As the owner of an MX5 I can tell you it will give you the best time you can have with your clothes on. Unfortunately getting your clothes off in one is another matter entirely....
Did anyone else see the section on swinging on This Morning a few days ago. They had two couples on, one of whom ran a swinging hotel. Not being a regular daytime viewer I was a bit surprised they had this as a topic on a morning show (then again, anything seems to go on Jeremy Kyle's show), but I thought it was handled in a pretty mature, non-sensationalist way.
I had attached a link to the excerpt but if it doesn't work I'm sure someone on here can help us along.
Edit.... the clip only seems to appear for me if you refresh once you're on the page.
Just tried and keep getting the "There was an error somewhere" screen.
Am using Mozilla Firefox in private browsing mode
Go on, you forced me ....
Popped in there on Monday at about 9 and there was a car full of cops sitting eating their sarnies. I didn't hang around, which was probably their intention!
The place the other side of the park looked promising though but I couldn't stay long enough to see.
But where do you grow the pampas grass on a narrowboat?
Happy Birthday Cocks ..... hope you get everything you want for your special day x
My cam still works ok in Firefox 3 but I can't pull up profiles any more :-(
Any tekkies got any suggestions?
edit sorry, it pulls up the profile as a tab on the main Firfox screen not the chat screen.....I didn't spot it there
Without going into detail, I see the effects of living with and caring for disability every day, and it does irritate the hell out of me when I see this going on. Most times you can tell there's not going to be a badge on the windscreen just by the type of car (maybe a bit of prejudice against boy-racer cars and my-4x4-is-bigger-than-your-4x4's, but I've seen it so many times).
At times like that I have been tempted to leave a message saying
"Want my parking space - want my disabiity?"
But as I get older and grumpier my thoughts turn more to the simpler (in large bold print slapped across the windscreen for all to see)
"I'm not disabled, just pig ignorant!"
Maybe one day I'll have the courage to do it.
From today's Derby Evening Telegraph - has anyone here been tapped on the shoulder mid thrust and been given their free gift?
Workers from Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust have been visiting secluded places across the county where people take part in the practice known as dogging.
But the trust would not tell the Evening Telegraph which areas were being targeted, how much the initiative cost or how workers actually handed out the condoms.
However, the trust did reveal that it was giving out contraceptives on a weekly basis and said it had a duty to protect the dogging participants, the communities in areas where it took place and the sexual health workers who ran the outreach service.
Local councillors have criticised the move ? saying giving out free contraceptives will encourage the behaviour.
John Wardle, Ashover parish councillor, said a picnic spot called ***** in the north of the county and the car park at ***** were known dogging hotspots and he believed they had been targeted by NHS workers.
He said: "I think this is absolutely bonkers and a complete waste of NHS resources.
"These doggers are desecrating our local beauty spots and we are trying desperately to discourage them. I think we should be planting nettles or gorse, not giving them free condoms."
Dogging can involve having sex with different partners and meeting strangers at an agreed outdoor location.
A car park near ***** in Ilkeston is also thought to be a popular spot. Ernest Bevan, councillor for Ilkeston North, criticised the NHS for "wasting money".
He said: "Giving these people condoms will only encourage promiscuous behaviour when really the police ought to be going out to book them."
Derbyshire NHS bosses said they were working with the police and local councils on the initiative.
They said the cost of providing condoms was much less than the cost to the NHS of treating sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and HIV.
Richard Marriott, co-ordinator for sexual health services at Derbyshire PCT, said: "If we didn't undertake such preventative measures the overall cost to the NHS would be much higher, as the average lifetime cost to the NHS of treating a person diagnosed as HIV positive has been estimated at ?150,000."
The trust said it had been handing out free condoms to doggers on a regular basis since the 1980s.
John Evans, Mayor of Darley Dale, has arranged a meeting with the NHS and police after it emerged that sexual health workers were visiting people who had sex in a lay-by in *****, near Darley Dale. He said: "The primary care trust is just trying to stop people getting horrible diseases but this does raise issues of public order, which concerns me."
***** Park in Derby is also a known dogging hotspot but falls under Derby City Primary Care Trust, which says it does not provide free condoms at dogging hotspots.
A spokeswoman for Derbyshire police said: "We had a meeting with Derbyshire PCT about this ? we are not supporting it but we are not against it. It's their initiative.
"Dogging is an arrestable offence under public decency laws and if a member of the public reports an incident we will investigate it."
***** edited to remove specific place names ....not that you'll be able to get anywhere near 'cos of all the DET readers on a night out!
Isit in yet?
Is that it?
Is this one just for the girls, or can I ad my fav ... Jenny Seagrove ... it works on me every time
Has your bum got bigger too? If so it's the cakes not the sex. :idea:
Thank God for periods ..... otherwise you might actually have met that tit and had to deal with him in the flesh
Gladly signed .... but feel so impotent in the face of such callous disregard for humanity
Gladly signed .... but feel so impotent in the face of such callous disregard for humanity