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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63


Quote by helnheaven

Oh and Aquilo, that avatar is creepy :scared:

I was just gonna say that :shock: :scared:
Great minds wink
Me?.... Creepy?.... Women don't usually say that to me... until after they've met me!!
Anyhoo.... hope the replacement avatar doesn't creep you out... it's my idea for a Squirrel Trumpet!
I've put the full-size pic here:

Please don't attempt to copy my idea... I have the Patent Pending... so, if I walk into Argos next week and find Squirrel Trumpets© already on sale... Grrr... I'll come lookin' for ya!
Quote by helnheaven
Ok so Im a squirrel murderer, I didnt mean to run over the poor thing, it just happened to jump under my front wheel, mu lud. I was traumatised for months :cry:

Well, I put it to you Ms. Heaven that you did willfully and intentionally drive over said squirrel with the sole purpose of using it's lifeless body as a makeshift woodwind instrument!
Furthermore..... that you did also kill other woodland creatures to create your own 'animal orchestra'...
...may I draw the jury's attention to exhibits A, B and C, recovered from the boot of Ms. Heaven's car....
Exhibit A..... A Tortoise Tambourine
Exhibit B..... A Churchmouse Cello
Exhibit C..... An Otter Oboe
... I rest my case M'Lud!
Quote by helnheaven
Does 'blowing' a squirrel take much practice?? wink

No, you can pick it up as you go along.... but practice is required to catch the bloody things!! lol
I believe that this is the correct way to get a tune out of a dead squirrel (freshly deceased ones play best):
1. Take the squirrel and hold it around the neck with your left hand.
2. Place it's little pointy mouth between your lips (that's face lips ladies... this isn't Amsterdam!)
3. Take it's tail with your right hand and, as you start to blow , elongate the squirrel to varying lengths to attain the musical notes required.
4. Due to the diet of the grey squirrel the first few notes may be a little... er... smelly!
Once experience is achieved, squirrels can be tied together and played in a 'Pan Pipe' configuration.
Apparently, Patrick Moore, the famous astronomer, was an accomplished "Squirrel Stroker".... even able to play the squirrel reversed.
Aq. XxX
Hey Baby...
Happy 75th birthday... who said all that hard living would age you prematurely?!
Enjoy your party tonight... don't forget to take your Pro-Plus!!
Aq XxX
Oh Monty, I'm excited 'cos I really do feel sure...
....that those pelvic muscle squats that I do nightly on the floor,
Are really doing wonders to make my pussy tight...
....'cos you left your watch inside me when you fisted me last night.
The Fine Line Between Love & Shit!
It is the way you make me feel.... It's all that I can be
It happens all the time.... and now it's happening to me
It's never very far away.... It's always very near
It invades my very being when you talk it in my ear
Are you full of it?......
....I'm afraid you are going to stop giving me it?
Do you think you are?....
.....You never do
I want to thank you
Should I say?....
Thankyou..... just for giving me it!
Shit is the way you make me feel.... Shit's all that I can be
Shit happens all the time.... and now shit's happening to me
Shit's never very far away.... Shit's always very near
Shit invades my very being when you say shit in my ear
Are you full of shit?...
...I'm afraid you are!
Going to stop giving me shit?...
Who do you think you are?...
You never do what I want to...
why should I say thankyou just for giving me shit?
Quote by RedHot
Is this in any of the Help docs anywhere?

No it isn't, but using pink and blue colours is an accepted form of denoting male or female in society, so when coupled with the usual form of showing male and female symbols of Venus and Mars, one would think it easy enough to work out dunno
TJ confused
As a new member for the past week I have to disagree partly with the above statement.... It's not that it's hard to work out male from female in the chatrooms, what is difficult to initially understand is the significance of the male/female symbol opposed to the blue/pink crosses.
I have been going on the chatrooms and wondering why I have a cross next to my name instead of a male symbol. I knew why it was a BLUE cross, but I think the use of an X is probably a bad choice as it looks like a slight against your name (at least, to a new member it does!).
It's just taken me 20 mins to find this explanation! Perhaps a note in the chatroom rules may help future members to understand more easily the meaning of the symbols?
Anyhow, thanks for a great site admin guys & girls!