gc_69Lover and I will be out and about on Saturday night. She is now my sub and will be performing as directed.
Drop me a line if you are around on Saturday and why you should be included. Ladies and mature guys especially welcome.
and bumped again!!
A few single men for daytime fun............if we can find a suitable location
Pm me with locations and maybe we can all have a little fun
Does anyone know of any good locations that I could take my girlfriend to for a bit of daytime fun. We are based in South Tyneside, but could travel a bit
We'll be out and about late Saturday night in Shields/Jarrow and maybe Whitley Bay areas. We will be looking to play so have a look at my ad and get in touch.
Nobody around Tyneside then :cry:
Hi there, my gf and I are looking to go dogging for the first time on Wednesday. Can anybody give us an idea where to go for a midweek meet. Somewhere in about a 30 min drive of South Tyneside.
She is excited but very nervous, so may not go beyond letting people watch, so somewhere fairly discrete would be appreciated. Maybe somewhere with other couples so she can watch as well as show.
But if all goes to plan and the doggers are friendly and respectful who knows.
Any advice welcome
I've only just joined too and have been here almost ever since. Not continually posting......I would, but the speed and originality of some of the replies is incredible. I find myself constantly amused and impressed at the directions some of the posts take. I'm hanging around reading them, scared to miss something perhaps, and waiting for an opportunity to join in ..............................like this, I've waited till the owls have gone to bed, but before the larks have got up yet.
To me it's not like (my perception only) an internet forum, it's more like a group of mates in a bar or a party. The conversation starts in one area, diversifies to another.......and then someone gets their clothes off...............Great innit!!!!
I too have enjoyed 10 years of happy marriage.......................
...........................sadly however I was married 19 years (DOH!!)
and am therefore now re-singled and enjoying my second youth. ;-)
Ah! But!!............Shouldn't you wait until we get a suggestion box before posting suggestions
Just a thoughT!!
I definately seem to be in the minority about this with two thirds of voters saying "it can be improved" and an unknown number I suppose not liking it at all.
But I was wondering if the split was on length of time as members. My suspicion is that the longer serving members are more anti than we new girls. I have no evidence of this at all, and it doesn't matter really. Just wondering ;-)
Thanks Outlaws, I do have a tendancy to jump right in.........with both feet usually lol
Thanks Alexandra, I'm afraid my Elvis is much more in his later Las Vegas, fully filled white jumpsuit years.....you know, when he was REALLY sexy lol.
Of course it matters thats why I have 2 cocks. I have an internet cock of 12 " to attract the more discerning lady, and one only half that size which I carry around for convenience and ease of deployment in the real world ;-)