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Over 90 days ago
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Quote by The_third_man
I like to throw a spanner in the works occasionally, all those blaming fat for the rise in obesity is barking up the wrong tree. It is actually biologically impossible for the human body to turn animal fats you eat into excess body fat, the only things that cause humans to put on weight is Plant food such as cereals and fruit.

So chocolate being made from veggie fat i.e. coco butter is fattening sad
It's not the fat from the cocoa butter that puts the weight on, it's the sugar that's added to it.
Quote by penelope
It's not just chocolate that makes us fat, it's the amount we eat, and not only choc but what about the cakes, pastries, biscuits,alchohol etc. Also lack of exercise a major factor. As a country we get tax'd i don't get is the low fat alternatives are always more expensive, an example i buy low fat greek natural yoghurt, the full fat is more expensive and mascapone cheese the light version is more expensive than the full fat , maybe the goverment should step in and say look we have choices but don't expoilt the healthier versions xx

just to highlite two points.
firstly exercise just does not work in the losing weight stakes, only diet can do that.
secondly the full fat versions of most foods are less fattening, so buy the full fat version it's cheaper and better for you.
Wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo, think we can make so please put our names down lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm still wondering why ya stepping in the river twice, can't ya see the bridge biggrin
flower biggrin
well humans spent 200 0dd thousand years as carnivores, what makes anybody think fruit is good for ya lol
I like to throw a spanner in the works occasionally, all those blaming fat for the rise in obesity is barking up the wrong tree. It is actually biologically impossible for the human body to turn animal fats you eat into excess body fat, the only things that cause humans to put on weight is Plant food such as cereals and fruit.
I'm with you there Deal, Alan was one of the nicest fellas ever and it is with great sadness we hear the news. Many a time we spent a few laughs over trivia after a few beers. won't even mention his "join in " method in the couples room :-)
sadly missed, a great star and love to his family
jaq and kryps
I think that the Russians, who tracked the whole mission by satellite and telescope might of mentioned something if the Americans didn't go there.
simple really
Please add us as well Deal. we got babysitter now, just waiting for Jaq's outfit to turn up :-)
Quote by midsprincess
okay im going to stick my neck out here and be serious for at least this answer. I used to be 23 stone - I tried all types of diet and only the following worked for me. I am cautiously saying for me...... oh and peanuts are not nuts - bin em!
1. I threw out all ready and packeted meals - they contain huge amounts of salt and excess sugar - for those who think they know - corn syrup is a main component in many meals and meats as is cheaper than sugar - it is a thickening and bulking agent.
2. Avoid the crisp/sweet aisle
3. Buy fresh veg and Meat/ Fish - cut all fat off red meat and only have once a week - Rabbit and venison are low in fat if good cuts.
4. Exercise 3 times a week for at least an hour - cardio and weights.
5. Walk if its under 2 miles - I dont care if its raining.
6. Park the farthest distance from the Shopping centre in the car park lol
7. Learn to cook properly.
8. Consult your doctor about more tips - they will tell you to exercise more so do it.
9. Watch the weight fall off

well said that man.
Obesity is a problem of the western world. I talk daily to people about their diet and am amazed at what they eat. So much junk food ping food and take aways. Does no one cook any more?
3 balanced meals a day, no picking in between, not oversized portions, and a daily walk or exercise.
Diet is a lifetime issue not just till you get down to your desired weight then eat like a pig n put it back on.
Fad diets are dangerous - Dr Atkins died of an heart attack following his own diet.
Food should be enjoyed and satisfy a need.
2 points. a low carbohydrate diet is not and never was a fad diet, it was the major diet for about 200,000 years, the fad diet is the modern day "low fat diet" it's only been around for about 30 years and time after time has been proved derogatory to health, very fattening, and the major cause of diabetes, chd, stroke and hosts of other serious illnesses. But despite all the evidence it's trotted out all the time by the "health " industry as the be all and end all.
Dr Atkins. No he did not die of a heart attack at all. That was an urban myth put out by the "health " industry to discredit him and what he taught, which was against their own belief system. Far from being some quack, Atkins was an eminent Cardiologist who took the time and trouble to figure what was causing the problems his patients were suffering from. He died after falling on ice and banging his head which caused a blood clot in the brain.
Quote by noladreams30
Fruits and potatoes were imported to this country they were not grow as a natural food supply younders ago wink

We have always had fruits in this country.
Maybe not tropical ones like bananas etc. granted, but c'mon Minxy, the rolling orchards, woodlands and hedgerows of this little island of ours have always been chock full of fruits.
What do you think the hunters and gatherers of days of yore survived on?
contrary to popular belief, the hunter gatherers of bygone eras did not gather fruit or veg and it was never a major part of the diet. After all much of the evolution period was spent in ice age, you try getting an apple mid January in an ice age, ain't gona happen, Sainsburys wasn't invented at the time biggrin
Quote by Theladyisaminx
I have been talking to a friend here over time about a diet, I have since read a few articles and have seen a few programme about it too.
It can be known by a lot of different names but basically you go back to what your country originally produced, which here is mainly
There are a few other things in the list
Cutting out
I have spoken to my hubby about it over months and now he has decided that it all makes sense so he researched it and is going to give it a try starting tonight.
Can we really cut out so much from our normal diet and really have a decent meal?
I am struggling to think of enough recipes to full fill his needs.
Bear in mind I am letting him be the guinea pig, hence why I planted the seed.
I don’t know if I could cut out so much from my diet, I think a balance is ok.
Could you survive on the list?
Any suggestions of meals would be greatly appreciated, I am not a bad cook but I need ingredients.

splendid idea, after all how can you argue with over 200,000 years of evolution. What i would change in your list is to split vegetables into different types. Tubers (potatoes, parsnips, carrots) into the cutting out list and leaf veg (lettuce cabbage sprouts)in the can have list.
Nuts are ok with a few exceptions, peanuts are out as they are a legume and not a nut and almonds are not a nut either, they are a drupe. (and actually quite poisonous if not cooked properly)
dairy should really be in your can list as well, just avoid the low fat options.
God made cows eat grass so we don't have to biggrin
as plants is food's food
oatabix, they're just as bad, one of the biggest con tricks ever is breakfast cereals. years before they were invented all the chaff from the milling process was thrown away as garbage because it is indigestible to people, then somebody thought it would be a good idea to sell it as health food and invented roughage or fibre as it's called. it's completly spurious. humans didn't evolve eating grass seeds biggrin they evolved eating other animals :D
weetabix :twisted: can't think of a more unpalatable and unhealthy way to start the day, it's not good for you. have bacon and eggs, hell of a lot more tastier and far better for ya. lol
just to clarify something, you don't actually get £520 in your pocket, the £520 is an allowance on top of your personal allowance, which means the only money you actually get back is the tax paid on it, and at 22 or 23 % what ever it was then, means ya get back about £110 back from the revenue.
Quote by Peanut
just remember. one doc came bottom of the class, he could be yours lol

At least that doctor was in a class!
you believe what the hell ya want. why would I care.
consensus. such a magical word. you do realise that consensus has no place in scientific debate. Consensus usually comes about when the science does not fit the hypothesis an individual pressure group is trying to promote for their own benefit. I hate the word consensus as much as i hate doctors lol. I can guarantee you, if a pressure group is trying to promote anything, and they use the word consensus, it's usually cause they're wrong.
just remember. one doc came bottom of the class, he could be yours lol
i was going to give this one a rest, but it cropped up again, to all those that debunk, I'm a diabetic with no medical problems and not on any medications, i just watch what i standard advice given to diabetics is as wrong as you can get, and to you peanut, unqualified is not uneducated or ill informed. you have no idea what I do. but the history of medical science is my job. i study scientific papers as a hobby, same as i do for work. I know everything that is known about the condition, i know the cause, i know the symptoms, i know the the effects. but at the end of the day, i will keep my legs and sight, can you say the same thing.
does anybody actually believe the price of anything will come down. The government on one hand reduced vat by 2.5% at the same time increasing costs to businesses. so any decrease in vat will be offset by an increase price.
anyway, to answer the original question. we're going out swinging lol
no, just the ability to read and absorb information. O and the ability to test myself. So I know for an absolute fact that the dietary advice given as standard is wrong. Plus just read Dr Bernstein, I might not have the "knowledge" but he certainly does.
If i took my car to the garage, i would expect them to fix it as well, or pass it on to somebody who could. Not pretend they know what they're talking about and bodge it. I'm sorry, but the track record is not good for diabetics. You cannot argue with the fact that the prospects for diabetics in this country is very poor. So why is that?
the only people that don't think streaming is good is yoghurt knitters biggrin so by definition it's good :D
what my point was, a properly controlled type 2 diabetic, and thats all of them, need not go onto medication or injections, it's the doctors advice that force them on to it because their advice is so wrong. you do not tell somebody with a peanut allergy to eat peanuts, because it will kill them, along the same lines you don't tell t2 diabetics, which have a carbohydrate intolerance to eat carbohydrates.
yea, your cholesterol will come down with it, that's what the drug is designed to do. what it doesn't mention or address is why your cholesterol was high in the first place. it was high due to fluctuating blood sugars, cholesterol came along to help cure it and doctors came along to dump cholesterol. hence and this is a fact, check with the prescription advice, there is no difference in mortality rates between those who took statins and those that took placebos. as i say again, anybody that listens to docs is on a downward slope to oblivion
just remember, doctors issue statins, statins are scientifically proven to be completely worthless and cause more problems than they solve. hence docs are twits (with an a )