Hi Minx
If needed, I am happy to do the handy holding, etc etc
ya just need to ask
R x
Hiya Minxy
I got yer mail and replied, so hope ya read it.
Yes I'd like to CUM and happy to do a bit on der doooor too
Bristol x
Hiya Minx
Pop me down I'll go xxxxx
Please put me down as a single male for the moment, though may well have a nice female friend with me when the time comes
Hi loo
I intend to get there,
Rob x
Hi Alex
I was recently at Uni too, and its the second year that gets you, you do the first and thats easy, but the second is where you do all the work, the third if you do a sandwich degree like mine is just work, and the final year is mostly dissertation.
As everyone else says, hang on in there, remember the uni system, they really want you to pass and do their best to help you. Try having a word with your personal tutor too, they have experience and can help.
But best advice I can offer, and I did it myself..... Take one day off a week, a total day off from uni work, it refreshes you, and is wonderful, a group of us did this every week, even had days out visiting other places, trust me, it does work
Very best of luck in your course, and I know you'll do well
Rob x