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Over 90 days ago
Gay Male, 39
0 miles · Greater London


lol, I think it was a family guy episode that was when stewie met his supposed sperm brother, and the dad wanked off alter in the episode.
I have no god beleif. I still have bits of the good stuff inside my head though.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Here's the thing (and forgive me if I've totally got the wrong end of the stick) they're 're winning because you are allowing their behaviour to be alter your life,they're winning because YOU are allowing this to be important to you,and every time they see or sense any reaction from you other than distain they achieve another little victory.....don't give them the polite when you see them..say good morning...offer to help with their the perfect gent.(Save it until the time is ripe and then bugger their first born (joke))The only way to win this is to retain your dignity and calm and change their minds.

You make sense. I'll poison them with sweetness, politeness and non reaction until I get sufficient evidence. :twisted:
I would like to bugger the 21-ish y/o first born....... wink
Quote by BIoke
These heterosexism individuals are everywhere, even in my family.

I think the word you want is 'homophobic' smile
Or if it's not and that was the word you intended to us, it's not their (hetero)sexuality that makes them the way they are with you, it's their small mindedness. Most of our friends are straight and they are very cool with us.
You'll find there are gay and bi individuals everywhere too.. probably 'even in your family' ;)
I got the term from wiki:
Heterosexism is a term that applies to negative attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that everyone is heterosexual or that opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the norm and therefore superior. Although heterosexism is defined in the online editions of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary as anti-gay discrimination and/or prejudice "by heterosexual people" and "by heterosexuals", people of any sexual orientation can hold such attitudes and bias. Nonetheless, heterosexism as discrimination ranks gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals as second-class citizens with regard to various legal and civil rights, economic opportunities, and social equality in the majority of the world’s jurisdictions and societies.
Heterosexism refers to a bias toward heterosexuality whereas homophobia refers to antipathy towards homosexuality and homosexuals, i.e. gay men and lesbians. As a predisposition toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality, heterosexism has been described as being "encoded into and characteristic of the major social, cultural, and economic institutions of our society" and stems from the essentialist cultural notion that maleness-masculinity and femaleness-femininity are complementary.

I agree that the term homophobia is appropriate but when I get into the psychology of it, then is it fear, or the fact that they are failures in some thing in their life and because they are straight and know it, they are better.
Quote by brucie
im so tempted to say the op should go to one of those christian camps where they cure you of your gayness and problem solved for everyone.
but i know that the humourless lot on here would be up in arms.

I find it funny. Yesterday I said to someone that I don't beleive in the nonsense aymore and the bangladeshi neighbour nxt door said through the wall 'because you are a batty'.
The fact that I am an atheist means I am batty.........rotflmao
Quote by foxylady2209
Seriously, what's stopping you moving away? A misplaced sense of pride? 'They win'? Who cares if THEY think they have won some kind of victory? Do they matter so much to you that you care what they think?

The problem about moving away is that it a) it is not just me who has to move. b) Running away doesn't not solve the problem that these heterosexists (heterosexism) are causing me grief anywhere I go.
Keep your records, record the comments - but don't give them the satisfaction of ever knowing you are responding to them.

I have started last night. So now I am not responding.
Getting out is not a surrender - it is YOUR choice, and removes any power form them.

It's my choice, I agree, but why should I run away? Because I am a 'shit'? How long am I suppose to run away for, the rest of my life? These heterosexism individuals are everywhere, even in my family. I do my best to be civil, I try to find work, I keep my business to myself, what, is it easier to kill myself? Just be another statistic?
I understand your point about getting away from the situation, however what if I am the problem. lol
Also yesterday I went somewhere and the elderly ladies never once made me feel like shit. They even said jokingly, they will find a nice girl for me to get married.....just to point out that bit
I just read that cctv is supposed to keep record of my own property, for legal reasons so I am not sure how the CCT I am using for the public car park will help. Any advice please?
Quote by Horny_guy8
Ok I am trying to get to sleep and I hear someone throught the wall say 'Fag- YOU are a batty'. And it was loud as it was throught the wall. Consider this, I was going to to go to the police but I realised that the only other witness in the house is the sister, and she says the same thing. So she is unreliable.
I wrote it down on a piece of paper and the cars for those neighbours were not there in the car park except one blue peugeot. I drove round the corner and I saw the bedroom lights were on.
I did not keep the cctv recording because I didn't realise that they would be back so late.
I tried to record but my stupid phone makes a noise when I hit record. Also I tried to get a response out of them. So I said 'try saying that again?' Then I went downstairs made a cup of tea and said, 'you gonna have to do better than that pussy'.
Then I went upstairs and drinking the tea while typing this. I will need to get some form of recording device in my room and a dvr recorder. Also I will need a diary to log everything and I need to clean my room again.
I actually wanted to keep my mouth shut but I think as I am learning and planning, I am trying to find out ways of catching them. As I said, I think I got the daughter on cctv.
How long am I suppose to make the records for until I report to the police.
Also my problem is I sleep in my boxers.( If I ever meet with you lot, you'll see!) So then I had to put clothes on and get keys, get phone put trainers on that were slippery in the rain. Check outside the window. Run out and saw that there were no other car except the blue peugeot. Drive round the block to check their window lights.
Also I made a resolution, the moment I start doing this properly, I will keep my mouth shut.
Ok I am trying to get to sleep and I hear someone throught the wall say 'Fag- YOU are a batty'. And it was loud as it was throught the wall. Consider this, I was going to to go to the police but I realised that the only other witness is the sister, and she says the same thing. So she is unreliable.
I wrote it down on a piece of paper and the cars for those neighbours were not there in the car park except one blue peugeot. I drove round the corner and I saw the bedroom lights were on.
I did not keep the cctv recording because I didn't realise that they would be back so late.
I tried to record but my stupid phone makes a noise when I hit record. Also I tried to get a response out of them. So I said 'try saying that again?' Then I went downstairs made a cup of tea and said, 'you gonna have to do better than that pussy'.
Then I went upstairs and drinking the tea while typing this. I will need to get some form of recording device in my room and a dvr recorder. Also I will need a diary to log everything and I need to clean my room again.
I actually wanted to keep my mouth shut but I think as I am learning and planning, I am trying to find out ways of catching them. As I said, I think I got the daughter on cctv.
How long am I suppose to make the records for until I report to the police.
Also my problem is I sleep in my boxers.( If I ever meet with you lot, you'll see!) So then I had to put clothes on and get keys, get phone put trainers on that were slippery in the rain. Check outside the window. Run out and saw that there were no other car except the blue peugeot. Drive round the block to check their window lights.
Also I made a resolution, the moment I start doing this properly, I will keep my mouth shut.
Quote by foxylady2209
If he struggles with confidence cos of this - what about encouraging him into a physical sport such as Judo? Great for confidence, great in the case of physical attack, not likely to result in him being prosecuted (unlike boxing or karate) for applying his skills on 'civilians' as it can be largely defensive and actually quite subtle.

I don't think he is aware of it although people inc 'our' sister call him gay, well he does act camp abit. He has a childlike mentality and very active even thoiugh he doesn't eat much (he is one skinny kid), and I keep telling him and our mother, let him enjoy his childhood, and wait till he is a teenager.
Also I have been training him with kicking and punching. TBH he is much better than me at the kicking, but he hasn't learnt to be aggressive unless it is with us lol.
I have cctv, a 'vigilantern' but it is crap. The weather is crap and has background noise. I also need a new tv. But this morning I caught the daughter on camera but need to double check the audio and got it on tape. But it doesn't have a date stamp. I will need to get a diary of somesort.
I will need to get a dvd recorder and probably move the damn light back or something.
Update: 10:39pm
It appears that they are moving out. When I got back home after picking mum up (heavy traffic in the area for some reason so got back 9pm), I heard the heavily pregnant GF of the next door neighbours son say as I walked past that its gay to live with your mum. But I didn't take any notice, partly because I was talking about the amount of ambulances I saw on the road and car accidents.
Anywho, I seem to have calmed down abit knowing they are going, or getting a place of their own but still showing their face here due to the mother.
My problem is that when I am calm and polite and civil,and I keep quiet, it makes me 'gay'. But when I turn aggressive , violent and vent, its 'I can't believe he can say things like that'.
So basically, I could invite some of you lot around for a cup of
Edit: 11pm
I forgot to mention I was having a chat to my younger brother about how he is supposed to behave and what he should do when adults (the son next door) says stuff like bully a 9 year old to act tough. I didn't realise that they (the 'children') had left and only the mother was in the house. I happened to mention that I don't understand whether it is love or obsession that they keep repeating the same thing (fag or batty). I guess I tried to twist things around...lets see what will happen.
Also my younger brother had a badge that said to stamp bullying (anti bullying week).
I am glad that there sexually open minded amd kind people here, after reading the comments of my first post (depressed becasue of homophobe neighbours).
I have been doing some research, and there are women who are attracted to bi men or gay men. They are called girlfags, there are also guydykes (men attracted mainly to bi or lesbians). And a whole range of sexual orientaion other than 100% hetero and 100% 'batty', as I am called.
So, are there are any girlfags on swinging heaven in the North London area.
I am not talking about faghags, who are straight women who hang aroung gay men. I am talking about women who are attracted to bi and gay men.
Thankyou all for your comments, I had just woken up.
TBH, me moving out is not a good option, there are things going on in the family and the moment I leave, things will go bad. The morgage is fixed for 3 years and cannot do anything until then.
2. The main problem would be the extreme heterosexism that I am experiencing, else it would have been easier for me to progress with my life. Jobs are difficult to find, never mid the recession, but once they look at me, they automatical think I am gay or I look gay, walking is a problem for me, I have a soft voice, and short, with a goatee/van
I asked a counciller and he said he cannot find anything 'gay' about me. So I am not sure how or why a stranger would attack me verbally.
As I said, I respond and I get to look bad. Because at that moment I am venting because I bottle things up.
Other recent comments within the family makes me less secure about being honest to them or even talking to them. I fit the description for an anti social, but I never got a chance because a) family messing about and b) studies. Now I want to xpand, I am getting kicked back, so to speak.
Also I am not entirely sure of my sexuality lol I never got a proper chance to experience it in my teens dues to a embarassing weight problem. I had a signif weight loss in august 09 (10kg) after my black belt and that brought on a confidence and new jean size (36/38 down to 30/32). But I am a newbie so not sure what to expect.
Hi all,
New guy here, south asian inexperienced ( wink ) and want to explore my sexuality with like minded people.
I am non judgemental and personally do not judge someone because of their 'non heterosexual' preference (experience and bullying has shown what it is like to be judged), so anyone between 18 and 30, who are interested, let me know.
my stats: 5ft 4, 32w, 6 inch and hairy, stocky built.
Hi all,
I finally realised that no matter what I do, the neighbours will continue to shout at me fag, gay, poof or battyman. It is getting depressing esp when complete strangers just shout it to me for no reason, as I experienced yesterday.
Now I have to see a 9 y/o younger brother grow up with the same problem in the area. Moving is not an option because I will not give them that happiness. I tried reporting it but the stupid police officer said, I need evidence. My car have beeen scratched by the same neighbours every time I get another car. I admit, I did and said wrong afterwards, but only because they started and I couldn't take it anymore.
At a party on sunday, someone was calling me gay. It was quiet enough for everyone to hear but I could see who said it because they were covering their mouth. Even my cousin was there and he did nothing. Reasons like this makes me anti social, and then I get told off for not being able to leave the house.
This also happened when I was at work, and the workers kept harassing me but I couldn't find out who done it, because they kept denying everyhting and making me look bad. I could not get any witnesses and on the last day when I had a meeting I noticed that if anyone does hear, they smile and laugh, or they say the same thing. That was two weeks ago and I was only there for one week, yesterday I got my wages into my account, so back to jobcentre.
TBH I was getting confident to start having 'fun' lol but after what I heard yesterday I realised I am completly fucked ie no hope for any future prospects, and because of this I don't know what to do.