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Yahoooo? or Msn

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i'm sick to deat hof roll over ads closing programs, so i defected to
what's your preference?
I have both.
I've always been a /msn gal, but I'm a new Flickr addict and so I set up a account to activate that.
Both seem ok.
Both! Some people i want to talk to only have one or the other so I have both so i can talk to everyone! lol :lol:
I'm a gal - hate msn with a vengeance nowadays! I can add people who use msn on messenger tho so it works out ok. I opened a account few months ago and there is chat messenger thing you can download on that. Not sure what I think of so far...
Don't do chat as I'm only here for the ironing!
You'd never catch me in a chatroom or on that MSN murlarkey or that thingy either lol
Neither :sad:
I have msn, and google chat.
is pants sad
MSN is better :twisted:
Google chat is plain, simple and never shows up in work filter blocks :giggle:
I've always been an MSN kinda guy it's just lately the ads on it mke your windows minimize if you roll across them, it's so annoying
i dont use either for chat although i have in the past
i have a few email addys and one email addy which is the one i prefer to use, i use them all for different reasons though because i like to keep things seperated a bit smile
MSN for me, have used in the past but never really liked it, was about 4 yrs ago though smile
Got Google messenger aswell but never use it.
MSN user here.
I used years ago, when there were loads of chatrooms, but it all changed.
Yeah Mike I used to use chat rooms too. Met a lady from NZ about 10 years ago that I went on to meet and still chat to her now all these years later. I haven't been in chat rooms for a few years tho they still exist?
I use as my main messenger and e-mail account mainly from habit ago I found it was less prone to viruses than MSN
Quote by Joewally
i'm sick to deat hof roll over ads closing programs, so i defected to
what's your preference?

I use MSN but I was also pissed of with the flash adverts so I blocked them :-)
How to block msn adds
Close MSN if running
No matter what browser you use, start Internet Explorer
Click Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Restricted Sites > Click Sites.
add in the text box
Click Add then Close then OK.
close Internet Explorer
No more adverts when you start MSN again :-)
Tony ;-)
Quote by Shaz_and_Tony
i'm sick to deat hof roll over ads closing programs, so i defected to
what's your preference?

I use MSN but I was also pissed of with the flash adverts so I blocked them :-)
How to block msn adds
Close MSN if running
No matter what browser you use, start Internet Explorer
Click Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Restricted Sites > Click Sites.
add in the text box
Click Add then Close then OK.
close Internet Explorer
No more adverts when you start MSN again :-)
Tony ;-)
Fab thanks for the advice there, done it and it works :-)
Neither - :censored: can't stand any of them.
Quote by Shaz_and_Tony
i'm sick to deat hof roll over ads closing programs, so i defected to
what's your preference?

I use MSN but I was also pissed of with the flash adverts so I blocked them :-)
How to block msn adds
Close MSN if running
No matter what browser you use, start Internet Explorer
Click Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Restricted Sites > Click Sites.
add in the text box
Click Add then Close then OK.
close Internet Explorer
No more adverts when you start MSN again :-)
Tony ;-)
Good one Tony :thumbup:
Firefox users may wanna try Adblock Plus, a neat add on that blocks almost all adverts, making page load times much faster and getting rid of all those pesky ads.
I like some of the Groups (although a lot have been abandonded and spammed up). However, the browser is being terminated at the end of this month, although it doesn't work properly on this Site anyway.
Quote by niceguysdoexist
Yeah Mike I used to use chat rooms too. Met a lady from NZ about 10 years ago that I went on to meet and still chat to her now all these years later. I haven't been in chat rooms for a few years tho they still exist?
I use as my main messenger and e-mail account mainly from habit ago I found it was less prone to viruses than MSN

I dont know that they do still exist. I think they were all shut down in an attempt to be seen to clean up the internet or some other idea a few years ago now. chat was terrible though, so many 'bots'.
On the plus though, I met my dearly beloved in a chat room!
Quote by vampanya
I dont know that they do still exist. I think they were all shut down in an attempt to be seen to clean up the internet or some other idea a few years ago now. chat was terrible though, so many 'bots'.
On the plus though, I met my dearly beloved in a chat room!

Oh Vamp I so recall those bots ....quite clever they were too ...the number of times I thought I'd pulled:sad:
I use MSN for chatting online and I used to get annoyed by the ads etc but I have a rather nice patch which mods it to get rid of the irritating bits. you can configure it to do what you want :-) ( if anyone wants a copy of it drop me a PM )
I use and for online mail but much prefer the as it's so simple plus the spam filter is really good. I can never find my my mail on for the junk.
I used to use both: Messenger to keep in touch with people I'd met through Groups and MSN Messenger for people I'd met through MSN. I tended to stay in touch with the MSN bunch in the end, so I stuck with MSN Messenger. I always felt that it was the better of the two to be honest, though Maybe has improved since I last used it.
For close friends and family, I tend to use . Not so good for text chat, but its audio and webcam knock the spots off the others.
While we're on the subject: Does anyone else find it really annoying when people pop up on their messenger when they have nothing to say? They started the conversation, but you get the feeling that they only did so because they're bored, and now they expect you to be thoroughly interesting and entertaining while their most constructive contribution tends to be 'lol.' It's only one or two people who do this to me, and I suppose I should probably just block them. But somehow that seems like a nasty thing to do, so instead I tend to 'appear offline' and start conversations myself if I actually have something to say to someone.
Quote by Shaz_and_Tony
i'm sick to deat hof roll over ads closing programs, so i defected to
what's your preference?

I use MSN but I was also pissed of with the flash adverts so I blocked them :-)
How to block msn adds
Close MSN if running
No matter what browser you use, start Internet Explorer
Click Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Restricted Sites > Click Sites.
add in the text box
Click Add then Close then OK.
close Internet Explorer
No more adverts when you start MSN again :-)
Tony ;-)
great advice tony thanks