Thanks for the memories of Golden Cups... mmmmmmmmm!
How about:
Bar Six
Olde English Spangles
Barley Sugar Sticks
New Year's Resolutions...
TV programmes that 'involve' the public by letting them part with their hard earned cash to vote for some loser or another to win... it's STILL rigged!
Harry Potter...
Posh & Becks...
On a positive note regarding the disciples of Hip-Hop in my town...
I find them to be very giving people... always willing to leave their windows down whilst driving through the town centre (even when it's sub-zero outside) so everybody can enjoy their fare!
As for Wunderhorse saying "Hip - Hop is like Punk Music in fact they are linked by Rick Rubin. Both styles just piss people off & that's what so great about both styles of music." seems a liitle immature think that music is great because it pisses people off, there are many reasons why music could be called great but... seriously?, 'cos it pisses people off?... and I'm not sure what the point of naming Rick Rubin was?... sure he played in Hose (later Def Jam) but what does that show... other than he had a change of musical direction?
Bottom line is:
You like Jay-Z, Hip-Hop, etc... as the lady on TittyTittyBangBang would say "Good.. For.. You!"
Some people have different tastes... accept it... ya certainly can't change it.
Hope you have a great time at Glastonbury...
Many years ago I had a Suzuki GT750 motorbike and my girlfriend of the time used to love putting her arms around me while out for a run at night (tho the day was occasionally done too)... unzipping AND unbuttoning my pants... and bringing me to orgasm while doing stupid speeds, which was reckless I know but hey.. I was 19!
The Suzuki was an old two-stroke... me too sometimes!
Yo! Yo! I'm here at Glasto...
Tellin' all you hippies 'bout my favourite Ho...
I know you wanna hear about my chrome-plated Benz...
... so how come y'all are splashing in the mud wit' ya friends?
And to all you purist's thinkin' that ain't Hip-Hop.. it's Rap...
I apologise profusely but... they're both fookin' crap!
Hey all...
just thought I'd give an example of what I've been harping on about!...
Below is a generic photograph which has been poorly taken (in terms of composition and exposure mainly)
None of the techniques used to alter the image are 'rocket-science'... especially the ones used to attain the second image, most people with a basic grasp of using windows could achieve those effects within an hour or two of installing the software (of which there are expensive titles like Photoshop, but you can pick up perfectly good freeware... FREE!)
Before sex I'd probably be
Orgasm Addict by The Buzzcocks
during sex I'd say I'm
Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head by Gorillaz
...but after sex I'm probably more
I'm Not The Man I Used To Be by Fine Young Cannibals :cry:
The only thing I miss about being, say, 20... is the stamina I used to have!
I like to be an assertive lover but, since turning 40, I've lost count of the times I've been throwing a sexual partner around the room in a sexual frenzy only to have to reel myself in a little cos I'm out of breath! Not the heavy breathing I'd had in mind...
... but with age comes experience... and there's NO substitute for that!
In no way does it make you bi Djones2008....
That would be like saying - Lesbians who use dildo's on each other must be straight!
I fully agree with Whipsnspurs... if it's legal... if you're curious about it... go for it! If you find it's not for you then, apart from a throbbing bottom, you're no worse off.