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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 69
0 miles · Kent


Hey, thanks for the quick answer.
The real test will come during the mid-evening and weekend.
At present the "The Pool" is showing 125 members.
Is this going to be for all rooms?
I was only ever trying to use the green join button, which is why I was confused.
Since midday today it seems a lot better so I guess one or other of the servers has been re-booted.
I'm now getting, "Sorry, you can only join one lobby at a time.
What on earth does that mean? I'm not trying to join more than one room even.
I also get, "This room has been closed" when it shows 100 members are in it. Re-trying eventually gets in.
Quote by bouncy332
oooo interesting
had an email couple of weeks back supposedly from DHL saying they had been unable to deliver a package and there was a download in it i needed to open to follow instructions to retrieve my package well as i was waiting on 2 packages i tried to open the download but puter wouldn't open it as it had a virus attached so i rang the companies the packages were coming from and asked if it was coming via DHL both of which said no so i just junked the email and forgot about it till now and now i'm wondering if that was some sort of scam too

You were lucky that your PC blocked it. The attachment is a nasty little .exe which loads all sorts of rubbish. The strange part is that it would have been sent from DHLs own mail server so it looks like an inside job.
Quote by foxylady2209
And the ones who say - "eyesight? Passed A1 fit in 1941 - why would I need glasses?".

And they would be 85 now, so at least they survived the UKs roads for 69 years. Generally, it is lack of concentration that causes accidents.
The rule on all roads is stay in the lefmost lane except when overtaking. UK road discipline is abismal especially on 3 and 4 lane MWays, with the lefmost lane almost deserted and middle lane hoggers just cruising along at 60'ish.
BTW, apart from Belgium, the UK MWays now have the lowest speed limit in Europe.
Begium has 120 kph (74mph) but most of the rest are 130kph (81mph).
My pet hate is two foreign trucks, hard against their limiters, who take 5 miles to overtake - effectively reducing the MWay to a single lane.
Can you cum/make a guy cum by use of the mouth alone.
The current vote is (34) Yes, (4) No, with me being a yes.
Looks like the 4 no's need introducing to Sarah, et al, to complete the survey.
While you wait for the official response, try Launching Desktop Chat and it should check to see if you have the latest and, if not, will save and install the new one "over" the old one.
Well that is what it did during beta testing.