Quote by Peanut
sod em all
the standard medical advice is so wrong.
type 2 is genetic, you didn't cause it. fact
since govermental advice changed in the 70s to say low fat was good for you diabetes increased. fact
the complications from T2 diabetes comes from high blood sugars. fact
high blood sugars are caused by eating sugars and starchy carbohydrates . fact
what do docs reccomend you eat. sugars and starchy carbohydrates. fact
every single doctor should be force fed into an education, because what they are doing now is causing diabetics to lose life and limbs for no bloody good reason apart from their predetermined doctrine of fat is bad for you. I hate doctors to death, and all it takes is a modicom of scientific research and mathematical knowledge to know your average gp is thick as the proverbial porcine poop.
None of the above "facts" have been made to me by any of my DSNs or the diabetic centre in Manchester. Their dietary advice is basically all things in moderation. They do NOT advise to eat predominantly carbohydrates and starchy foods, neither do they insist on a low fat diet. In fact the other day I got a bollocking for telling them I had half a pint of Tropicana orange juice in the morning.
I'm afraid your dislike for GPs and the like have damaged any objectivity you may have had.
None of the 'advice' you have given is safe for a newly diagnosed patient and given that this is exactly what the OP is I recommend that you recuse yourself from this thread as your advice could be dangerous.
PS Type 2 can be genetic and hereditary, it isn't in all cases. Also I don't see anywhere in this thread where anyone has been told that they "caused" their own diabetes. Having said that, obesity can be and is a common causative factor.
you are wrong peanut, simple is not a cause, it' an effect, same as a lot of problems with diabetes, it's effects, not causes, simple thing to do is keep ya blood sugars low and most do sort themselves out.