Quote by Steve
Commonwealth Games ?
I'm with Usain Bolt ;-)
wb Steve :thumbup:
Quote by Katniss
Cubes you are so gonna have to give me some lessons on how to post pics in the forum, i still cant get the hang of it
But :clap: on your crush, i fancied that burd a bit as well :rascal:
Quote by deancannock
Toots.....take a look and read again...I said anyone of any political colour or party that is found guilty of a cover up should be condemned, and face the full action of the law. Yes that includes Blair...yes I have said Blair has a lot to answer for in the Iraq war. I say that because we wait till the papers are released of cabinet meetings, to see what information he was given. At the time I myself and indeed other parties were in favour of the action based on the information we were given !!! Now IF...notice that word IF again....it is found to be true that Blair had other information that would indicate no weapons of mass destruction were there, then he should face the courts and any action that would result from that. However this is once again trying to create a smoke screen and divert attention. Maybe start a new thread if you wish to discuss the Iraq war. However I would ask you to answer my question as posed 3 times to you. If it is shown that Mrs Thatcher did cover up Abuse, by her cabinet members, then will you condemn her, and change your view that she was this all wonderful leader !! Or maybe its you that in denial.
GNV.....Saville has had his name removed from the honours list that he received. His name will not appear in any official list. Not sure if you consider this stripping him of his title or not...but it does show some action can be taken evn if people are deceased.
Max...Mrs Thatcher can't be taken to court.....but as above neither was Jimmy Saville....but surely you not going to try and defend his innocence !! And the link I gace was from The Mirror....but if you care to google it...every newspaper reported it....as did the BBC and reuters....so not an isolated case....if there wasn't a case to answer, why is Teresa May setting up an enquiry !!
Also you throw up the name of John Peel.....I have no idea about that....but whatever....two wrongs do not make a right.... !!!
Quote by sanssouci
had his honours stripped etc.
Quote by Max777
Maybe more importantly......you could always tell us what your view would be if Mrs Thatcher is found guilty.......I answer quite clear with my questions....But it seems others don't want to answer that !!!!
Quote by deancannock
I admired Jimmy Saville and his dedication to help those less well off than himself and help the children in the hospitals he visited, the marathons he ran for charity, I would have felt honoured to have him come to my home.
Of course I did not know then what I know now, I am sure there are many people who felt the same as me before it became public knowledge about his evil habits, I think anyone who did know and it can be proved they knew but protected him should be charged with aiding and abetting but a lot of people who did not know will be as appalled as the rest of us and regret inviting him to political and social events.
Quote by Max777
Dean, I'm sure that the whole forum will agree with you regarding the sexual abuse of children. Where the difference lies, is that you have admitted that because of your hatred for Thatcher, you want the allegations to be true, whereas more fair minded folk are inclined to wait and see if there is any truth in the allegations before condemning.
Quote by deancannock
and while Rome burns... Nero fiddles
Shocking revelations today - again - about the appalling mistreatment of vulnerable elderly people in care homes including video evidence from a hidden camera in one old lady's room being physically and roughly manhandled by 'carers'.
Still, that doesn't count does it. Sod 'em. Must chase the dream of discrediting MT with historical abuse claims.
What is wrong with you people?
Quote by deancannock
Openly condemned anyone that know anything about abuse and did nothing.
Quote by dean
Openly condemned anyone that know anything about abuse and did nothing.
Quote by deancannock
I'm a realist dean. I only deal in fact. There is nothing to condemn.
It's not a simple enough question and well you know it.
Demanding that people answer hypothetical questions in respect of which people can lie through their back teeth (for their own nefarious purposes) knowing full well that they cannot be challenged by the person against whom such accusations are levelled smacks of a communist totalitarian state.
I do not, in any circumstances, subscribe to or play mind games with people on that basis, nor waste valuable time awake chasing (other people's) pipe dreams.
Quote by dean
and there is no excuse for anyone that stands by and allows it to happen.
Quote by suede-head
Jesus ... can't believe the "arguments" here trying to deflect away from the original question.
If She knew ... and of course I think she knew, her Premiership was one based on a dictatorial nature where she worked tirelessly, then of course she should be found guilty of guilt by association.
To hide something of this magnitude, or turn a blind eye to it for fear of how it would look adds to the crime.
I feel just like the BBC both Thatcher and other politicians knew of these rumours and didn't give a rats arse about the victims ... and as said Power does funny things
I look forward to the lies coming out and history judging Thatcher for what she did both good and bad and hopefully some kind of justice being delivered to the victims if it is proved that my hunch is found to be true
Quote by deancannock
Tom Watson is a tireless campaigner.....he fought against many obstacles put in his way, for the enquiry into telephone hacking.
You may not like his politics.....but you can fault his effort and commitment to the truth.
I have simply asked what people will think IF..and as I keep saying only an IF at this time...it is shown Mrs Thatcher knew and brushed under the carpet, abuse....what would your view of her be.
You seem to be saying...it doesn't matter now...she is dead...so just leave it alone. Well I for one will be glad to see the truth come out, whatever it says.
Quote by deancannock
Jimmy saville is dead....Cyril Smith is dead........so you think we should just forget about what they did !!
I really can't believe people can talk about child abuse as if it didn't matter.
Quote by dean
then you post a link which shows she was personally handed a dossier showing these !!!
Quote by Toots
the miscreants known loosely as the Unions ( Scargill et al )
Quote by dean
This has all come out not because of a Conservative, but because of one victim that is linked into the Saville case.
Quote by deancannock
Which 'long lasting peace' was that dean?
And as for the claims by Gilberthorpe about Mrs T in the red top.. well,words fail me. All the people mentioned are dead so he is unable to be taken to task in libel hearings. He's just nothing more than a fantasist with absolutely no real evidence to back up his claims.
Strange you should take notice of a conservative though.
Lying, cheating, self serving communists are your usual diet :grin:
Quote by Toots
Britain really is becoming, if it is not already, and acting like a third world tin pot dictatorship raking in billions in local taxes and diverting funds to other than the common good.
Quote by ToshUK
I appreciate women have different aesthetic preferences but do you reckon it feels different - better or worse - for cunnilingus?
Quote by Chish
OK you don't like the BBC? How about Joseph Rowntree organisation? That is where the BBC data came from.
Quote by Jed
Some abuse our hospitality but not all not even most who come here, and that is our own fault, all we need is immigration controls and we could have even more immigrants coming here but to our benefit not detriment, we could recruit nurses and doctors and dentists and skilled workers on a greater scale that we do now, all we need is to say "you can come here if you can house yourself and pay your way" Australia does it, Jersey does it, the Channel Islands do it, Switzerland does it.
We could tell the EU that we will allow tourists, we will allow workers providing they can prove they have the ability to finance themselves whilst here, that they have medical insurance should they need help, that they can speak enough of our language to be able to look after themselves or will be living with others who can help them.