Quote by The Prisoner
My illiterate friend, I'm afraid the old 'shoot through the rope trick' was a staple in many spaghetti westerns. I wonder if the scriptwriters actually tried this feat? I , of course,accompished it when I was 'Danger Man', but then, I am rather suave and smooth and dangerous! You too are dangerous, that is true, but I feel bacterial contamination is not in the same league as marksmanship.
Don't forget, the old churchyard-when the guitar music reaches a crescendo and Clint Eastwood narrows his eyes so much that his eyelids invert!
No. 6 (Patrick)
Quote by The Prisoner
I feel it is rather more appropriate than a sweaty sombrero and bad teeth, as worn by another 'gentleman' that has appeared here. I would remind him that in 'Hang 'em High' he relied upon sharpshooting Mr Eastwood to shoot the gallows rope through and save him; Mr Eastwood is, like me, a proper actor, and I suggest he takes care lest I persuade our Clint to miss!!
No 6 (Patrick)
Quote by MrsFC
Do you fancy some bubbly now? Clare would you like some bubbly as well, as for the other female she is somewhat strangeIs it fancy dress tonight?
Miss Eliza would you like a glass of champagne.
Quote by The Prisoner
Mr Wallach,
You may recall that I was once in an episode of 'The Prisoner' called 'Do not Forsake Me', which had a 'Western' theme (a genre I am very fond of...as I have said before??). I don't think you are treating these good ladies with respect. and need to be taught how we British deal with thugs.
Meet me at The Old Churchyard, with your friend from 'Rawhide', and we will have a 'shoot out ' to the chimes of an old fob watch. Please ensure this is not a Virgin Trains watch, or else we could be there an awfully long time.
And please do not insult Miss Bennett again or I may be forced to give you one of my long., moody, 1960's matinee stares..
Until later
No. 6 (Patrick)
Quote by miss whiplash
And I hope where you are going hunny, you have been eating lots of hot chilli's and got a hot tongue???