Being "In Love" and "Loving" someone are different things.
When your In Love, you cant think straight and your heart races when you see that person.. you just cant get them out of your mind. Its a type of Insanity... although a nice kind ;)
When you Love someone; then their happiness is as important, if not more so, than your own. You may not think of them every waking minute, as in the first definition, but you do think on how they will feel in decisions you make that will affect them; your always there for them, and it feels good to be with them.
Why thankyou, im sure i will.
It's nice to hang out with people that accept others for who they are ;)
Ive replied in a couple of topics and realised I havent actually said Hi...
I'm new to this, however you all seem a nice bunch, so if you dont mind...
I'd like to hang out for a while and go with the flow ;)