Quote by Lizaleanrob
sorry kels remove us please
ex hubby is being a a little awkward
tell him where to go :twisted:
i would but we need him to have the kids :sad:
thats a different story then :-|
Quote by Pretendimhuman
Have both a PS3 and an Xbox360. The 360 gets the most use (My gamerscore is embarassingly high). Can be regularly found playing Gears of War, Halo Wars and ocassionally MW2 though I'm not a big fan of the latter. The PS3 is used as a Bluray player and for the odd game of Buzz TV.
Quote by Pretendimhuman
Have both a PS3 and an Xbox360. The 360 gets the most use (My gamerscore is embarassingly high). Can be regularly found playing Gears of War, Halo Wars and ocassionally MW2 though I'm not a big fan of the latter. The PS3 is used as a Bluray player and for the odd game of Buzz TV.