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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
0 miles · New Mills


Free - PLEASE give it another go!

The first time I went to a club I was the same. Lurking in the carpark, smoking too much and getting all panicky. Once I got in and found everyone to be really nice, it was the opening night at Exclusive in Northampton, it felt great. The next time I went I had a really good time and the rest they say is history. Have another go, I promise you'll meet some great people.
So what makes a man look the best - nude, swimming trunks or a thong?

It is a good question though. May be you girls could leave some tips in the advice for single guys thread.
KitKat...I'll send you a pic if you like smile
And as for you, you bad dog.......
there's enough under that helmet for us all
Are you saying I've got a big one? lol
Nice one Blue. I've heard of Partners but never been and I'm gonna be at work most of this weekend anyway. I'm sure we'll meet soon enough though and besides, I haven't got the doggie protection system fitted yet and we don't want to mess up your fur lol
Three is a party and this has been fun...thanks all smile
See Jags, we're not all whingers.....But now we're back on the no biker, don't start rolleyes
How do you get the emoticons to blow a kiss?
Well this is fun..Kit pulling my helmet, Blue making me chew her tail and the whole forum watching. Come on guys, I need help here smile Besides, I don't think the bike is big enough for three-or was that four? I'll have to get one of those sidecar thingies, anyone seen Grommet?
What was this thread suposed to be about?
And one day Blue I'd like to meet you so I can show you that I'm not really a big biker bully wink :wink:
Can't stop yet...I'm nearly there...Pull it harder Kit.....Blue, get your tail out of my mouth...Phew, not sure I can cope with group biking lol
Like your pics too Blue, be nice to see more of you though wink
Would you like a ride? 8)
Kit...It makes me go faster lol
The trouble with that though is it upsets the dogs, makes their fur all frizzy.
Great pics BTW, you look like a fun couple smile may have something there Blue. Little blue dogs in biking-gear :shock: I could take them for a ride wink :wink:
Yes's all mesmile
You mean your not really blue and furry? I'm shocked...Ah well there goes my fantasy lol
Durr.....Thanks Mark..never thought of that. Funny how we miss the obvious. rolleyes
Hi...Might be off topic but how do you add photos. Is it to your profile or is there a photo place I've not found. I've not been a member long so if anyone wants to hold my hand.... wink
Just to say hello to all. I'm a single guy in South Manchester looking for fun. Have said hi to a few on chat and just wanted to say what a great looking site this is. Hope to meet a few of you in the flesh wink
Have fun.