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Over 90 days ago


Have been away for a while and this is the first chance I have had to respond to this. As far as I am concerned I have absolutely no time for intellectual minnows!
Good Bye and Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
OK, so now I am accused of lying!
As I have a little time this morning I will set a few things straight! This thread was started to pass information on to those who might fall foul of this SCAM! It was not started with a view to soliciting personal insults, and, regarless of the content of subsequent posts, that is precisely what they were. If some people cannot understand plain English (my turn to level a personal insult) then I feel sorry for them.
With regard to my status of employment at this point in time I think that that is a matter for myself and no one else! However I will clear up the situation, because I am like that, a nice bloke! I worked as a Professor of Law (a title which I maintain) until 18 months ago when I gave up my position to take time out to follow an artistic career. So those who accuse me of being "somewhat removed from the truth somewhere along the line???" need to be careful themselves, and get their facts RIGHT before going into print!
One further point, I was accused of flouncing without reading the posts! Well maybe that person should have contributed to a thread which I started and took the time to read every single post. He only comes in late in the day with such comments, probably not having followed the thread from the start.
As to the threat of being kicked off the site, well as far as I am concerned feel free! I thought that this site was populaced by 'intelligent' people who were seeking a little fun in life, not by people who go out of their way to attack that which they don't understand. So as far as I am concerned this site can go find an iceberg and do what the Titanic did!
One thing is quite clear from this threat, if people like me piss of the moderators we get hit with the big stick, but if they piss us off we have absolutely no means of redress, all highly unfair mehtinks!
Nothing more to do with those who want to resort to p[ersonal insults! Re: VenusnMars
Positively my last comment.
Well if you want to demean what started out as a warning of a scam into personal insults then I feel sorry for you being unable to understand the point!
As far as I am concerned I want nothing more to do with this topic.
Quote by Jags
OK so you want a complaint - I did a little looking and came up with at least 1 of the offending ads:-
Ad No. 166062
I really didn't have the time to do this, but we can't have you standing in your shoes and wondering now can we?

Treading on very dangerous toes here mate - be warned!
I might be treading on 'dangerous toes' but as a Professor of Law I am quite prepared for the consequences and to defend myself; thanks for thr warning but it was unnecessary.
Well the paper is finished, what was weighing on my mind more than some toe-rag ripping people off was whether or not there was any such thing as the aesthetic.
After thinking long, hard and deep about it I come to the conclusion that this site has a great deal of the aestheic about it and want to keep it that way. And if that means keeping the undesirables at bay then I think it worth while to give it my undivided attention.
However, if there was a more interesting problem, like a gorgeous lady wanting attention, then this would never have come to light.
Hope that sorts out what was weighing on my mind. Btw, it was 2kg!
Thanks for the effort Mal, now perhaps I can get my paper finished for a conference next week....
OK so you want a complaint - I did a little looking and came up with at least 1 of the offending ads:-
Ad No. 166062

I really didn't have the time to do this, but we can't have you standing in your shoes and wondering now can we?
As I pointed out in my original post, this is not a complaint but more of a warning to make people aware that this scam is operating...
I think that most of us have far better things to do with our time than logging our email activities... I certainly know that I have.
Quote by zootle
And of course you've reported these ads to the moderators haven't you? dunno

No, because the problem is you send email to ads through the system on here (at least all the scam ones I've got back cannot be tied to an email I've sent myself). So the scam response you get back can't always be tied to an ad number.
Agreed, the problem I have had is tying the response to an ad number! Short of keeping a log of ad number etc to every initial contact and tying that to responses... What a lot of troouble that would be!!!!!
Is beginning to look like a pretty big can of worms to me...
Hmmm.... seems that it was not just me being a bit paranoid...
Thanks folks for restoring my faith....
:idea: Maybe the extreme prejudice should involve the use of your "ten foot penis" lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am writing this at the risk of being accused of complaining. This is NOT a COMPLAINT - I am trying to point out what I think to be a SCAM! I have noticed that an increasing number of women with whom I have initiated contact with are replying urging me to contact to them through to prove that I am not a "time waster". Fine I have no problem in proving that I am genuine, however, what gets right up my nose is that when you click on the link and the website opens up it immediately attempts to download a dialler, which is charged at premium rates £1 per minute or more! Now I don't mind spending a little money to show a lady a good time, but I do object to lining the pocket of some toe-rag who is just out to rip people off! I would be very interested in the views of others...
I agree it's just such a boring topic - however it is a pattern of youth to accuse us older people of whingeing and having a chip on the shoulder - I sometimes get the feeling that they think we should not even be shagging at all which is why I suggested that they klive their own lives and let us live ours. If they can't understand the message then as far as i am concerned it ain't even worth explaining. From my point of view "End of Topic"!
Quote by kardiffuk
Jezz banghead :censored: u really need to see your doctor and get that chip removed off your shoulder lol lol wink

It ain't us wrinklies that have a "chip" on our shoulder, it seems to be those who think that we are whingeing. Why don't they let us get on with our lives and get on with their own in their own way. I for one have no complaints with regard to responses I have had, and am thoroughly enjoying an active life... So PLEASE don't accuse me of having a chip on my shoulder before removing the plank from yours.
Quote by tony000uk
Well I am sorry to say that all of us old males have had it! We have now been cast to one side, as not up to giving service to older couples or old ladies????
Let us have a new page here, Sex for the aged!!
Sandy :P

Well as one of these 'old males' I have to say that I have no problems getting it up, and keeping it up, and reckon that I could give most young 'uns a run for their money. So I for one refuse top be on the scrap heap yet!
Couldn't agree more, I've got hornier and more active as I've "matured".... lol
Yup that's a fact the older the hornier, it also enhances the staying power, experience over enthusiasm every time...
Quote by sandy
Well I am sorry to say that all of us old males have had it! We have now been cast to one side, as not up to giving service to older couples or old ladies????
Let us have a new page here, Sex for the aged!!
Sandy :P

Well as one of these 'old males' I have to say that I have no problems getting it up, and keeping it up, and reckon that I could give most young 'uns a run for their money. So I for one refuse top be on the scrap heap yet!
At 53 I totally agree with most of what has been said here, there does seem to be a lot of older women looking for young studs, and like wise with older men! Why not give us wrinklies a chance to prove ourselves, after all experience beats enthusiasm every time.
Hello ladies, live in Leeds (or close), at a loose end between Wed and Sat this week? Fancy some no strings adult fun? Me too, how about we get together and make some beautiful music? If interested mail me and we can discuss the details. Can accommodate.
Ladies, at a loose end between Wed and Sat this week? Fancy some no strings adult fun? Me too, how about we get together and make some beautiful music? If interested mail me and we can discuss the details.
I am embarking on a new artistic project concerned with sex and sexuality. I am looking for ladies who are prepared to model for a range of photographs which I want to take as preparative studies for finished paintings. Age and shape are no barrier, but a comfort with your own body being photographed would be a benefit. If interested contact me and who knows, it might even turn into a fun event. This is a serious request as I am looking to use ordinary people rather than professional models. I would like to add at this point that no charges are involved on either side.
At a loose end on Wed? Fancy some adult fun? Me too, so why send me a mail and let's discuss the details...
Quote by bluexxx
Can you clarify that there are no charges expected either way for this

Definitely no charges just an artistic exercise between artist and model to produce a product that brings pleasure (hopefully). My reason for posting here is that I would prefer to use "ordinary" people rather than prefessional models.
I am embarking on a new artistic project concerned with sex and sexuality. I am looking for ladies who are prepared to model for a range of photographs which I want to take as preparative studies for the finished paintings. Age and shape are no barrier, but a comfort with your own body being photographed would be a benefit. If interested contact me at and who knows, it might even turn into a fun event.
I am at a loose end on Thurs - I have a talented tongue, among other things wink so if any ladies would like a good licking before..... well I'll leave that to your imagination. Contact me and we'll discuss it.
Am at a loose end on Wednesday and Thursday, so if anyone fancies some good old fashioned adult fun maybe we can discuss some ideas......
Artist who has caught up on the weeks work and now at a loose end could use some female company today for some hot sweaty fun......... Any takers?
Like you the school I was at had a hard enough time teaching us English. What French i have learnt is that learnt by experience, and although the language theory is not that good the practical is pretty HOT! :twisted: