Me being a woman it is strange to ask what sport you prefer, I am a keen follower of cricket as all my children play. There has been much talk in the chat room that football is the prefered sport by many and that cricket is boring. I have been involved with both sports having been a secretary of a youth football club and was put off by the attitude of the parents and general supporters. The likes of which you don't see at cricket games.
So I ask
Do you prefer Cricket or football?
Is more violence seen at football or Crickets matches?
Do you think football attracts violence? If so why do you think this is?
football always will attract trouble because people cannot themselves getting tanked up before and after a game.
Thugs go to football in organised groups looking to pick on someone.
As for your question i dont like that 20-20 seems to be exciting to most.
other than sex
well thats a sport !
Cricket and Rugby , the spectacle of 22 overpaid ,under-educated ,sub-literate ,half-wits chasing a ball has never held much appeal
Neither! BSB,WSB,UFC, Rugby in that order!
I much prefer football to cricket, but I would far rather watch F1.
Jesus neither.
We would rather watch a documentary on Dutch clogg making before we sit down to watch either of these.