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1 month ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Dunblane


Put my name down for the club guys....
Either on my own or with my wife (she'll be out of action for a wee while though)
Quote by chick0074
The question was:
Where are all the Scottish doggers.
My answer:
Er.. in Scotland?

Do I win a prize?
Looks like your humour was lost here Rachel...;-( Not by me though babe!!!
Hi Folks,
Count me in (if I can make it this time). I was supposed to be at the last one but got waylayed close to the last minute.
If I / we can make it we will!!
Quote by well_busty_babe
dont think i know you, so you wont know me! biggrin
lets put that right straight away! wink

Sorry... How ignorant of me. A big HI and Hugs to you WBB!! Lovely to make your aquaintance...
Quote by Marya
pussy is pussy - eat it and shut up! lol

Could be a great title for an album ! rotflmao :rotflmao:
Noted for my new band's first album!!
Well, I hope you will give me some credit for that? And tickets to the gig? And a copy of said album? And....
Duly noted when it happens!!
Check out the dogging section of this site.
Although I've not participated (for the want of trying), in my experience there's a lot of people in the middle of the night in Central Scotland pretending to make calls on their mobiles in secluded car parks....
PM me if you're interested anytime.
Quote by steveg_nw
I've just gone to the sex shop link on the left and did a product search for sybian and found one... wait for it... £1, ... jeeeeezuz!
Back to wedging the vibrator between the sofa cushions then :lol2:

Do I sense a business opportunity?? biggrin
Hmmmm.......two hamsters, a wheel, a gear shift from an old bike, a small washing up liquid bottle and some sticky back plastic should do it. We can knock them out at half the price!! rolleyes
Absolutely brilliant Steve!!! That's my kinda sense of humour..... I assume you were joking? confused
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well, I suppose it has to be said....
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Surfdude365
I've had many opportunities to "go down on a lady" but I am sometimes hesitant when they are not shaved. I don't like the whole hair idea. Is it as bad as I make it out to be? Enlighten me.

What's the problem? You can pleasure and floss at the same time!!!
Quote by Yossarian
pussy is pussy - eat it and shut up! lol

Could be a great title for an album ! rotflmao :rotflmao:
Noted for my new band's first album!!
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
:angel: Hi Bassdude, your rep seems to go before you. Hope you keep posting.
Mrs RSAB2 xxx

His rep goes before, during and after him. I seem to recall he just pops in to cause trouble and then buggers off when we are all fighting.
BUT - we love the little GITar man! :inlove:
x x x x
Awwww, thanx girls.... RSAB2, I don't think we've met so "Hellllewww" (in a classic Leslie Philips way.
Wilma honey, thanx for the welcome back. Don't know if I'll be quite as frequent a visitor due to work commitments but it's nice to be back anyway. Cause trouble? I don't think so... Fred, any comment??
Quote by roger743
Though I'm sorry to admit it, I've been getting my bass fix from elsewhere lately:

But welcome back! :welcome: :cheers: :cheers: coffee

Ahhhhh, you mean "bass" as in the fish, not "bass" as in the instrument!!
OK, from now on, you may know me as Rockdude!!
OK, I've got to admit Roger....
I'm completely lost with your post.... You know a bass playing fish???
I take it, it's got highly developed dorsal fins to pluck those heavy guage strings??
OK, after my temp files being intruded upon at work.....
Hi folks,
Bad news I'm afraid.... I've just found out that we've got a family do on the date of the Scottish Munch!!
Unfortunately, I'll not be able to make it sad I'll be there in spirit though!!
Keep me posted of Scottish Munch 2 - The Sequel (or Cum Again) though!!
Quote by MrFC
Thanks Mark
I would like to add if people feel they cannot be there normal selves knowing I am on here. thenas much as I'd hate it I would leave the site :cry: :cry: As I have already said both me and MrsFC enjoy intercting with you all but I dont want to spoil it for others. :cry:

No way mate!! Your views are clear, concise and welcomed by everyone, I'm sure!!
Thanks for being honest and expressing a view that I personally have held since I found this site. Whether the people on SH are active swingers or speculative, they are without doubt the kind of people I'd like to meet down at the local for a pint!! The friendship shown here is the most important thing in the world!! There's certainly a great warmth shown by all at SH.
Take care.

Quote by KitKat

If I am honest, this is the first time that encouragement and support from others in my quest to kick the weed, has not left me feeling patronised, pissed off and incredibly desperate for a cigarette redface
I think I am one of those who needs to do difficult things quietly, on my own, in my own way wink (This means - everybody just stay out of my orbit for 3 months 8) )

Thanks for this Kit!! This is exactly the way I feel.... This is the first time I've "gone public" on this, and my mate's, forum. I think the reason is that every time I mention it to Mrs Bassdude she goes "Yeah sure...", almost negative support... Mind you, having heard it all so many times before I suppose she's perfectly justified!!
Anyway, best of luck guys (and Sappho, BlueEyes and everyone else who's gonna try)
Take care,
Hi KevnJu,
Welcome to the club!!! Hope you have loadsa fun. There's some great people in here and we're all friendly to a fault.... No, being friendly's not a fault!!
Have fun!!
Hi Northeastmale,
Welcome to the club!!!
Thanks for the very enlightening description of Swinging. I'm really glad you posted this as we're probably all in here wondering the same thing.... wink
Seriously though, there's a great bunch of people in here. Relax, enjoy yourself and make yourself at home....
I'd like to echo the lovely Sappho's comments and thank you for your support. I read your PM just before I drove home yesterday afternoon and it affected me profoundly - so much so that I mowed down 5 pedestrians, 2 cyclist and a sheep!! Only joking.... Seriously though, your PM struck a very serious chord with me and I sincerely thank you.
I too am twitchy about quitting. I went through last Friday without a cigarette and, to be honest, it felt great!! It seemed there were natural endorphins pumping through my system giving me a real buzz!! Then I smoked again after a good few drinks on Saturday.... I think the thing that I'm trying to get over is having a life without cigarettes... I'm 36 now and have smoked a minimum of 20 a day for the past 20 years. Psychologically, I can't remember life before the fags....
Anyway, I went through last Friday without smoking, I'm going to try again tomorrow and try to stick with it...
Cheers again Fred, and EVERYONE who has pledged their support.

Well folks, bad news....
I've just booked a room at the Osbourne for the 17th April so I guess you'll have to suffer my presence....
Maybe Will could bring a fresh quill and roll of parchment, I'll bring my lute and we could compose the McMunch Sonnet together???
Quote by Sappho
Bassdude - I'll be thinking about you. Hold your hand if you like, if you'll do the same for me?

Now there's an offer I CERTAINLY want to take you up on!!! Maybe we could be the two twitchy ones at the Scottish Munch, both with tightly clenched white knuckles???
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Best of luck you two. Been there and done that so know how hard it is. Fred and I have been given up for over 7 years now and although we were not heavy smokers (up to 10 a day) we would never look back.
100% support for you both!!
Hey Bassdude, an emoticon all of your own!!
Sappho darling I could think of many things to occupy your hands!!!
x x x x

Awww, Wilma!!! Thanx a million for the emoticon!!! I just love you to bits and you are now officially the number 1 top banana in the world!!! Looking forward to using my new geetar...
Sappho darling....
You're not going to believe it but, ME TOO!! I'm a regular poster on another forum run by a mate of mine and I put up a similar post. All went well and I quit last Thursday, Friday I did well and quite enjoyed the feeling of being "un-nicotined". Unfortunately I got pretty pissed on red wine and Absynth on Saturday night, bought 10 and haven't been able to completely stop again since....!!
In saying that, maybe the thought that you're going through it too will be an extra wee spur!!!
All the best with it babe!!
Quote by Andy_Wakefield
I didnt get home from work until 8pm and missed out on Nicky and the kids having piles of pancakes... boo hoo...
But Nicky made up for it later by giving me a battering I will never forget. {Ok, bassdude, is that better now, I took the bait. smile)

Close Andy, but no coconut!!! Thanks for keeping this topic out of the gutter though (where I originally sent it!!)
By the way, in regards to your lookalikes.... You look a bit like Fish when he was with Marillion (before he lost his hair!!)
Quote by FredFlintstone
A few days ago I downloaded an old favorite pop video AHA - Take on me. For it's day it was an amazing pop video and even by todays standards it still stands out.
But here is the rub - We have an 8 year old daughter going on teenager who now has this video and Black Eyed Peas - Where is the love on her PC in her bedroom and has asked me to find her some other really awesome videos to have on her computer. (I have to say the lyrics to Where is the Love are some of the most moving ones I have ever heard!)
I need help - can people list some of the most fantastic pop videos and I will go off and have a trawl and try to find some for her to have on her PC.
Over to you guys!

Hey Fred, In terms of taste I'm reluctant to affer advice as it's very personal. I do agree though that Sledgehammer is a stonking video!! Kate Bush - Babooshka does it for me in many ways.... What I'd suggest is have a trawl through your download provider's database - I use KazzaLite and see what's there that she'd be into.
Hi Genuine Edinburgh Couple!!!
Well, you've had the welcome from the refined members of the English contingency (Sappho & Will particularly)....
So welcome from me, the refined Scottish one!!!
All this talk about pancakes, tossing etc....
Not one mention of the batter????
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey Serg!!
That has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time!!!
Thanks a million, you've just helped me get through an otherwise businesslike Friday!!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: