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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 42


Quote by Artemis
Is anyone going to guess me??? :cry:

:giggle: well everyone is wrong about mine :smug:
Quote by Captain_areola

Well you must've been if I got you gel!! lol
Join the very obvious club - it's populated by the very best of people! kiss

Damn, I must try harder to stop laughing and concentrate next time :lol2:
i was in serious tears at one point very very funny
well i got a stray pm saying MY HERO just after i did profile the got a another one from another lady.
Then Darkfire thought I was Dollop :giggle:
Fahrenheit = POSHKATE
Buffyvampslayer = DARKFIRE
Captain_areola = STORMY
Quote by Mr_muddle
Holding...... flow.....with Muddle (Mr)...... can't hold it much longer..... <<<gasp>>>>

*Grabs Flo and holds on for dear life* :shock:
Quote by Mr_muddle
I've still got a prick up my bum, can someone get it out
Then I'm sure I can help do something, or help by doing nothing confused

>>>>>>>grabs muddle and throws him to erectoman>>>>>
use this to stem the flow
Quote by Erectoman
That was close - nearly lost the whole operation there. Almost drowned too.
Hiro can you send Wonder Pets in we need to plug a gusher down here.

you mean you not done the superheroes diving course either, and as for the pets dunno
wheres wonder-pets FFS how can you ram it with out the pets they shot off like a rabbit, what we need now is international rescue
right wonder-pets are you ready to for the ramming procedure ?
erectoman is cooking er i mean warming nicely down the thanks to Fahrenheit
Capt Arolae are you ready to catch any stray squirts?
Quote by Captain_areola

Ok so we got Hiro on the seat good man smile Erecto man perhaps you could go down the hole and investigate the effects on the inside. You can choose to try and avoid the juice Hiro will be throwing or not lol Sounds a bit like its a Knock out rotflmao

Anything I can do to help dudes :twisted:
you could help erectoman down there to catch any squirts that might cum out
Quote by Fahrenheit
Does that juice need warming anytime soon :twisted:

you can cum and sit with me and we can warm it together before we dump it on erectoman
Quote by Wonder-pets
This mission needs some order. Ok Wonder pets have been to the planet Vulva and picked up some moisture in the fly boat :grin: we are headed to the planet clitorus where we intend to stimulate it in 3 places simaltaniously whilst ramming the flyboat up the middle on vibrate. Whos going to sit in the fly boat and apply the moisture? We suggest someone who loves a vibrating seat biggrin

I will i love a good wet ride :rascal:
Ok so we got Hiro on the seat good man smile Erecto man perhaps you could go down the hole and investigate the effects on the inside. You can choose to try and avoid the juice Hiro will be throwing or not lol Sounds a bit like its a Knock out rotflmao
well with his might erections it will give me a good target to aim for as long as he can contol himself
Quote by Wonder-pets
This mission needs some order. Ok Wonder pets have been to the planet Vulva and picked up some moisture in the fly boat :grin: we are headed to the planet clitorus where we intend to stimulate it in 3 places simaltaniously whilst ramming the flyboat up the middle on vibrate. Whos going to sit in the fly boat and apply the moisture? We suggest someone who loves a vibrating seat biggrin

Me me - I wanna be the outboard motor - 500hp of pure throbbing pulsating propulsion....
We have a motor what we need is a volunteeer to sit on a lumpy seat thats vibrating VERY fast whilst chucking tons of pussy juice into a large hole :D
well ERECTOMAN cant control himself when i said VULVA so he will be no good
Quote by Wonder-pets
This mission needs some order. Ok Wonder pets have been to the planet Vulva and picked up some moisture in the fly boat :grin: we are headed to the planet clitorus where we intend to stimulate it in 3 places simaltaniously whilst ramming the flyboat up the middle on vibrate. Whos going to sit in the fly boat and apply the moisture? We suggest someone who loves a vibrating seat biggrin

I will i love a good wet ride :rascal:
Quote by Erectoman
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Piss off! redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
has your mighty erections taken a droop
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

well if a women cant find it we are well and truly buggered

:eeek: you were at the wrong place weren't you????
last time i trust a womans directions
:giggle: Planet Clitoris is doomed!!!
it will become all dried up and haggered, no one will want to visit her not even SH can help her now it seems
do you think some extras might help ?
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

well if a women cant find it we are well and truly buggered

:eeek: you were at the wrong place weren't you????
last time i trust a womans directions
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Thrud passes Captain-Areola a pack of super absorbent loin cloths with wings

Do they come in extra large dunno

Turd, sorry I mean Thrud, what we going to do about Clitorus anyway mate :dunno:
I usually stitch two together……..
Still trying to find the %$$*""ing place……… :dunno:
Left bit, down a bit, that's it!! Noo you've lost it again :*&^%$£ing hell!!! :grin:
even i cant find it and i got the directions from a women
And that's where you went wrong :lol2:
well if a women cant find it we are well and truly buggered
Quote by Buffyvampslayer

Thrud passes Captain-Areola a pack of super absorbent loin cloths with wings

Do they come in extra large dunno

Turd, sorry I mean Thrud, what we going to do about Clitorus anyway mate :dunno:
I usually stitch two together……..
Still trying to find the %$$*""ing place……… :dunno:
Left bit, down a bit, that's it!! Noo you've lost it again :*&^%$£ing hell!!! :grin:
even i cant find it and i got the directions from a women
Quote by Buffyvampslayer
well i went to the wrong place, should have gone to he vulva first what now dunno
>>>>>picking spikey bits out of his teeth>>>>>

To quote Farenheit "Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww" :giggle:
well it was still a bit dry and barren tried my hardest just did not hit the moist spot
>>>>>consults map again to be pointed in write direction>>>>>>>
well i went to the wrong place, should have gone to he vulva first what now dunno
>>>>>picking spikey bits out of his teeth>>>>>
Quote by Fahrenheit

From what I've heard Captain Areola's big hose is about as much use as a chocolate teapot rolleyes

Theres only one way to find out darlin :rascal: :twisted:
Is that an offer or a threat :confused2:
It was supposed to be an offer rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But then you've turned me down once before innocent
I never turn folk down, I just gently ask to be excused :giggle:
just dont excuse yourself over me im not into that sort of thing