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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 54
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Hi,  when wr began swinging we started at a club, startrd slowly, played with another couple and the odd single guy. We got to know people well and knew who we were comfortable with over time. My wife had always wanyed to try mmf, mmmf mmmmf etc and by getting to know guys at the club was how we chose guys for ouwhen we were ready to try a gangbang.

photographing fungus!! i have no idea why, i just like photographing fungi. dunno
Well ive had a really good night tonight, such great memories, some old school banter and seen some old friends ive not spoken to for ages.
Im going to sign off now as im working early tomorrow.
So good night everyone, and a special good night to my much loved and greatly missed friend Neil
You`ll be in my heart always, sleep well my friend kiss.
Quote by bluexxx
Horny Red?
If so.... Good luck, mate. Good luck.
lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Angel Chat
Haha see my post before yours! :rude:duel

Bugger, didnt notice the small bit confused??:
Quote by Angel Chat

so then we had to listen to hornyred whinging :

Welcome to my world, i have to listen to it every day of my miserable existence i laughingly call a life rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I've missed you DibDob! (I still have your card thing too)
Well when i see you next week you can hand it back to me cant you :-D:thumbup:
Quote by Angel Chat

so then we had to listen to hornyred whinging :

Welcome to my world, i have to listen to it every day of my miserable existence i laughingly call a life rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I've missed you DibDob! (I still have your card thing too)
And ive missed you too Donna chat, and im glad its you who has my card thingy wink
Quote by Angel Chat
so then we had to listen to hornyred whinging :

Welcome to my world, i have to listen to it every day of my miserable existence i laughingly call a life rolleyes
Hornyreds just reminded me....on the sunday morning, all nursing hangovers, kit n kat (more kat actually) crept up behind me and emptied a cooler box of iced water over my head :eeek: one by one i felt my all my major organs shutting down and my body went into shock neutral but most alarmingly, my dick vanished inside of me :eeek: ..for two hours :neutral: even after a day it still looked like a small stack of buttons!! :uhoh:
Quote by Andrew_2013
I think it was Utopia Dino. I didn't go to that one, but I always wanted to

Thats the place...and ive just been fact well and truly told by hornyred that the club visit was her birthday :neutral: and now im in trouble coz i didnt remember rolleyes
I'll take you to utopia Dino... and back again smile
BIoke :)
My goodness me :shock:, is that really you? Bloke aka Andrew 2013?? how the god damn hell are ya kiss .. youve been promising/threatening to take me to utopia for years ;-) ...empty promises :roll:
Quote by Angel Chat
I think it was Utopia Dino. I didn't go to that one, but I always wanted to

Thats the place...and ive just been fact well and truly told by hornyred that the club visit was her birthday :neutral: and now im in trouble coz i didnt remember rolleyes
I remember when quite a few of us did a club visit to that club near Stoke, cant remember the name but it had a swimming pool an everythin, i remember freckledbird crappin herself before we went in as it was her first club visit :scaredsadsorry frecks but you were)anyway, shed only been in the place about 5 mins and she was avin the time of her life, like she was a hardened club regular. :cheers::bounce:passionkiss:thumbup:
What was that club called?? and what was the occasion ??
Quote by little gem
Anyhow these are the latest in air circulatory sock technology, they allow the feet to breathe during this hot spell were having, brilliant eh! wink

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Those new fangled air conditioned technology looks top of the range Dino. They even come in a Jaguar style silver shadow type shade for that added bit of swish and class.
Yes Gem, theirs some fancy science and technology gone in to building these babies :lickface:
vorsprug sock technik as they say in primark :wink:
Getting back to our hotel after a munch(cant remember where)and the hotel lobby was full of smurfs... no idea where they came from dunno
Quote by Mrs_Couplefunuk
Didn't we tie him to a chair and set fire to him at one camp? Or was that Roger? Hahahaha

That was deffo Roger, i remember catching timmy and hornyred building a fire of wood and kindling under his chair as he slept. neutral
Quote by MikeC
dino thats an awful lot of red on you.....have you converted to us rags

NO!!! lol
Oh my goodness me....this thread is the stuff of forum legends ,,i absolutely loved this thread...:thumbup:
Quote by little gem
:giggle: Oh, poor Postie.
Remember when he fell asleep early on a hotel room floor after a munch and he ended up with a full face of make-up and marker pen? lol
Postie's stool... wasn't it hijacked at camp and then posted around the country?

I do..i spent ages painting his face to look like a baboons arse rotflmao:rotflmao:
ive got some pics from that munch...Wakefield Halloween much..i went as a mushroom ;)
We only went to one, the last one i think...we had to go to at least one as we`d heared so much about the other parties...legendary wink
Its like when someone says "oh i was at live aid" or summat...and i always want to say "well i went to one of blues parties" they were that legendary on here :wink: lol
Quote by Dino
Merged it for you Dino kiss
Ive looked but i cant find the davej`s avatar thread dunno
Quote by MikeC
we tied him to that stool using his own shoe laces after he`d fallen asleep in it pissed lol Tim then woke him up and told him to go get in his tent...the funniest thing ive seen as he tried to get up, tried walking but couldnt understand what was going on and why he couldnt walk priceless rotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao:

dino,.....we done a similar thing at tattys to him smile))))
:grin::grin: its not fair is it,,,we shouldnt really..hes such an easy target :grin::grin::rotflmao:
we tied him to that stool using his own shoe laces after he`d fallen asleep in it pissed lol Tim then woke him up and told him to go get in his tent...the funniest thing ive seen as he tried to get up, tried walking but couldnt understand what was going on and why he couldnt walk..... priceless rotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao:
I dont remember it goin on for that long...85 pages :shock:
Quote by MikeC
Does anyone else feel really weird being back here? blink
best make mine a large one, for dutch courage more than drink of choice this eve! This place used to be my home...
:cheers: absent friends

dark i always have a large one for you smile lol
Well its good to see some things havent changed after all these years....
Your one liners are still as cheesey as they ever where mike wink :lol: :lol:
Anyhow these are the latest in air circulatory sock technology, they allow the feet to breathe during this hot spell were having, brilliant eh! wink
Quote by MikeC
blue can you iron my white ones smile

In a word.... No...
The last time I tried to iron something (a shirt), I ended up burning the shirt to the carpet. The shirt was pretty ruined and the iron had bits of carpet stuck to it.
Never turned my iron on since. And I have now moved house to a place without burned carpet a new meaning to carpet burn :)
Ay blue, you know that thing in the cupboard that you thought was a padded surf board....well its not, its an ironing board ...saves meltin yer shirt to the carpet and yer carpet to the iron... wink
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Im still struggling to come to terms with this and its taken me till now to be able to write something without turning into a blubbering mess.
Neil was my friend, a fantastically unique, funny, smart, witty and trusted friend....the best of the best.
I will miss our chats, putting the world to rights, swapping music recommendations, chattin shit, being daft and basically acting like a couple of sixteen year olds.
I remember one particular night when we were both a bit worse for wear (smashed off our faces would be more accurate) you gave me one of your deep and meaningful quotes .
Ive never forgot it mate, in fact its on my facebook favourite quotes thingy and has been for a few years now.
As we were smashed at the time i dont think i remember it word for word but its pretty close, and reading it again kinda sums you up and how i will best remember you fella....

"Its your life. so do with it what you choose, when you choose to do it, with who ever or what ever you choose to do it with.
Never worry about flying in the face of convention, going against the grain of what society requires or expects of you, and be proud to tell them so .
Never care what others may think, your life choices have nothing to do with anyone else, its their problem to overcome, not yours to justify.
So live your life how you want to live it.......but always be mindful of one thing .....
Harm no one......which may sound easy, but may be the hardest of things to do!!"
We were due to meet up soon for a gig at Jodrell Bank, i cant think of a more "other worldly" place to see Sigur Ros than at a giant space telescope that listens to stars, galaxies, the universe and the heavens.
I know youll be there mate, prolly flickin the V`s at me coz youve got the best seat in the house sat a`top of that big dish thingy, boppin away an avin a right ole time.
I will miss you my friend,
Love you always,
Dino xxx

I can see the two of you. slumped in a corner somewhere, giggling like a couple of 12 year old girls at a sleepover lol
Jeez meaty, thats just how it was....where you there? :lol: