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Over 90 days ago


Quote by HarryJones
Good on you Bob
Assuming this is the place we have spoken about before, good to hear that it does go on there, sorry to hear it didn't work out fully today but here's hoping you all get to meet up again soon.
Harry Jones

was indeed said location, but actually wasn't an accidental meet as I had pre arranged with the couple to meet there.I am working on trying to get people using it ,in the hope it will get visited more often on the off chance by couples and in turn doggers.
Good to hear from you and wishing you well in your endeavours.
2 litre bob
Hiya all
just spent a lovely couple of hours with a very nice couple at a very quiet Norfolk location WELL AT LEAST IT WAS!!! Just when things were starting to get interesting a bloody car pulled up with a 90 year old twitcher who made a point of hanging around for as long as possible before going to ground nearby( in the hopes of a show i think ) Closely followed by a dog walker... shame cos the hour I spent there b4 they got there was very quiet...( sods Law) So with the lady spooked that was the end of that.
Hopefully wont be our only meeting ( you know who you are )
Thanks again and nice meeting you both.
2 litre Bob
where do I start?? 1978 I had it bright yellow and spiked with vaseline, to go with my punk look and a band called Moral 1979 I was sporting the
Phil Oakey look and nearly blinded myself in one eye, 1982 and my trademark Wedge was traded for a number 4 crop with shaved parting courtesy of the barber of Rousillion Barracks ,Chichester. 1985 I had a dodgy perm, which later became something of a simon le bon ( Rio) look and I was wearing the new romantic shit too , I then dyed the front of that blue , which turned grey , and had a george micheal bouffant , Then it was highlights and big hair ala Bros, and up until 1990 I pretty much had a version of that hair style ,when i went normal ...................back to my own colour (fair to mousey) short back and sides which I have had ... apart from a george clooney french crop phase ( decided i looked like a poof ) from then on.
Forgot to mention the teddy boy look, the mod look and a brief flatop and then skin head phase
lol and they are only the ones I choose to remember.
Then we get onto beards or sideburns , had a Noel Edmunds in the late eighties , sported some Elvis Mutton chops for much of the nineties and also had George Micheal desgner stubble and some pop larkins sideburns to put elvis to shame.
2 litre bob
Quote by HarryJones
Hello everyone
NorfolkBBW and myself will be in Norwich on the evening of Monday 24th October for a drink and any of you who wish to join us for a chat and a pint or two are welcome to do so. I can guarantee that there will be some very fine beer present, even if the conversation is not quite so fine lol
Please pm me for venue details. This will be at a very public venue so please dress accordingly. The actual start time will not be known till the week before. If any of you are very nervous about attending such an event, I can be persuaded into meeting such shy types at the door.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Harry Jones

so sorry I cannnot be available . .. I do hope you all have a nice time....... personally I am still recoverin from the stag in Kinsale where I had to be the last to bed , first up and drink the most . just to show the lads that the forty year olds are better than the twenty year olds .......30 pints of guinness a day (average) for two days and I am still feelin it
Any time you can arrange a daytime meet let me know
2 litre bob
Quote by adeymull
love to meet up with locals for a beer or two and chat
anyone interested

Hiya adey and all the other fellow carrot crunchers who posted ,especially harry who I would like to meet as his energy for his pastime really impresses me .BBW, Im sure if you wish you can meet as many or as few of us guys as you like. lol.
Unfortunately i am only available daytimes weekdays but look forward to seeing the post
2 litre bob
Quote by Serendipity
Just wandering as the police carry out routine checks at dogging sites what is the best response to give if they ask why are you there - surely sitting in a car in a public car park isn't illegal!
chris x

No it's not, but police have the right to question anyone who appears to be loitering. However, you know why you're there and lets face it, they know why you're there use the simplest reason possible e.g. taking a break from driving and don't bve tempted to add on anything amusing or sarcastic, if they ask you to move on, do so without argument! biggrin
Possibly the most sensible piece of advice you will ever see on here, well done for explaining the correct attitude to use with plod in almost every situation, dont suck up to them ...(scuse the pun) and dont be a pain in the arse for them and you will be winners on almost every course they know why you are there, and unless you are outraging public decency at the time or your conduct is causing a problem then the vast majority are happy to offer words of guidance and sod off and let you get on with it.
Of course a flash of stocking clad thigh or a glimpse of cleavage never hurt either. if your female friend is there let her do the talking and flirting . but dont over do it !
Well said Serendipity!
2 litre bob
Hello and welcome to best of the the uk, as far as I am concerned anyways ,( when it is nice it is very nice).
Hope you get to live out all your dreams and meet lots of nice people in the process.
2 litre bob
Quote by 2 litre bob
Hiya all
time on my hands , weather is lovely, off to Kings Lynn shortly and may have a ride around......any one else out and about today??
Be nice to meet and say hi
2 litre bob

The weather was lovely and I spent a very nice hour in the sun and peace and car did pull in ( single male) but as soon as he saw me walking around the car park he quckly spun around and sped off.
Hiya all
time on my hands , weather is lovely, off to Kings Lynn shortly and may have a ride around......any one else out and about today??
Be nice to meet and say hi
2 litre bob
Hi all
bit of time on my hands this week ..........thought I might pop over to the location near kings lynn(hope thats vague enough )any one interested in popping in and saying hi , just a social chat would be nice to meet up.
pm to arrange suitable time
2 litre bob
Hi all
just a quick note to let you all know that I will be over the water fri the 30th and sat 1 returning sun 2 in sunny kinsale( has ireland ever been sunny? ) lol....
I will be in a small party of 6-8 guys as we are sending another good man to the altar, but we are all older so non of the usual stag do shenanigans , just a good drink with good mates. Any one interested in meeting up for a social drink and a chat while I am there by all means pm me .
Cheers or should that be slainte
2 litre bob
P.S. Do i need to put in a leave request mods?
Hiya all fellow carrot crunchers
want to put this location to the test, Harry has verified my opinion of it having great potential so lets get to putting it firmly on the map.
As Mr and MrsD have said "isnt used so isnt dogged," we need to change that !
On a purely personal basis I would be most available day times,but if any one is interested then lets get in touch by pm and see what develops.
2 litre bob
A week later ,not having spoken to the original contact again, visited the appointed location at the same time again,this time no well I thought, nothing ventured.
However, two weeks later I did speak to the contact again, met him in a pub along with four other guys,we all got on famously had a pleasant drink and went off to an open air location and met a very nice lady who wore all four of us out in an hour, and despite my concerns as to performing in a crowd I was the first to get my trousers off and the only repeater .A fabulously exciting experience I wouldn't have missed for the world, I also made a very good friend who I still have a pint with when we can although his girlfriend has now moved on. Perseverance definately pays and thanks for reading.
2 litre bob
Ok guys
I haven't posted for a while,but on this first experince..less of a dogging nature as it was all pre arranged but nonetheless stimulating,and primarily what drew me here.
Abou4 mots ago was chatting to guy on the computer who was looking for a group og guys for his girl friend,through the chat an open air location and time were given and I duly (the second that day)trimmed pubes,shaved balls,scrubbed my bum red raw( Didn't want the lady concerned seeing a dirty bum hole)generallypampered and preened..cleaned my teeth twice ,best nice shirt,trousers and went commando.
Arrived early and one or two cars already there,guys like me staring straight miutes later and loads of cars,I'm sweating nervously and chain smoking as the appointed time draws more arrive and others leave.. some are out of their cars chatting. Then a police copter flies over and quite a few leave.
Suddenly someone is on a phone,everyone nods and engines start,the lead car is off, obviously to a nother location, I start my car......nothing. try again. dead as a dodo,shout the guy next to me.. starter has jammed.... tough shit comes the reply and off they go leaving yours truly stranded with a semi...
40 mins later still stranded ,,,no semi (lol)one of the guys returned to try and give me hand..... eventually did get going 2 hours later.
thank you for your help,and in future I might take the time to check previous posts myself!
Eternally grateful
2 litre bob
Quote by gazbaker51-51
My wife has agreed to allow a group of men to watch while she frigs her self off while they wank over her.
There will be no full on sex though, if you are up for this please leave an email to and my wife and I can chat outside the forum and work out a place times etc.
Gary and Jenean

hi gaz, just wondering what area?
regards2litre bob
you know im getting to like this site already, seems like there are some people here i could get along with, laid back and not too serious ,which is like me ( unless i get put out ) and that isnt very often .Thanks to all the nice folks who have made feel welcome
if you had a bunch of bananas for fingers you would struggle to type as well.
I would look awful in a skirt as a typist anyways and my voice cant go above baritone..but i will try to be more careful..thanks for pointing out just one of my inadequacies lololol
thanks for your kind reception guys, really warm welcome and i appreciate it, would have responded earlier but i had football training to take ( i coach).
Just in and saw the replies, tsake on board what youa re saying and what others have said about that particular site . when i looked in the top one of two small car parks looks like someone visits late at night ...kentucky chicken rubbish everywhere! Ina nature reserve ffs!. neither car park being lkarge i would think this would be a small venue rather than a large meet anyway but being pretty close would suit me no end ! just have to see how time builds friendships and then who i can encourage to get down there...........who knows might even get my wife to give it a go ( unlikely but worth a try
having read lots of these forum messages and being a newbie thought I would open up a bit.
married male 40, a smoker and a drinker who likes a laugh and doesn't take himself too seriously. I am clean shaven, short haired with blue eyes, 6'1 and while I wouldnt say I as fat I wont see a 34 waist again !! 50" chest and around 17 stone you could say i am a rubgy player type build ( But i dont play rugby)
Looking for lots of nice people to chat and say hi to as much as anything else Clean and consderate and I can recgonise peoples boundaries .
Anyone wishing a pic only has to ask.
cheers for now
Hi there all
newbie here but I have recently been introduced to a gang bang in cambs !
Was out earlier today ..2-3pm at the Location near Kings Lynn and i couldnt believe what a great place it looks potentially. sadly No one there sad
Can be free tonight to make a visit in Norfolk .later ..........any one out later pm me