I havent been to a "proper munch"
I have been to a few socials, parties and mini-munchs.
My first social i was nervous as hell. I was introcuded to everyone and well looked after.
6 months later I still get nervous and still get intoduced to everyone.
Changing the subject a little.
My wife and I have found it hard to even be acknowledge in our emails to Munch organisers let alone be invited to a Munch. As my wife Claire is very shy meeting people for the first time, we decided a Munch would be the best approach for us, in terms of building a friendship with potential swinger partners.. For Claire knowing someone and feeling she can trust them is the biggest thing.. So a Munch rather than a party would suit us more.... but how to get a bloody invite is the biggest problem..???
I'm guessing as we post more often on SH and build up a relationship here, we're more likely to be invited in time... However we would be very appreciative of anyone elses advise.
I just looked up Numpties and I'm affraid its not in the dictionary.. Surprise...Surprise LOL
Can you clarify what a Numptie is? What would one look like? and are they indigenous to the UK only? LOL
Seriously I dont know of the Numptie terminology, please enlighten me. Thanks
I'm actually a hobbit, and since the Dark Lord Salron is now out of a job so am I.. So thought we'd try swinging instead now... Claires taller in the Avatar because she's a dwarf.
Narr I'm sitting down and 5'10"
My first munch was the Glasgow one earlier this year. I was rather nervous on the way there but was made to feel very welcome from the minute I arrived to the minute I left.
Thank you for all of your replys. It has been a great help to me. As I am now going to my first much next Saterday I will keep in mind what everyone has said. If you have any more advise please feel free to tell me. I am really looking forward to it and I just hope I have just as much of a good time as you all seem to have had.