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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 73
0 miles · Staffordshire


As expected! interesting to see that all respondants are long standing members too .. FYI ..I think I have been a member of one sort since about 2007 so am more than used to the site .. will leave it with you to sort yourselves out , go bust , ..or not..who knows
Frankly the site is now rubbish! .. its to all intents and purposes a "clique " that's why you get shouted down in the rooms when you say anything !
Just wait and see which "mod" or "admin" gives it the "big one" on this
This evening there is nothing wrong with my internet connection ( its actually very fast) and working well on you-tube and all other processor / bandwidth hungry sites yet this site is lagging to buggery .. being booted in and out of rooms regularly and the
mysterious but predictable "no directing rooms " are still working but then they are just cam feeds arent they !
The "stock " and again franky "smug" response "raise a support ticket" doesn't actually help anyone at all ..SH know the problems ( and have done for weeks and seem to have done feck all to fix them ) looks to me simply their servers are full since xmas when they stupidly allowed access to the chatrooms for freebiers .. ( stupid move) up or that the are somehow reducing the size of the server or some such( And yes I am an IT expert!) .. either way as a " paid " service its frankly total rubbish !
If they had anything about them they would either offer free months to those paying monthly or a reduction to annual memberships .. and appear to be remaining silent
It may be time for someone to start countering the adverts with a SH the truth website maybe ? .. just sayin'
Personally I just want my money back now I'm bored with the lack of effort and rubbish excuses you keep giving , and it doesn't like I'm the only one .. so SH can I and indeed anyone else not satisfied with the service you are providing ?
Photo caption you have by Cameron seems to be a bit closer to the truth than first imagined frankly .. possibly what's being thought as each new membership rolls off the cash register.. ?
Grumpy , in a mood, not happy , I am curt and sometimes sarcastic then ..sorry it will pass .. but something doesn't appear right to me again this evening rooms full of people few chatting and cams going on and off all the time didnt enjoy it havent stayed long .. that part may not pass however
Going back to this thread after the xmas break and the daft idea that was making chat rooms free ! whoever thought of that one? just blocked the rooms , tired out the servers and irritated the hell out of the regulars ..sorry just calling it as I see it .Please don't do it again !
So anyway back on topic .. I'm afraid you wont find me completely agreeing to this "non directing " rule as I feel that in many cases its just an excuse for someone to put a video feed on and pretend that there is someone there . Maybe not all the time .. but definitely this is happening
This continued "bleating" on that SH does about etiquette etc is really a bit rich don't you think ? what is important surely is that the members get value for their money and are treated fairly .. not constantly presented with the "rules" all the time .. where's the fun in that ?
Obviously doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that you cant whisper or direct a video feed .. and sensibly if the "feed" isn't actually interacting in anyway to the other folk in the chatroom its a bit obvious that they aren't real and of a "con" don't you agree? . It is easy for anyone then to just chat away in the room with a video playing
Case in point recently during the evening there has been "non directing " shouts going put at people when the actually video on cam was in daylight as could be see through the windows.. so yes course you cant direct them as they are in a different time frame !
As you can see am just getting irked by what is clearly a big fall in the membership on here and the ways in which SH is attempting to convince people that there are X number of people in the chat room etc so that people then take out membership .. when in actual fact the chat room in made up of 80 percent blokes ..there is of course the odd couple but they stick to themselves in their own rooms and ok that's fair enough .. so why not take the risk SH and have a cples only portal ? that way all the cples could have a lovely time together couldn't they ?
But as for lone females on cam in real time in the chat room ? I'm beginning to wonder how many there really are .. if any at all
As I said just irked with this continued bleating on about non directing .. its apaid for sex site where 80 percent or more of the members are masturbating males and they want to get some value for their membership ..if that isn't your scene then stay off the cam .. simples ! Or why are you on cam at all ? I dont get it ..
So the next time someone is attempting to direct in a room you may want to consider that they are just seeing if they are just finding out if they are interacting with a real person or a video stream ..
I for one will be ignoring the No directing and no whispering rule from time to time not all the time .. its not because I'm rude, or an attempt at causing trouble .. its just what I believe I am paying my membership for should be real time interaction and not video feeds if I wanted that I'd take out a subscription to the porn channel on the telly ..
Yep but the only difference is its been like that for about 12 hours and it seems that admin has only been notified in the last 30 mins..
getting worse and worse
Oh look another "tweak" ..I really am getting frustrated with this .. Why continually change the service? it struggling enough as it is ! another 13 hr break from no chat and no admin support who clearly arent even aware of the problem yet ..sorry but this really is the limit .. SH should just get a working well supported service and leave it at that .. besides theres always MSN or or even chats that can be used ..
Sorry but had enough admin
Er just to add
"have been contacted"? whats that about? the site went down 11 hours ago or more? and we are being told that they are only now finding out about it ?
thats just really bad customer service I'm afraid ! . If any of out IT sup[port did that they would be sacked !
Someone on here has suggested we give SH a "break" comparing it to the other sites etc my suggestion is that we would all forgive issues like that had it have been something a "mate" knocked up for us or tried to fix .. but SH is supposed to be run by professionals not a bunch of mates giving thisngs a tryout .. So can we please stop this Admin are out mates game .. admin are the people who get our money and we just want a decent service from them .. everyonbe likes to be friendly but this just aint right ..
So instead SH GIVE US A BREAK ! by not charging us for a few months until the system becomes stable ..when it is and works and is tested then we can all start paying again happily . Thats anice friendly thing to do isnt it?
I have mentioned this before but there are issues somewhere that need dealing with .. I suspect that the people who have programmed or set up this system are just a very small team , fair enough but it needs to work and these days its not much bette than amateurish
The other problem is continually updating, changing and adding and tweaking ..I for one dont want all these new things I just want it to work.. why are you constantly changing things ? I wonder if there is something else going on here like you are using SH to test other modules or units on for someone else? dunno am no expert but what I do know is that this just isnt working , and you are telling the members very little about all these problems other than you are sorry and they have been fixed .. and then announcing more new (unwanted ) exiting new changes ..which just cause more probs ..
Is it just me? ar can anyone else hear getting louder by the minute chants of "we want our money back"?
Yep chats still messing up . It went off around midnight last night so we are looking at 10hrs or so downtime which isnt really acceptable . This sould have been identified and fixed by now ?
There seems to be more down time than up these days and I would agree that we are all it seems being continually being placated by these "we are moving the server" and "please be patient" type responses from admin which sounds very professional and gives us the impression that we are getting quality service .
The reality seems to be the opposite and I suggest the site is getting very amateurish in lots of ways , and what is this continual tinkering about?
The recent new "tweak" seems to be something about enabling cpls to log in together on one account but on seperate machines? why bother? it will no doubt lead to more problems and downtime ..
Very simple approach needed SH get the system working properly for a while and stop blimmin messing with it all the time .
We pay for a service to use and not for you to keep "developing" things which cause more problems ..
Be warned my next months membership and it seems lots of others are in the balance at the very least I and other paying folk should be given some sort of compensation for all these interrupts .. as I said at the start "actions" not excuses please ..
have done ..and still no reply ?
Getting worse and worse its now the morning and the rooms are all blocked and cant get in to them .
This is getting worse and worse SH ! please sort it out or I'm off to fabswingers not as good but cheaper and seems to work more reliably
I echo the sentiments
please get rid of this new chat its absolutely awful !
Or if you have no intention of it please send an announcement saying so
We can make an informed decision about either staying or cancelling our membeship..
situation getting intolerable
chin scratching begins !..the above message seems almost too complimentary ..but I would hate to cast any aspirtions .
I'm just on here to agree with the majority of people in saying the new chat is terrible . I absolutely hate it , its confusing and totally frustrating for all the reasons already highlighted .
Additionally the "who is on line " thing doesnt work and continues to provide false information .
Other than that rooms are lagging , difficult to actually chat to someone you want to , its ok just to rabbit on to anyone I suppose but terrible for anything else.
All the cams in the same place but you cant find where people are ! .. crazy idea beyond belief .
Anyway thats my comments . I really am very dissapointed you changed things which were working perfectly well beforehand to something that just makes me want to break things .. not what I'm looking for to relax and unwind after a tough day .
I hope peopel are taking note of the comments about this and are having second thoughts about leaving things as they are or changing back to good old easy to use , follow and have fun with chat .
As bluntly SH if you don't get it working right soon . I'm afraid I'll be off . Oh and still no reply on the support ticket I raised yesterday .
Yet another night of frustration with this new system and I'm just going to have to say something.
Sorry guys but it just doesnt work! .. Apart from the bugs, new fixes, which are bound to happen are at times tolerable .
The main problem is the navigation through the site and chat . I really dont know who designed it but it wasnt thought out . Who came up with this idea of all the cams in all the rooms yet no one knows which room anyone is in so you have to trawl through the rooms to find them.. only to find they are now gone Grrr ..
Other than that cams freeze, system lags, no one knows who is on line or not .. because the system tells you they are when they arent ! and sometimes they are when they appear not to be .. its really frustrating
I can see the general idea as something goos but for me it just doesnt work , added to that the very poor number of video uploads each week and obvious dwindling numbers in membership ..or so it seems . Its clear a rethink is needed or even better a return to the old system which worked well enough and i was happy with it .
So people thats my "say" to which I feel I'm entitled to as a paying member of some years .
I dont know how many people are tolerating things or just trying to be nice but I surely cant be the only one suffering this ? If I am then .."I'll get my coat" cancel subscription and wish you all luck
If not then I think people should say what their experiences are on here and if necessary as I said before put it to a vote .
Don't want to sound negative but its really ticking me off tonights as it has all day and previous other days . I will be cancelling my subscription I'm afraid if things dont improve quickly .
Again sorry for being so negative.. I'm a nice chap really lol
Look forward to seeing what everyone else thinks or if we need to put it to a poll?
Still having problems folks!
apart from some of the other bugs reported here
The IM system doesnt show who is online when they are
Desktop chat just doesnt work at all sad
frequently have bad lags in chatoom
and now looks like my "rep" has fallen from 5 to only 1..poor me
so far I really cant say if I'm liking this new chat at all , it's very confusing keeping track of who is where . Can't really see how its an improvement or indeed why it needed changing . The old "if it 'aint broke don't fix it " idea .
Not sure whats going on .. all updates to acrobat etc done.. I am wondering if I delate the entire thing (SH) from my system and run through it all again maybe it might help? Although if it will help can someone tell me how to do it
Any advice? and thanks in advance
I have to say have tried the IM chat for a while and its frankly very very poor ! . It is constantly saying people are on-line when they arent, the status seems to reflect Idle when they are in fact active and vice versa .
If you access someones profile it seems to fragment the chat somehow where one part of the conversation is in one window and the other in the one you were on before .
As I said frankly finding it very ineffective and very irritating , clearly its a sub prog of the main prog but in all fairness the technology that used IRC/ICQ and other stuff from way back was far less advanced then it is now so I'm very surprised this part of Sh is so very poor .
Obvilusly understand the new chat portal is always in development but would suggest that it ( the IM) system is taken down until further developments produce a system with abit more of a confidcence factor or you get rid of it alltogether .
As I said in theory avery simple add on to the main prtal but in reality very ineffective and "glitchy"
Just calling it as I see it folks