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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 60


Damn, out of town tomorrow, but if you are about on Saturday then please give me a shout.
Rob xxx
What a great idea for a social!! If only I was closer :sad:
Have fun!! xx
Dave - Agree absolutely,one helluva gamble but regardless thats not really the issue & I don't believe that the fact that planning permission is applied for after opening is supposed to affect any decision.
I think the main objection was over increased traffic through the village, now I may be wrong but I don't think they were ever going to be that busy! & most other businesses occupying an industrial unit will create traffic from customers or deliveries. I doubt the presence of the club was even noticed by most locals, other than those who made it their current mission of morality to move it on.
I do hope they have another crack at it elsewhere & would love to pay them a visit but as a single guy I don't tend to visit clubs.

Terrible news!!!
Regardless of your opinion on Swingers Clubs, an industrial estate basically in the middle of knowwhere has to be the perfect location for one! I wonder what the real reason they were closed down was?!
I'm not a member, nor have I ever been to Club Tease but I find this persecution of an essentially harmless lifestyle disgusting!!
Good luck to the owners in their search (assuming they aren't quitting) for a new venue!!
If they are reading this how about one of the industrial estates on the Ely bypass or Littleport area, they certainly couldn't argue the traffic issue again!!
Yup lots of naturism in Lanzarote, try Charco del Palo in the North, very little going on (except gay) ; mind you I'll be there, so look out for me ;-)
Rob xx
We just had a day at Erotica which to be honest although fun was a bit of a disappointment on previous years. OK I know credit crisis & all that but even so, there seemed to be significantly fewer exhibitors than in previous years - the balcony area was totally empty & we felt far fewer stalls on the ground floor. Stage show wasn't a patch on previous years either.
Mind you Sunday on the door price for a couple was still £50 !! so not smaller in that department!!
Anyone else been this year & agree or disagree?
(Mods edit, I've removed your av as that type of av is not allowed on this site)
Why should the Interest rate be cut? this penalises those who have saved & gone without so they can have a good future/retirement from their savings without living off the state.
It benefits those both businesses & private individuals who have spent more than they should & have been reckless with someone elses (Banks) money overextending themselves into big houses and unfeasable business loans.
Ducking behind sofa biggrin
Hi all,
Unfortunately something has come up & we wont be able to make Erotica on the Saturday this year, however could possibly do either Friday or Sunday.
Best thing about Erotica for us is the people watching so we like it busy, which would be the best of the two days to go for us??
Thanks for any advice.
Just been listening to Kenny - The Bump !! That will be in my head all day!
Yup & Gary Glitter is great to, one of the best live acts I ever saw, a bad man yes but love the tunes. Ashamed to admit if he ever did a come back, I would be first in line; dont have to like what he did to enjoy his stage persona.
We made "bolt bombs" out of swan vesta heads, a nut & two bolts, seriously powerful! Stupid yes & a weeks detention was what I got; imagine what would happen now!!
Not saying the detention worked particulary but never had the urge to do it since.
Our first Erotica & loved it, despite the lady on swinging heaven stand not letting me in the Hot Tub - not warmed up apparently!! As it was Saturday pm & our tub warms up outside in 24 hours I reckon she just didnt want me getting my kit off :shock: Fair Enough I suppose.
Only complaint I would make would be the cost @ £25 a ticket, so after a train/tube ticket each (only an hour away) & entry we had alread spent over a hundred quid, now for us thats not a huge problem but might put off a lot of potential visitors & I guess the traders who are presumably paying big bucks for floor space would rather we had more in our pockets to spend. Off to the NEC motorcycle show tommorow at only £15 each to get in (busy weekend for us)
Hightlights were Becky & Donovan, people watching from the coffe shop & the chocolate fountain mmmm!!!
Will be back next year.
We liked it, didnt think it was that tight but the thing snapped half way through causing more than a little discomfort!!
What exactly have you got against Africa?
lol lol lol
No dont worry its ok, I read a copy of Watchtower (Jehovas Witnesses) that was left in my shop once & they very thoughtfully answered that question. Apparently they are suffering so that they can be rewarded in paradise - no I didnt get it either really but basically the suffering is a good thing, they should be grateful.
Love your definition of working!! lol
I just did 14 hours at work & came home to sit in the hot tub; perhaps I shouldnt have clocked off at work.
We still havent been to Erotica but keep threatening to make the effort.
What sort of crowd is it? both the wife & I want to go but she is worried about the mix, is it mostly single guys or is there a good lot of couples to?
How much a ticket!!!! so two tickets, drinks, a meal out; thats one expensive night out!! Not knocking the music but what happened to the days when our paper round money could take us to see a good band. OK so I'm old!
Yup I would have done the same, make some stuff up - a la Boris Johnson. Got to love him biggrin
Why are those 15 year old Mormon "missionary's" that the Americans send to save us poor natives always wearing badges saying "Elder". Or am I just really old??
Personally I cant possibly beleive in a God that loves us all, but if it keeps em happy then thats fine as long as they dont try to push it on me; but then isnt that what religeon is about? It's just a big chain letter, send it on & convert a few people or your privates with go blue & fall off. Ok maybe they wont, but you will burn in hell when you die.
splendid - many thanks for that, will be showing her your post, very encouraging.
Kiss - Yes of course she feels like that and I guess you hit the nail on the head, her big worry is someone acting shocked. I tend to think most ppl wouldnt really give a monkey's, most ppl arent like that & they would of course have been be forewarned. I dont think she would ever be ready to approach total strangers in a club, it would be more likely casual evenings in our hot tub.
Hi all,
A question for you
My wife is very keen to get involved in the swinging scene however doesnt feel that it would be acceptable to other people because of her surgery scars.
Several years ago she had a mastectomy without reconstruction & only has one breast (its a loverly one though)
Personally I'm proud as hell of her, she had a bad couple of years but came through it amazingly! Would love her to come play but understand her feelings.
Anyone care to comment on how they would feel about meeting someone with mastectomy scars?
I personally dont think it would make a difference to most ppl for a cpl on cpl meet but she thinks no one would be interested in us.
Cheers, Rob
Will we be the only people there on Sunday?
Never been before so thought we would take a look-see, hoping that there will be a good mixture of male/female rather than just single guys; nothing against singles but the wife gets nervy anywhere that there isnt a good mix.
So are all the fun couples and ladies in Peterborough? I gues us lot who live around Cambridge are just plain boring sad Only kidding I know there must be some playful people around here somewhere.
Out of interest though, why are there so many more guys up for some fun than there are ladies, or does it just seem that way?
So am I the only one in the Cambridge are who likes to fool around? How about anyone else in our area introducing themselves, perhaps we can get together for a natter sometime?
I'm Jon, a married guy on the Cambs/Norfolk border who is looking for new friends, preferably people as pervy as myself wink to swap emails with & meet up for a laugh from time to time.
Last time I went to Holkham there was plenty of action but only gay sad
Gross!! not had much experience of dogging action myself but cant beleive that any guys or for that matter ladies would ever turn up less than squeeky clean! maybe its a compulsive disorder but I'm forever washing my bits, wont even let the wife go there until I've showered.
So reading between the lines, if only I could find that elusive couple who want a single guy Id be at least perfect in the one department wink
So there is a special Dogging uniform!! Doh! that must be where I have been going wrong lol