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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 36


...that people always feel the need to spread rumours,no matter who you are,who its about, or who you might hurt in the process..... :fuckinghell:
it drives me nutty!!! just got in from a very nice out with friends, a mates bday from work....only to be told before the night is out that im apparently a stalker,and to hear a rumour has been going around work about me and another colleague.... :cry:
just wondering why people feel the need to gossip, and what makes them feel so good about talking about someone elses personal life????
given the recent events...and i had actually forgotten the song existed rolleyes
the michael jackson one that goes "you are not alone.........." but for the life of me cant remember what its called :shock:
definitely the eye biggrin
and camden is great aswell... A few good bars there, and of course the market!!
could go to the dungeons.... or take a trip along the river .... :D
tom dick or harry ..... biggrin
or you could go a little harry potter and call him crookshanks... or even hedwig rolleyes
for the comedy effect -
time to say goodbye...
or I've had the time of my life from dirty dancing biggrin
but reality... i have no idea really... my favourite song at the time... which right now is this afternoonby nickelback, or i hope you dance by Lee Ann Womack
depends on the mood....
x-men trilogy.... if im in the mood for a set of films
if im in a feel good chick flick kinda night then mamma mia, dirty dancing and ghost....
if its comedy/other stuff im after then con air, longest yard and blue crush
mmmm i think id be tinkerbell....and i'd use my magic fairy dust on whoever took my fancy ;)
secs.... im an ambling armadillo rolleyes
oooh ...still an ambling armadillo though
love....cos im hoping the sex would come with the love.... silly
moneys not important as long as you have enough to get by
at the moment mine would be one of the following 3 nickelback songs...
gotta be somebody
this afternoon
never gonna be alone
going surfing up at westward ho! and catching a good few waves biggrin
having a thought about an event a few weeks back.... wink
oh and knowing that i get to see my mum on saturday (yeh im a mummys girl at heart!)
yes...definitely feel happier and more horny.... lol
also find that i eat less...but more ice cream....and drink alot more alcohol redface
heh,....knowing that someone is coming back off holiday biggrin and im gonna get dirty txts once more :happy:
i eiither wear givenchy very irresistble.... biggrin or ghost anticipation :D
although sometimes wear the deep night from ghost or diesel occasionally smile
Hey ..
well im new to a helping hand in the right direction would be great wink
anyway a bit about me... im 20, female, bi, just looking to have alot of fun and hopefully make some new friends along the way...