ever asked to. It's abhorent to us. Besides which I seldom felt like it myself at the time sad
Having a hysterectomy and not having to worry about *those* weeks anymore, is certainly enlightening and means never having to go a whole week without either :twisted: :grin: