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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 60
Straight Male, 65


oHI all, Not been on the site for a while but wanted to say we hope you are all well and keeping safe. MIght try the Pool room a few times while we are all socially distancing. Be nice to have some good old fashioned SH banter to heop push the negativity away .  Meanwhile in the words of Spock "Live long, and prosper" to all of you x

Thank you for another great night out. Love seeing everyone having a good time and all the smiling faces, the giggles and entertainment. . Thank you all for the card and bubbly . xxxxx

What a brilliant night, a great crowd and what an absolute pleasure to see Hugs able unwind and hubby looking so well after his op.

A very big thank you to Mr & Mrs Try for making it all happen, and to all those very special people who make it such a wonderful evening.

Liam.... you're a git and we love you for it

Always lovely to see you too xxxx

Another fantastic Valentine's ball ,I haven't laughed so much for a very long time. Thank you so much for organising it, can't wait for the next one xx

Thank you for the explanation ( even though it is WAY above my head ) I shall try again tonight x

Left the other night due to lag and getting booted , can't even get in tonight. sad

Sorry we didn't make it , was so disappointed sad Couldn't get rid of the family then was too tired after babysitting all weekend. xxxx
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