Quote by Funlovers2009
It's not just me then?
Certainly not, we're right there with you and I'd hazard a guess and say it's much more in attendance than you think. In some ways it may even be 'normal'
Quote by Funlovers2009
It is a self confidence thing. I know that when we get a messages and they're a good looking couple I do have this thing of "why would they want us?" I also look at the female half of the couple and if she's really skinny, I wonder why he would want me. I kinda think that if he's used to being with a skinny girl then that's his preference?? Now, dont get me wrong, I wouldnt class myself as a BBW or even as fat and I think my face is ok ..... but I have my empty baby bag!!
We dont go short of meets but we could play a hell of a lot more than we do, and with some really nice couples if it wasn't for me and my issues.
So should I be turning people away because I think that they may be disappointed when they see me or just think "what the hell, they contacted us!" ??