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Over 90 days ago


That'sa OK a thena. Hey matey ain'ta you gotta the sombreros the a wrong a way 'rounda ? Tell a you what - i shoota one of thema offa and we seea eh?
Quote by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo

Heya! I justa seena your beeg arsa pointin' ata meeea. You bea careful I gooda at a heeeitinga a beeg arsa lika thata!! I dona cara how manya Tuttas tuuttas come out of eeet.
Quote by Eliza Doolittle
Ello Sean.
its a nice ta see ya in ere wink

Hiya Seana :welcome: . Hey a Eliza - you a forgeta youself eh???
Quote by Cyrano de Bergerac
Modest? You fear to see my naked blade? ((( oooerr missus )))

Now I recognisa thata Oooera Meeesusa from somewherea.........???????
You be carefulla or I shoota you - Eh?!!!
lolly :welcome: I really don't think you'll have much trouble around here - if you stick around. good luck.
Quote by CopsandNobbers
Meh'hico in Europe ?hmmm..... need to resit my Geography GCSE redface surprisedops: ... lol

Eeet cana be arranged heh! You doubt me heh?
Two veg ? I seea only a pea a and a sprouta and no meata whatsoevera! Besidesa you don't wanna put thata sombrero anywaherea nera youra tackle mate!
Ha! I gotta youa there. I deedna say Groucho was a Montmerency I saya One wasa. Prove mea wrong Or I blow youra head offa!
Quote by The Prisoner
My illiterate friend, I'm afraid the old 'shoot through the rope trick' was a staple in many spaghetti westerns. I wonder if the scriptwriters actually tried this feat? I , of course,accompished it when I was 'Danger Man', but then, I am rather suave and smooth and dangerous! You too are dangerous, that is true, but I feel bacterial contamination is not in the same league as marksmanship.
Don't forget, the old churchyard-when the guitar music reaches a crescendo and Clint Eastwood narrows his eyes so much that his eyelids invert!
No. 6 (Patrick)

Heh! Heh! - Lotta longa words here - look everybodya these a words sometimesa maka you choke anda your eyes a water - then thee marksman - he no gooda een facta heeesa crappa - that's a why he alwaysa Prisoner heh? Me I'ma free man. I'm a Ugly free mana!!
Quote by The Prisoner
I feel it is rather more appropriate than a sweaty sombrero and bad teeth, as worn by another 'gentleman' that has appeared here. I would remind him that in 'Hang 'em High' he relied upon sharpshooting Mr Eastwood to shoot the gallows rope through and save him; Mr Eastwood is, like me, a proper actor, and I suggest he takes care lest I persuade our Clint to miss!!
No 6 (Patrick)

Heh! Heh! A proper actor eh??? Your Eeengleeesh Phlegma maka mee seek. Anyway eeet was the Gooda, Bada and the Ugly where my old frienda shoota the ropa. Geeez no wondera Mexico rula the world!!
Lucretia or Grouch
Neither's a slouch
I think I can sensei
One is Montemerency
All said in a hideous Mexican accent of course.
Ice Pie's got alot to answer for herea!
Quote by MrsFC
Do you fancy some bubbly now? Clare would you like some bubbly as well, as for the other female she is somewhat strange confused Is it fancy dress tonight?
Miss Eliza would you like a glass of champagne.

Whaaat's alla thees witha bubbly and alla thata crappa. You get tha wheeesky over here PRONTO :!: :!: :!:
Quote by The Prisoner
Mr Wallach,
You may recall that I was once in an episode of 'The Prisoner' called 'Do not Forsake Me', which had a 'Western' theme (a genre I am very fond I have said before??). I don't think you are treating these good ladies with respect. and need to be taught how we British deal with thugs.
Meet me at The Old Churchyard, with your friend from 'Rawhide', and we will have a 'shoot out ' to the chimes of an old fob watch. Please ensure this is not a Virgin Trains watch, or else we could be there an awfully long time.
And please do not insult Miss Bennett again or I may be forced to give you one of my long., moody, 1960's matinee stares..
Until later
No. 6 (Patrick)

Ha! You thinka your Eeenglish smootha charm ees gonna blow me away Heh?
I speet on youra smooth Eeeeeeengleeeesh charm (actually if you'd seene the film I'd peeesss on it. I ama verya respectaful ofa Meess Bennetta - she of coursa don'ta know who the hella you are ('cos your stuck in Porthmadog in 1964 mate Ha!)
Thees ees the mark of Ugly :!:
Quote by MrsFC
Oi Ugly!!!!! wheesky coming up..... whooosh!!!! as the glass slides down the bar. catch!!!!!!

<< Wheeeeesh - snap >> Thanksa baby - you knowa you're a reala doll!
Righta where'sa my bowl o' Chilli?
Quote by miss whiplash
And I hope where you are going hunny, you have been eating lots of hot chilli's and got a hot tongue???

Heya Mees Bennetta - youra leetle seester ain'ta calleda mees wheeplash eh? Eef so I mighta staya after Meester Weekham's been senta packinga. << Busy stuffing hot chilies in his mouth >>
Meesa Bennetta - where isa youra leetle seester. I wanta to go and sava her froma the eeveel Meester Weekham soa we cana get it ona Heh?
Quote by miss whiplash
Perhaps eli needs some correction....?
I bet I can cure your stammer hunny?

Thees ain'ta noa stammer - thees ees authentica mexican accenta (least that's what it said on the bluddy bottle!)
Quote by Elizabeth Bennett
My My Mr Darcy - I do fear that there must be toxic waste in that lake - you had best not swim there again!

Huh? Whata laka Heh? I coma froma Derbyshire een the meedle ofa Mexico - there ain'ta no laka there Ha!
What'sa Toxica ?
Whatsa alla thees weemin doin' here. Oi wencha! Wheesky overa here - queek!
(Boy these chaps are chafing I'd say!)
Wow - who ees thees Meesa Bennetta Huh? A leetle beet haughty donna you thinka heh? (Buggrit - always fancied Doris Day really!)
My nama isa Eli. Eli Darcy. I played Pride weeth a leeetle beet of Prejudice ina the Magnificent Seven - Huh beleeva me? Huh?