'The art of zen...'
Lol, I was getting more than my knickers in a twist when I typed that! All the right words...just not necessarily in the right order!
A re-ordered Hylas
Ok so you think that you've been very thorough and produced a wonderful blank canvas, so to spesk, which bit do you find that you've missed out?
A Hylas who's discovered residual hair just north of his asshole xx
...face, then legs, chest...and the rest!
A very soon to be bare Hylas
What has made me smile today?
Engaging with a stranger..and I hope that a lot of fun comes from it:-)
I'd better get in the frame of mind to explore my submissive nature then...
A very pliable Hylas
Now that's confirmed my belief that females are the more evil gender, lol.
But please feel free to tie me up....
Hylas in a flexible mood ;-)
..you wake up horny on a Sunday morning and no ones around!
Off the top of my head....
Milan Kundera's 'The unbearable being of lightness'
Robert Pirsig's ' The art of zen and motorcycle maintenance'
Marcel Pagnol's 'The water of the hills' and 'Manon des Sources'
Hylas in a literary mode
So who wants to help me out of hibernation then? lol
My mind has had its imagaination reawoken, and my body is starting to tingle again.
Brighter days are on the horizon.
Hylas x
Too hot to hibernate for sure!
Am I doing something wrong then as a relative newbie and spending too much time in the forum when I should be arranging meets? Knew I was doing something wrong! lol
Do easterly winds blow from the Urals?
Allure, intrigue, entice, captivate....
Aren't the gonads a mountain range?
Slap or tickle?
(Or in the case of many, probably both!)
What would you like in the way?
..wotsits, after spreading them with...
Highly entertaining e-mails....
And now what goes with narcissus?
Hylas scratches his head. Tut, not for the first time today and we know what happened when he did that earlier!
I can think of one for certain! I'm not sure whether she frequents this site or not though.
When I was coming home from jury service a few weeks ago I just plonked myself on the last free seat on the train adjacent to a young lady. Turned out no one else had sat there as she was breast feeding her baby. Didn't phase me at all. Quitye wonderful that she felt able to do that.
So yes, there are exposed breasts still in the UK. Maybe we have a problem about attitudes towards them?
Being able to give to a special friend in need...