II must agree that this new search has introduced too many mouse clicks.
Distance, side scroll bar downwards, couples seeking couples, scroll bar downwards, ads radio button, and search. More than the old 3 clicks ;-D
now a gripe that isn't just petulance ;-).
Why do I have to enable scripting to search? - it should be done serverside, leaving my system safe from trackers, trojans, viruses whatever. Having active scripting, dramatically lessens the security on my pc.
Otherwise, the new search is far more versatile, thanks.
Can anyone help me with 66 the armageddon one please
You've probably heard of the bee problem in the US and europe (including the UK) - when entire hives are dying off inexplicably all over the countryside in large numbers.
Some research done by German scientists reckon that one of the main problems is pollen from GM crops which affect the natural bacteria in the bees stomachs - which effectively kills them.
One third of the crops grown in the first world countries rely on bees for pollination for them to produce seeds... No bees and... :cry:
If she is not that experienced then choose a tarot deck that has a person for every card - makes it a little bit easier to feel the meaning of each card.
When it comes to choosing a deck think very strongly of the person the deck is for and then see which one you are most drawn too.