I'm with you there Deal, Alan was one of the nicest fellas ever and it is with great sadness we hear the news. Many a time we spent a few laughs over trivia after a few beers. won't even mention his "join in " method in the couples room :-)
sadly missed, a great star and love to his family
jaq and kryps
I think that the Russians, who tracked the whole mission by satellite and telescope might of mentioned something if the Americans didn't go there.
simple really
Please add us as well Deal. we got babysitter now, just waiting for Jaq's outfit to turn up :-)
just to clarify something, you don't actually get £520 in your pocket, the £520 is an allowance on top of your personal allowance, which means the only money you actually get back is the tax paid on it, and at 22 or 23 % what ever it was then, means ya get back about £110 back from the revenue.
consensus. such a magical word. you do realise that consensus has no place in scientific debate. Consensus usually comes about when the science does not fit the hypothesis an individual pressure group is trying to promote for their own benefit. I hate the word consensus as much as i hate doctors lol. I can guarantee you, if a pressure group is trying to promote anything, and they use the word consensus, it's usually cause they're wrong.
could of said it was me that told ya lol
just remember. one doc came bottom of the class, he could be yours lol
i was going to give this one a rest, but it cropped up again, to all those that debunk, I'm a diabetic with no medical problems and not on any medications, i just watch what i standard advice given to diabetics is as wrong as you can get, and to you peanut, unqualified is not uneducated or ill informed. you have no idea what I do. but the history of medical science is my job. i study scientific papers as a hobby, same as i do for work. I know everything that is known about the condition, i know the cause, i know the symptoms, i know the the effects. but at the end of the day, i will keep my legs and sight, can you say the same thing.
does anybody actually believe the price of anything will come down. The government on one hand reduced vat by 2.5% at the same time increasing costs to businesses. so any decrease in vat will be offset by an increase price.
anyway, to answer the original question. we're going out swinging lol
just check out these forums then.
no, just the ability to read and absorb information. O and the ability to test myself. So I know for an absolute fact that the dietary advice given as standard is wrong. Plus just read Dr Bernstein, I might not have the "knowledge" but he certainly does.
If i took my car to the garage, i would expect them to fix it as well, or pass it on to somebody who could. Not pretend they know what they're talking about and bodge it. I'm sorry, but the track record is not good for diabetics. You cannot argue with the fact that the prospects for diabetics in this country is very poor. So why is that?
what my point was, a properly controlled type 2 diabetic, and thats all of them, need not go onto medication or injections, it's the doctors advice that force them on to it because their advice is so wrong. you do not tell somebody with a peanut allergy to eat peanuts, because it will kill them, along the same lines you don't tell t2 diabetics, which have a carbohydrate intolerance to eat carbohydrates.
yea, your cholesterol will come down with it, that's what the drug is designed to do. what it doesn't mention or address is why your cholesterol was high in the first place. it was high due to fluctuating blood sugars, cholesterol came along to help cure it and doctors came along to dump cholesterol. hence and this is a fact, check with the prescription advice, there is no difference in mortality rates between those who took statins and those that took placebos. as i say again, anybody that listens to docs is on a downward slope to oblivion
just remember, doctors issue statins, statins are scientifically proven to be completely worthless and cause more problems than they solve. hence docs are twits (with an a )