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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Somerset


Was anybody else left "lost for words" and in total disbelief after hearing the story on the radio yesterday about Australia's forced adoption policy
I was staggered that a "civilised" democratic western country could be forcably removing children from their mothers to give to childless married couples recently as the 1970's .. this story would have be appaling in the 1870's but one could have explained it away as different standards in earlier times ... but not 1970's Australia
My heart went out to the woman who had her baby taken from her at birth and the son who only discovered he was adopted at 24 .. who had his family life with his adopted parents "torpeodoed" and who has no relationship with his real mother...heart breaking from start to finish.... or am i just being a "woose"
Quote by MidsCouple24
58 years old, and for the first time in my life I will not be voting for the Conservative party in the next election.
I guess that says it all for me dunno

Really ..... do yuo think there is someone else out there who is more deserving of your vote...r u going to vote for ed milliband .... i can't imagaine that you would?