The weblink on your profile is there for others to find out more about you and possibly see pics of you. It is not there for you to link with all and sundry, ie football teams and subscription sites. If you have such a link, can you please remove it.
I'm the one who started it!! And that means I'M first in line for any diary dates so i CAN rip your clothes off!!! :twisted:
It seems they are very insular and don't want ANY form of competition, good or bad, large or small to show in case people go elsewhere ........ very sad. Oh and it appears not to include msn groups cos they seem to be allowed. :shock:
There are alot of profiles on this site with links to sites such as faceparty (alot of swingers use this site as well) and a multitude of msn swinging groups (are they not advertising?). Nobody limits themselves to just the one swingers site, can it not be left to individuals to choose if they wish to visit these sites? Or does this site consider itself to be so big and perfect and its moderators always right that it can bully people into bending to their wishes. Because thats what appears to happen alot here. Somebody does or says something that they don't agree with and ......... bosh!!!! ....... all the moderators jump on them like a ton of bricks with sarcastic comments or daft put downs.
Oh and there are other good sites that are free as well so there should never be a need to use my credit card.
I suppose all I will get now is ..... "well if you don't like it here then go elsewhere" as a response.
The point is that this IS a good site but it does sometimes come down on people a bit heavy for no real reason almost as if its just to demonstrate the power some people have.
I completely and wholeheartedly agree with getting rid of the pop-ups and links to pay sites that are just trying to ripoff us swingers. Yes the moderators do a good job trying to protect us from all that sort of crap and I thank them for that.
I can also see the point about not posting to other swingers sites that charge, this debate started with the unfair treatment of Reese's partner (not a pay site but yes was looking for donations) and indeed I also fell foul of this treatment. Our profile linked to our FREE swingers site (got sick of the sad gits at msn closing us down and no it wasn't due to porn and the like, also we do this for fun and wouldn't dream of charging people) and we were also told to remove it, when we questioned it Mark was mobilised to tell us he had removed it, fair enough some may say.
The fact is people get different things from the different sites they join, some sites they use more for contacting and meeting people, some for enjoying the discussions and lets face it, some because they like to ogle the pics .. each to their own I say. Blue, you made the point that you all try your best to keep this site for genuine swingers, alot of people on this site are not swingers but enjoy the banter here and why not nobody would dream of getting rid of the non-swingers. So why not let some show an alternative as long as its not shoved in folks faces, charges or advertises some illegal activity?
This site IS well run but can sometimes be a little overpowering in its attitude to others.
Thanks for taking the time to clarify this matter for all of us, Mark. It's much-appreciated.
Well all I want to know is what a toodle pip is, and whether it comes with batteries :twisted: