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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 71


Damn your lovely when your angry............ have you got a whip and thigh high boots......
opppppppppssssssssss my fetish is showing wink
if anyone needs a lift from the Derby / Notts area on Saturday just give me a shout ..... would be more than happy to oblige
My ex had her clit and labia pierced... they were joined by a very fine chain. It looked good but set off airport security and ohhhhhh the hours of endless fun we had untangleing it from my dental brace !
I had a tooth out in Edinburgh once............. I'm exteremely proud of my Scottish extraction.
Watford Gap !!!!!........... you call that North ????
North is where the summer rain is horizontal, hits you like bullets and your top coat is a T shirt with 'Iron Maiden world tour' on the back.
(exiled Geordie down here doing missionary work....... after all we missionaries have a position to uphold in society)
hi steph
I confirm I will be at the munch and the afters party........looking forward to it
Quote by bluexxx
Can someone define cheating when applied to a married man and then for a married woman.......... I'm just interested to see if people make a distinction when deciding who to meet and who not to meet and in the veriety of replies we get

What SunBunny said above sums up cheating for both sexes....
"Cheating is doing the dirty behind your partner's back."
Sounds about right to me evil
Some swingers don't like to meet cheaters of either sex, and some don't mind. It's all about personal preference. I'm not sure those that don't like cheating would say it was OK for a woman but not for a man, but I might be wrong.... confused
and I know of several who won't meet men but have no qualms about meeting married women.......... I have to say this is usually instigated by the male half of the partnership.
is it really a genuine dislike of 'doing the dirty' or insecurity on his part?........... discuss
Can someone define cheating when applied to a married man and then for a married woman.......... I'm just interested to see if people make a distinction when deciding who to meet and who not to meet and in the veriety of replies we get
Oh for the good old days of Blidworth befor Chanel 4 put it firmly on the map. My then partner and I used to go up 2 or 3 times a month and met some great people and had some good fun.
The end came for us when a crowd of 5 blokes got nasty cos we wouldn't show and scratched my new car (try explaining that one to Norwich Union).
Hopefuly the cruisers will soon realise they are backing a looser and go off into the sunset.
In the mean time I hope things do improve there as I would love to go back.
Quote by TonyED
Some great replies and info, well done guys,
As for instant sex, thats not why i am here, yes i am curious and if i do hook up with someone well thats a bonus.
It also depends what kind of "single male" you are. If you are the married kind, then it is much more difficult to meet people as a large proportion of swingers will view you as cheating and not want to join in the deception of your partner.

Im not married but do have a partner and i wont lie i have a high sex drive and she doesn't so sooner or later i will wander. does that make me any different to anyone else who wants more out of life. Well ive laid myself bare , better than pretending to you all that i am unattached.
Good point Tony
As swingers aren't we just cheating with permission because thats what we need to full fill our needs?.......... and is the married but cheating morality applied to women as well as men?.... in my experience I think not.
From my point of view I have no ties or committments just a desire to meet nice like minded people to enjoy some time with.
Quote by BaldEagle
(with tongue in cheek cos I have nowhere else to put it)

:laughabove: Very good.
As a single male replying to ads, you will be one in hundreds that reply. Just put yourself into the position of the people having to trawl through these and you may understand why few reply. wink
sounds like a perfect reason to have a stock but curtious reply set up on the site like some others do so that it can be sent out as a bulk mailing.............. it would certainly shoot the spamers and one liners in the foot.............. just a thought
Quote by bluexxx
You are wrong to assume I am after instant sex or bombard advertisers with one liners and no where in my post does it suggest that.

I did not assume you were after instant sex, I said "IF" you are, this site is not for you. Not the same thing. I also did not say that YOU personally bombarded people with one liners. I was talking generally about the types of messages least likely to get replies. I was actually on YOUR side. Don't assume that I ASSUME anything about you.... OK mate confused rolleyes
No problem... just a friend pointed out in a PM that the word 'You; had been used 7 times in one paragraph and specifically directed at the author ie me.....( errrr I think thats what she meant)....... Personaly I think she was just showing off her BA (Hon) in English instead of enjoying a good atguement
Quote by bluexxx
Only 2 have replied to say no thanks and the rest haven't bothered to do that I can only assume spamers don't reply and the genuine people do.

Not necessarily.
If you are replying to single women, they get sooooooo many replies with the best will in the world they can't reply to them all. Recently I posted an ad as a single fem (for something very specific) and got many more replies than I do with the couples seeking men section. I replied to most, with a very short "thanks but no thanks" or words to that effect, but those that had ignored my criteria, or were just one line crap, I didn't waste my time clicking the reply button. When I do a couples seeking men ad we get less replies, and I do reply to most, but sometimes it just isn't worth it. If you're replying to a single fem who doesn't have specific criteria, she might get over 200 replies in a day - do you fancy replying to that many messages????
Don't assume that someone isn't genuine cos they didn't reply. In fact, scammers often reply to suck you into their schemes! I admit it is annoying not to receive a reply, but at the end of the day, don't think too much of it... if you are polite, send a decent reply to ads that are asking for what you can offer, one day you will get lucky. While you're waiting, have a chat on the forum! With the ads and the forum however, never expect instant sex. If you want instant sex, no swinging site will give you that, try an escort site instead.
You are wrong to assume I am after instant sex or bombard advertisers with one liners and no where in my post does it suggest that.
Having been involved in the swinging scene for 10 years both as a couple and a single I agree that the the myth of couples and single ladies gagging for it instantly is as far from the trueth as it can possibly be.
The years of seeking genuine people has taught me that a relevant and well constructed reply does pay dividends and I endevour to do this each time. The same applies to any replies I may get to my ad they are answered as promptly and as curtiously as possible which I believe is the least that good manners demands. Again tongue in cheek...l what would happen if someone made an effort to chat in a pub and was completely ignored....
As I said the most genuine people I have met are in chat and forum and I shall continue to value and nurture the friendships I have made there. In short the point of my post tounge in cheek as it was is to point oit that ads are just that........ adverts, an indication of what someone may or may not want and not the golden fleece of swinging.
Still desperate (with tongue getting sore now)
Speaking as a new member to the site I have replied to several adverts and i have as yet not had a meet with anyone. Only 2 have replied to say no thanks and the rest haven't bothered to do that I can only assume spamers don't reply and the genuine people do.
Maybe its cos the ads aren't genuine.... or maybe its cos I have a face that would frighten a police horse..... maybe I will never know the best way to eat a Cadburys cream egg. The one thing I do know is that the people I have met in chat and on the forums are totaly genuine. So with that in mind I will continue to 'travel in hope' while sending lengthy replies to the ads and hope for the best.
Yours desperately
(with tongue in cheek cos I have nowhere else to put it)
Thanks for all your messages............ its so nice to find such a warm welcome. I hope to meet some of you soon.
Hi folks
just thought I would say hi........... new member to swinging heaven but not to swinging.
have fun
Hi Steph
I am a new member to swing heaven and intend to participate fully in the chatroom and the forums. If possible I would love to attend the Leicester munch.
ps Did you belong to a group hosted by Kate & Wayne from Doncaster ? .... if so I think we may have met at the G-spot and Chameleons year before last......if not I wish we