lol, I think it was a family guy episode that was when stewie met his supposed sperm brother, and the dad wanked off alter in the episode.
I have no god beleif. I still have bits of the good stuff inside my head though.
I just read that cctv is supposed to keep record of my own property, for legal reasons so I am not sure how the CCT I am using for the public car park will help. Any advice please?
Ok I am trying to get to sleep and I hear someone throught the wall say 'Fag- YOU are a batty'. And it was loud as it was throught the wall. Consider this, I was going to to go to the police but I realised that the only other witness is the sister, and she says the same thing. So she is unreliable.
I wrote it down on a piece of paper and the cars for those neighbours were not there in the car park except one blue peugeot. I drove round the corner and I saw the bedroom lights were on.
I did not keep the cctv recording because I didn't realise that they would be back so late.
I tried to record but my stupid phone makes a noise when I hit record. Also I tried to get a response out of them. So I said 'try saying that again?' Then I went downstairs made a cup of tea and said, 'you gonna have to do better than that pussy'.
Then I went upstairs and drinking the tea while typing this. I will need to get some form of recording device in my room and a dvr recorder. Also I will need a diary to log everything and I need to clean my room again.
I actually wanted to keep my mouth shut but I think as I am learning and planning, I am trying to find out ways of catching them. As I said, I think I got the daughter on cctv.
How long am I suppose to make the records for until I report to the police.
Also my problem is I sleep in my boxers.( If I ever meet with you lot, you'll see!) So then I had to put clothes on and get keys, get phone put trainers on that were slippery in the rain. Check outside the window. Run out and saw that there were no other car except the blue peugeot. Drive round the block to check their window lights.
Also I made a resolution, the moment I start doing this properly, I will keep my mouth shut.
Update: 10:39pm
It appears that they are moving out. When I got back home after picking mum up (heavy traffic in the area for some reason so got back 9pm), I heard the heavily pregnant GF of the next door neighbours son say as I walked past that its gay to live with your mum. But I didn't take any notice, partly because I was talking about the amount of ambulances I saw on the road and car accidents.
Anywho, I seem to have calmed down abit knowing they are going, or getting a place of their own but still showing their face here due to the mother.
My problem is that when I am calm and polite and civil,and I keep quiet, it makes me 'gay'. But when I turn aggressive , violent and vent, its 'I can't believe he can say things like that'.
So basically, I could invite some of you lot around for a cup of
Edit: 11pm
I forgot to mention I was having a chat to my younger brother about how he is supposed to behave and what he should do when adults (the son next door) says stuff like bully a 9 year old to act tough. I didn't realise that they (the 'children') had left and only the mother was in the house. I happened to mention that I don't understand whether it is love or obsession that they keep repeating the same thing (fag or batty). I guess I tried to twist things around...lets see what will happen.
Also my younger brother had a badge that said to stamp bullying (anti bullying week).
I am glad that there sexually open minded amd kind people here, after reading the comments of my first post (depressed becasue of homophobe neighbours).
I have been doing some research, and there are women who are attracted to bi men or gay men. They are called girlfags, there are also guydykes (men attracted mainly to bi or lesbians). And a whole range of sexual orientaion other than 100% hetero and 100% 'batty', as I am called.
So, are there are any girlfags on swinging heaven in the North London area.
I am not talking about faghags, who are straight women who hang aroung gay men. I am talking about women who are attracted to bi and gay men.