:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Oh my oh my .....
the very thought of coming in to contact with bodily products from within is just so incomprehensible :shock:
Its a good job we fellas don't issue forth fluids from within :shock:
now for all you men out there that are feeling sick...us women can use a diofram and wash .................. and their is no mess at all
so put ya sick buckets away!
infect anel sex can be more messy!
Oral sex is possible to do while the woman is wearing a tampon, you can still get the clit which imho is the best bit and theres no blood. If you don't want to come into contact with blood at all then use a vibrator on her, it washes clean and you don't get messy.
I have had sex with a previous partner while she was on but she wasn't very heavy. That's the key factor for me... if she's heavy then I would rather wait till she's finished a few days later. With regards to oral, no, the thought of it is a real turn off for me.
no problem with having sex with a woman on her period
depends how heavy she is
as to oral
no way
About a million years ago when I was 20 and living in London I got lucky one evening and got back to my place with the coffee and the petting and getting all steamed up and bed conveniently in same room, (in fact only seat for two), everything going according to plan when she gave me the bad news. Got the string around my finger and got straight in.
After dressing, I suppose in the dark or at least dim cause I don't remember, I took her home and returned to flat. Went in the loo for a slash, whipped out the old man and nearly fainted. I don't know why I hadn't figured it would change colour! Thought I was an accident victim.
my g/f gets even hornier when she's on - I don't mind going down as long as she's not too heavy - it has a kind of zingy metallic taste, which can get a bit sickly. It's a bit messy on the bedclothes though.
Mind you, she always keeps herself very clean down there, and wouldn't ever consider using towels (or nappies as she calls them) - so you dont get the rancid, stinking blood problem. bleearch.
I wouldn't have oral sex with a woman on her period. Just too messy. I've heard it referred to as a "rainbow", or a "strawberry kiss".
Anyway, just off to eat my menstrual, errr sorry, minestrone soup!
sex yes, go down nope!
simply simple.
Thats a definate yes to sex, and a yes to oral if I know the person well.
It can be clean or messy - just requires a bit of fore thought, just like anal.
Definately yes to sex
licking clitty and outside yes but.........NO tonguing
be like lapping a sour dougnut