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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 48
Bisexual Male, 54


"Boys keep swingin" David Bowie.
It Don't Mean A Thing, If It Ain't Got That Swing! Louis Armstrong
Sultans Of Swing Dire Straits
Definately an aaaaaaaahhhh here :inlove:
Hmmmm, these may produce an aaaaaaaaaahhh, or possibly an eeeeeeewwww !!
it was a 50/50 aaahh/eeeeww split in our house!! dunno

Baby armadillo !!!
Try an online printing site.
Ive had a few naked calenders made of photos of me...and even tee shirts.
Hornyred. wink
Quote by Cubes
Call that entertainment ! well apparently it is ..... WHEN YOUR INSIDE THE CUBE!! :shock:

:shock: :lol2:

Hi and welcome wave
Most clubs have websites with a dress code section, usually fems dress in sexy clothes or underwear, guys in shorts or wear a towel.
You can wear normal clothes to the club as all have changing areas and lockers allowing you to get changed when you fell your ready to.
Best bet is to choose your club, phone and ask them about dress code or visit the website and see what it says.
Ultimately its your choice as to how daring and sexy you want to dress to feel comfortable.
good luck and have fun.
H`red. wink
Quote by Dino
community service n tagged.....where did it all go wrong? :doh:

Look on the bright side, at least you've joined one of the few sectors of public service that shows strong growth.
Blimey, you two havent posted in earnest on here for bloody ages.
Then you both appear by chance on the same evening and start posting
in a manner reminiscent to what dino calls "the good ole days" like youve never been away ! dunno
Have you both been practicing in secret behind my back?? cos this is just too wierd blink
Happy birthday HLB, hope you have a wonderful day. wink
Make sure Dammie spoils you rotten.
Hornyred and Dino xxx
Hi Vicky, me and dino are hoping to be there on tues night.
Looking forward to seeing you there, im sure we will have a great night, we always do wink
Hornyred x
Just found this post, great idea Neilmilk.
I will do my duty and keep an eye on little gem activities such as home visits to check she is working hard, i will report any tarting and pervy behaviour, this is not acceptable, so i will do little gems tarting for her, i will report back to you neil if she is being a naughty gem.
I will be checking all the local swinging clubs that gem enjoys, its for your own good gem.
It is the least i can do for you gem, no popping round for brews ever.
Good luck and get on with it asap.
We have got blues party to enjoy, if you a bad gem we could ban you from going, and make you do essays.
Im sure i spoke to gem on Sunday afternoon, i dont think she was busy writing essays, not the impression i go. ill tell you what ill do just for you gem, ill go and keep Neil comapny while you get on with your work. Im so good to you gem xxx
Great munch, load of laughs and giggles.
Thx to Sarah and everyone involved in organisng a fantastic night, with all the usual nutters and some new nutters we met.
Thx to Morbius, can we practice the firemans lift as much as poos, i liked wink
Cheers hornyred x
(hilite of the nite sittin at the bottom of the stair lookin up HR's skirt :shock: what a view :wink: :
That is a worrying thought searcher, you say the highlight of notts munch was a sneaky peek up a skirt, easily pleased arent you. Nice to be asked tho :twisted:
Vickyuk hun will you keep your frisky friend from being a peeking perv plz.
Good job you didn,t get caught peeking, HRs foot still able to kick searchers arse :twisted:
Bilko really does enjoy playing with his weapon, loaded and always ready for action.
To me its so obvious when bilko is busy with weapon work, mods have lots to do so he will take advantage of any quiet moments to service and clean his life long trusty weapon.
wink Put it down bilko :wink:
Im really looking forward to meeting rainbows, its been far to long IMHO. Yum yum :twisted:
And i want to meet the one and only markz wink
Ill look after you, promise lol
Happy birthday Laird, hope you have a great day.
Your soooooooooo yummy :P :P Still smiling today hun wink
Can i owe you a birthday pressie :rascal: :rascal:
Great night :P :P
Big thanks to Vicky uk and everyone else who helped make the NW munch a great success.
It was great to see old friends and meet new ones.
Loads of laughs :P :P :P
hornyred wink
Missed tatty tampax tho :cry:
Im feeling very horny & naughty :twisted:
So me & dicko have decided to go cupids on tues night, i was just wandering if anyone is going.
If so, hope to see some of you there :P :P
Hornyred & Dicko wink
So can someone tell me plzzzzz, cant stand the suspence.
Who has won ?
Its not very clear to me, who will be doing forfeit ?
I can,t believe postie has got away with it :twisted:
If its FB who has lost, then i must say "Im so gutted", was looking forward to posties forfeit. :cry: :cry:
Dammie and HLB it would be an honour if me & dino were to be invited to the wedding of the year. wink :inlove:
Knowing the both of you, i just know it will a great day and a wild party afterwards. :cheers:

H, red & dino.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
So that offer is open to everyone,,,,except straight blokes....thats almost being picky wink

It might have something to do with it being a BI night rolleyes
NN, see you there monday night :wink:
sheesh i get 3 replys 1 to call me picky, 1 to say i'm to far away and 1 from someone whos going anyway :wink:
doing well here arn't i? lol
oh and a got a PM from a str8 guy confused

Stop bloody whinging, its not a quick shag site :lol:
Quote by mr filth
So that offer is open to everyone,,,,except straight blokes....thats almost being picky wink

It might have something to do with it being a BI night rolleyes
NN, see you there monday night :wink:
The naughty step is rubbish dunno
Blonde, its impossible to keep me here, on a shit step rolleyes
Its so easy for me to escape, i just walk away, or go to another thread.
Its not exactly a high security prison :roll:
So I think you need to increase the security of the naughty step, which will make it a little harder to escape from. Gates, fencing and alarms, may be useful.
I am refusing any order of anyone, to sit on the naughty step, its rubbish :roll:
Enjoy your time on the naughty step, i think you will have loads of fun, its a fantastic step :roll:
Bye wave
See you when & if you get out.
Quote by well_busty_babe
i guess it could have been mine before i moved in, its ages since i have seen the work tops though!

No hun, its not yours rolleyes