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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54
0 miles · Huddersfield


The problem with Police involvement with Dogging activities and Sexual issues in general is a very wide reaching one. The Police are the guardians of society. Whilst they have very limited resources their role and responsibilities are immense. They are legally bound to 'stick their nose in' to most people's business whether they like it or not and I am sure they agree they don't want to have to spend time trying to catch us lot out. After all, how many of you have actually ever been prosecuted for your dogging activity, even if you were caught by the police. There may be 1 or 2 but its very rare and yet people are caught all the time, and whats more, that risk is all part of the thrill.
The problem with dogging, as you are all aware, is that a little extra activity in 1 area brings in the young lads trying to cop an eyeful, it brings in the eternal optimist, trying to cop an eyeful and there are some more unscrupulous types that leave condoms strewn across the area for Mrs Miggins and her dog / child / grandchild to find the next day. Of course the Police receive complaints and of course they have to be seen to do something about it.
By taking everybody's number plate and publishing that fact, they are reaching a massive audience. They reach the few people that were there, they won't go again will they?? They reach everybody who reads about it on the various forums, they'll think twice eh?? And they'll reach Mrs Miggins and co who are not happy with the aftermath of the night before. Lots of publicity, lots of recognition for 1 well placed police car and 1 local newspaper interview. There may be letters sent to registered keepers of the cars whose numbers were taken stating that they were seen there and maybe explaining why the police were involved. It is highly unlikely that each and every 1 of them will receive a personal visit. I'd wager not a single personal visit will take place.
The moral of all this is quite simple. There are people who don't want our activities on their doorstep, they don't want to clean up the mess and they don't want the increased 'boy racer' and voyeur traffic. They will always be there and are entitled to their say, the Police will always have to respond in some way or other to their complaints. (The offence by the way is outraging public decency)
The solution is very simple. Arrange your meets on here or other forums, clubs etc. Try looking for other places, out of the way, not advertised anywhere and clean up after yourselves. What the locals don't know, they can't complain about.
Now, who wants a shag....
I'm from over the hills in sunny Yorkshire but I'm thinking of going to Xanadus in Manchester on Saturday. Its the first time I've been there so any thoughts would be welcome. Anybody want to meet there let me know.
Yes, I'm a single bloke PLEASE READ ON. From Yorkshire PLEASE READ ON...I'm looking for a north based couple / woman to show me the ropes. I know Yorkshire isn't the hottest of areas but surely theres a few couples out there that want to give a show and / or piece of the action to a single, reasonable good looking bloke. (No, I'm not desparately looking for a shag but I just can't seem to break into this scene)
If you're still looking, I fit the bill, 31 yrs, med build. Drop me a message and we'll chat some.