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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 68
Straight Male, 58
0 miles · Surrey


Now it's the blokes turn to say 'size doesn't matter, it's how you use it'. I have yet to be invited to a munch. In fact I'm not even sure I know what one is. But it would be your charisma that would get my attention, nature would do the rest.
I would hope I speak for many normal blokes.
Have fun
I'm new here . . .
Maybe he's playing Sardines and is waiting for you to find and join him...just a thought
Quote by Joanne-ish
Ok hows about i just dont get any anyway so i dont use a condom for that reason

Pity I'm not in your part of the world or I would have happily auditioned, although trying to wear four pairs of wellington boots at the same time could be an interesting challenge.
Have fun
ooooh no, don't get me wrong. This is long before I've cum.
Yes like you I always hang on to it while withdrawing. Though on one occasion the sex seemed rather better than expected, sad comment really. On withdrawing and hanging onto the condom I noticed that the end (of the condom) was split wide open. I was honest and owned up the the event. Difficult to deny I suppose lol
I have yet to work out which is better. If you're intact, complete, uncut....still got your foreskin, is it better to pull it back before donning the sleeve of rubber or leave it forwards and suffer the back and forth movement pulling the condom off.
I can safely admit to losing the odd condom and having fun retrieving it. And before you post comments suggesting a lack of dimension, I am of adequate size if not slightly above average....or so I'm told lol.
Having fun
Anyone up for daytime meets for more than just a couple of peeps? They always say sex in the afternoon is the best, just don't ask me who 'they' are.
I know the blokes like me would all say yes, how about the women here?
Quote by fem_4_taboo
hi wbb, and everyone else whos commented.
i understand where your comming from, ive met men of different ages and some are very mature and responsible, i may be a great f**k but im sure they dont want it to be their last or cost their life.
one guy wondered why i wanted him to use a condom as he said hed had the snip rolleyes yes and...... pregnancy last 9 mths and results in a life , not the end of yours.
another occassion a guy didnt want to use on insisting he knew he was safe , i then put it to him ahhh but how did he know i was.... lol needless to say that made him shrivvel so sex wasnt even a option pmsl.
always use a condom, sex is great fun but not worth your life.

Can't argue with that.
Have fun
From the mans point of view using a condom is "like sex in wellington boots". It naturally takes longer to cum as the sensation is dramatically reduced, there are other very effective methods of delay.
Saying all that, safe sex is important although I'm guilty as much as many men are in letting those best intentions out the window when things get heated. Just hope it isn't the used condoms going out the window. I do hope that those men, like me, take a great deal of care in their sexual health which includes the occasional visit to a doctor just to make sure.
I can't wait for the day that someone comes up with an alternative to the wellington boot.
Have fun all