If they don't have a pool table then sign up for the Karoake and you recognise each other by the songs you each sing.
You'll recognise me because I'll be singing Tie Me Kangeroo Down Sport! lol lol
Put your names down on the pool players list blackboard as you go in. ;)
Download an alexa toolbar. You'll get other info on the sites you're visiting also.
There are plenty of other pop-up blockers.
I'm only replying because I'm sure someone can think of a better reply than this. :doh:
Best = U2, Joshua Tree Tour, Cardiff Arms ?
Worst = Jackson Brown ,Perth ,Western ( After 30 mins I went and sat in the car park listening to the radio )
The only consolation I get from having to get up at the crack of dawn everyday with a toddler are The Clangers and Bagpuss on C5 . :up:
But I won't be watching Magic Roundabout. I just know I'd be disappointed. It's just a parody of itself with slick Toy Story annimation and big stars eager to show they had childhoods just like the rest of us. The cool of Nostalgia.
I think it shows very clearly just how evolution works.
This man voluntarily excludes his DNA from the future gene pool.
A worthy contender for the Darwin Awards.
I knew it reminded me of a joke. :shock:
A wife came home just in time to find her husband in bed with another woman. With superhuman strength borne of fury, she dragged him down the stairs, out the back door, and into the tool shed in the back yard and put his penis in a vise. She then secured it tightly and removed the handle. Next she picked up a hacksaw. The husband was terrified, and screamed, "Stop! Stop! You're not going to cut it off, are you?" The wife, with a gleam of revenge in her eye, put the saw in her husband's hand and said, "Nope, I'm setting fire to the shed! You do what you like!"
lol, saw that the other day.
Man! you really have to have your priorities screwed up to do that.
Gravity is kind to you young Skywalker
I see the socks and sandels were cut out of the pic though. ;)
Who'd want to be Tom Cruise ? lol .To get that look I'd need to be amputated at the knees.
I haven't been here long enough to be an expert in these matters but why don't you put up your own ad ?
I'm sure the two girls above have got it right in essence. I don't intend sending any e-mails.
I'm overwhelmed by your generous welcome.
Thanks for the welcome Debbiewebs.
OK, Misschief thanks.
I'll check the chatroom out next.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Misschief, Kristof, and MrFC.
This seems like a friendly place.
Any important dos and don'ts I should know about or must read threads ?
Hey! I'm Hokum.
Just saying hello really.
I'll have a mosey around and try not to break rules.
I am a member of another board but you guys seem far more interesting.