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Over 90 days ago


Thanks people sure it could have been fun but i will take my opinions to another forums seen as they are not welcome here.
Thanks to the nice people anyway lol :cry: :lol: biggrin
OK wasn't going to post again but i just want to get this streight.
Why should i prove to you than im Not Racist. Why where is it going to get you. I may have stated something that in my head is different to how you see it. Streight from the start of this post you jumped it with EVERYONE HE IS RACIS comments and where has that got you.
I stated Indians and Pakistanis FFS does that make me racist now. So we live in a world where we have to fucking ban piggy banks. An english tradition thrown in the bin becase of what? Because it makes us look racist Sorry but how do they work that out May as well stop serving pork in England. Ohh may as well let people walk around with bombs on there back aswell. Cant be telling them what they can and cant do now that would be an Insult.
We suppose to be Equal yet where the ones who's traditions are being taken ways. E.g Children cant say Black Board or sing the song Bar Bar Black Sheep.
Im off now to live my life and learn from whats out there.
Some nice people in here please dont fall out with eachother over someones opinion. I thought i was the 24 year old
Yea maybe i will, May this be a lesson to anyone who thinks of leaving this shithole. It's full of mixing fuckers who want to put you down the best they can to make them look better.
Do you think i signed up to this forum to ask that question, No i signed up to this forum for the same reason as everyone else. Then i thought mmm maybe i will post about what im thinking and get some good advice on if its a good / bad idea to leave this country and what do the older generations think about whats clearly going on.
Anyway nice to speak to some of ya
L8rz ppl
Ohh and where will you be in 10 years time, wink
one last thing
Shireen_Mids thanks but please don't fall out with anyone over this. We know whats wrong and we can clearly see it. Some people just love to jump on the bandwagon. To pull someone down even more to make themselfs look better as i stated before. There will come a day when saying the word Black will earn you a kick in the teeth but thats what we have grown to be thats the world we live in. I can't change it neither can you :cry: But maybe if enough people can see sense it will make people realize that what there saying can make a big differance in life. We make the future not the government. They just get rich controlling us.
Adios Amigos
I was all with the opinion thing until i got called a racist then the topic went tits up becasue of it. Now i get looked at like i'm an arsehole rolleyes
If waking people up letting them know there is life out there is a crime then lock me up and throw away the key.
Yea and where did i make a racist comment ???? I could have said what you want to hear. Maybe then you can laugh and say Told ya !!! Sorry im not that low.
So we have wasted what 2-3 hrs reading and posting becasue i asked an opinion on this country. Then some smart arse comes in and cries HE IS RACIST. The verry thing i was on about in the first place.
So this country is the verry thing i was pointing out what was wrong with this country. This is why there will be racism in this country. This is why there will be riots. Because no one can have there opinion. This is one of my many reasons for wanting to leave maybe for a few years maybe for a few months who knows.
Phew thought it was me who was fooked up but now im pretty sure its this shithole.
I just don't get why everyone want's to rip each others heads off or be better than everyone else.
Well let it keep going the way its going then. We will anyway becasue we cant do anything about it, and see where it end up.. When people can't get hospital beds. Our Country will collaps in trying to provide for all these people.
. There are racist in the UK and they will speak out when they see there country is suffering becasue they were just too kind, this will lead into Black Vs White battle that i defo don't want to happen or be a part of. This is happening in America as we speak Blacks on one side of the wall Whites on the other side of the wall. Yea good solution send all the racist to Detroit Im with that biggrin Hehe how funny would that be. Ohh But wait a min that would make anyone black racist for wanting to beat a white man up for his words.
Funny old world we live in.
fabio im not saying send anyone back. Im saying stop this country from being over populated Maybe Ask who wishes to leave the country. End of the day if we carry on there will be racism in this country, And lowering the population will reduce the chance of this happening.
I would say sorry but i can't see where i said a racist comment. So calm down im starting to look sane :shock:
Quote by stevio
It strikes me that once again leedslad if you try to put forward an opinion about the state of the country and immigration you will be accused of racism. You nad all of us in a democracy should be allowed to voice that opinion and not be insulted by small minded individuals that will always look for racism in what is said
You keep going fella, voice it how you feel it

wow someone see's sense. Thanks mate
Just pisses me off that we only need to say piggy bank and where racist. What a fooked up country. I just want to know what makes you think im racist. I treat all people as equal. I hate to hurt people's feelings full stop. This is what im on about though we say the wrong thing and where racist. Someone takes this the wrong way next thing where ripping each others heads off. This is what i wanted to find out and i got my answer.
Now i have made my mind up about this Country and i want to get as far away from it as i can.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Firstly i do agree that if people come to this country they should fit in with us not the other way round but i feel that about every country, saying that i would like to ask who went over to africa and took all the slaves? who went over to america and wiped out all the native american villages and killed them by the thousands? who went over to australia and dump all the out casts? who went to small settlments all over the world spreading illnesses.....ermm was us wasn't it? wink
oh and the india thing was a very bad example cause as maia said yes we did

I'm talking mosque in every city though. Every town even, In leeds i think there must be over 10 mosque. I'm not being racist don't matter if there white, black or fooking green, there still over populating our country. Leaving English / Brithis people without homes / jobs. Motorways are becoming caos. Hospitals / Doctors are becoming full.
This list goes on and on and it don't take a mastermind to see where this is going. So ever balance it out by making it easy for us to work in other countrys or send some of the foreigners back before it's too late. We seem to take on these refugees and keep them here then they decide to have familys of there own and it goes on and on. to people are coming into the UK each yea.r At the end of 2003, Britain hosted around 270,000 refugees*, about 2.8% of the world's 9.7 million and 0.4% of the British population so god know where we are at now.
Anyway probs best locking this topic as we could all go on about this until out ears bleed.
Thanks smile
Maybe it will do the same to me too. Just gets to me that there is up to 42,000 older people are unofficially homeless in England and Wales. Thats a lot of people and ollder meaning 50+
This is only one of the problems in this country though. Our involvement in Iraq was to be the result of 56 people all civilians killed in the 7 July 2005 London bombings. Now i would hate to be the one who got that phone call that day telling me one of my family had died.
This is all for what though to make England look good and to put us on the map.
Ohh and with a loud enough voice we can tell the government what we want. That will never happen though becasue people just accept what is happening and take it. There is no easy life. Money is made in a factory so why not give it everyone. We have been made into these people who have to be better than the next person. So while were doing this the goverment is sitting back and getting rich, And the British and the American government have us where they want us.
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Well you and your 'England' don't have a place in a lot of peoples lives-yet you have failed to acknowledge that...racist ?
Minx x x

OK you have an English man and a Refugee man both in this country. Now English man is homeless he has been homeless for 5 years. Refugee man is also homeless as his country is at war. Lets put the refugee man into a home to show we are a good country.
This is a day and age where there is enough money to take both these men and put them both into free homes and take care of them both.
Thats not the case. So imagine how the english man feels and why he feels like that.
Once again i am far from racist.
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Well you and your 'England' don't have a place in a lot of peoples lives-yet you have failed to acknowledge that...racist ?
Minx x x
Quote by essex34m390417
if you are as English as you like to think you are, tackle this the English way - stand and face the problem, dont run away, if you want it bad enough, you will get it, its out there, you just have to make it happen

Just love to hear what our ancestors would say knowing they fought for this. I’m not running away from England I’m turning my back on England. We will get nowhere as long as we are the 51st state. We are Mini America not the England i was brought up to believe. Where has the Courage gone that we suppose to have.
Anyway enough with the government before they send men in tin foil hats to come and get me :shock: biggrin
" That was a joke "
Would leave the attitude behind. This is just one of them i need to get this off my chest rants. I would take another country for what it is and enjoy it. Can't do that here its always pissing it down smile
Ok end of rant. This all came about when i thought "Where will i be in 10 years time"
Well i will never be able to answer that so in them 10 years im going to make the most of my life and go see the world. Sorry to anyone who i offended with this topic and i would like to state im not racist. Only people i hate are these arseholes called the british government. Never voted never will.
Quote by Him'nHer
Make them Fat Cats at the top of the goverment live our lives. Make them work 40 hours a week and make them give us tax. Treat everyone equal. There is enough money is this country put every homeless person into a home.. Gues i just think more about what other people are going through. Just hate sitting here and watching it happed and not being able to do jack all about it.

Ooohhhh and you only work 40 hours a week wow !!!
Yea and i count myself lucky for that. I know how hard it must be for some people. Women more than anything. I know some women that work 50 hours a week and have children to bring up. Thats just to put a roof over there heads.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
If you think Australia is the happy go lucky paradise you see on neighbours watch the movie romper stomper sometime there is a huge racial and immigrant tension problem
.The Aussies bitch about anyone not born there .

Really??? That's wierd because I never had that when I emigrated there.... I was never called a whinging pomme, I never had one Australian condem me because I was born in the UK.... I genuinely love the country and because of that I took on Australian Nationality...
The Australian's (and Kiwi's for that matter) welcome people who are happy to pitch in and try to get on... What they do object to is people who turn up in their country and bitch about everything... But then wouldn't you defend your country if a foreigner was doing the same about the UK??
Calista hun, with regard to health insurance, the people you know should have been able to get private health insurance in NZ... It's the same in Australia and I never had any problems.... Obviously if there are health problems that are already in existance then the premiums will be higher or you may not be able to get cover for that particular problem... Steve, for instance would not be able to get health insurance for anything related to his heart....
Yes there are problems with this country, and yes I am aware that the grass is not always greener on the other side but as with anything.... Life is what YOU make of it....
Shireen (Proud to be Australian)
Im glad that someone can share my opinion on this or part of it. Everyone has there own opinion though. Maybe you could give me some pointers on moving abroad. I agree 100% Life is what you make it. I just hit dead ends in this country though rolleyes
Well moving to NZ or by what people have said about NZ i would probs try my luck in europe. This will give me a break from this big rat race we have over here. Life seems so much more relaxed abroad i know people who have tried it had loved it. They still come over here to see family but they alway go back abroad.
Quote by Maia
Sorry if I sound like I’m about to put a gun to my head. .

Ok, you have moaned and ranted, what are your good suggestions then?
Make them Fat Cats at the top of the goverment live our lives. Make them work 40 hours a week and make them give us tax. Treat everyone equal. There is enough money is this country put every homeless person into a home.. Gues i just think more about what other people are going through. Just hate sitting here and watching it happed and not being able to do jack all about it.
Sorry if I sound like I’m about to put a gun to my head. It’s just I can see where this country is going. Each race is slowly being divided into there own areas. It’s just a matter of time before it all turns into one big riot. It’s going to happen it’s just a matter of when. Even the media have picked up on it. What’s the government doing to stop it? What can they do?
Yes other country’s have there problems too. One of the biggest problems in this country though is its over populated. The M1 is not the biggest NCP in the world. A 3 hour drive now takes 5. Going into the city centre is like being at a football match. Its just getting out of hand. Australia is way way bigger thant England yet we have just as much if not more people living over here.
My best mate who i am going to New Zeland is indian and he shares the same view as me. So this is far from being racist if thats how i sounded. It's the government and the country im mad :x :x :x Off with.
Warning Long rant!!! Where has the real England Gone?
Ok for years now just like everyone else I have plodded along with life day after day working my balls of so the tax man can get the private plate he has always wanted on his supercharged Ferrari. Well it’s coming up to Christmas once again and I am still no better off.
Still living at home with my parents ( Ahhhh ) still driving the same car. Still walking the same path to work. Yet Mr. Jobless over the road from me is still taking from the government still sat on his arse and still counting treble digit stacks. Well bit over exaggerated but not far from the truth. I’m not having ago at people with no jobs just those who will never work and don’t want to work.
I think it’s more this country though that I hate. I mean isn’t it racist to have piggy banks now. Isn’t it racist to send our kids to school in anything to do with England ( Football) Come on government Wake up who’s F***ing country is this. Do we go to India or Pakistan and build churches in there country and tell them what they can and can’t do.
Edit: Ok im wrong on the india thing maybe its a lesson to learn facts 1st. No racist comment though im stating that we are made into looking like we are racist.
I’m not racist but it seems to me like the government wants us to be. They can put these refugees into free houses with free money free food free education, But poor my England who has been homeless for the last 5 years is still eating out the bins and walking the streets in the same clothes he had on when he was first put there.
Edit: Yup no racist comment here either
This I could go on about all day but there is no point as we all know what,s wrong but we just accept it, why? Because that’s life. Yea that’s life and where just numbers. Sad but true. Only in England though. Look at the Aussie’s for example they all enjoy life, Take people for who they are and not for what someone else says they are. They work to enjoy life not just to live.
Well I have had it with this country and its greed. Next year I have plans to move over to New Zealand and from these who knows. Just wanted peoples thought and opinions on what this country has become.
I’m a bit young but my grand parents used to remind me of when they could leave there doors open and no one would think of robbing them it just wasn’t what people did. Also children used to enjoy being young and could play safe on the streets. No the case now everyday in the news someone is Murdered, Robbed, . So what went wrong?
Edit: Someone must have thought i said black people are , robbing, murdering people.
Sorry for the long rant but I have had a shit year.
Don't Stop Me Now " Queen "
Gives me the push i sometimes need to reach my goals in life :sparring:
Hey Mickey im new, My guess is be honest let people know what you want and HAVE FUN biggrin :welcome:
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
You are in mate lol = have fun and for Gods sake dont run

Ohh no im not running, you all seem decent freindly people.
Quote by Phire
I've given up being nervous,!

How do you put you're mind of being nervous
Women who have confidence in there self.
when a woman touches her breasts
also when she tells me what she is going to do to me.
eye to eye contact with that sexy smile lol
women who don't want to try new things.
Women who think its over once i innocent ( Hell no i still got more in me yet ) just give me 5 mins to warm up again
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I just quit but I think if people want to smoke let em smoke and if they want to smoke in pubs so be it. People have smoked in pubs/ public for as long as most of you can remember. you may say well its not fair on people who don't smoke, This may be true but if there in a pub there probably drinking alchol and that aint good for ya health either so why the big fuss.
Well thanks and hello. Kinda though oops was that a little more info that what they wanted. Ahh well may as we be honest and to the point smile well im going to look arount the cafe and get to know everyone a little see ya around lol