Quote by FrowningMango
Hi All
Sorry to be a bit late to the party on this one.
I'm an ex Apple engineer and so naturally I'm more Apple than anything else.
I think it all stems from what you use at home for a computer. I used to use Windows up until 2000 when my (ex) wife wanted to buy an iMac because the colour matched the study. With OS 9 there wasn't a lot of difference with Windows, but the game changer was OS X. Amazingly simple to use and there was no going back to Windows from then.
Like Lilith and others have mentioned, the iPhone is fundamental to seamlessly having your home computer with you on your travels. Whilst I could get a Samsung Galaxy SIII (which is a damn good phone), I can't put up with the excessive size, and the fact that Andriod is susceptible to viruses. One of the major plus points about everything being developed having to pass through Apple is that they ensure you don't get your security compromised in any way. Even if you wanted to get around that you could always jail break your iPhone (not that I'd recommend it).
Having used OS X for 12 years now I'm used to computing without worrying about viruses, malware, spamware, adware, etc. I can go onto any website, open any e-mail attachment and not worry about my computer being compromised like my Windows counterparts. Being so used to 'computing without fear' is something I don't want lose with my phone.
I've had an iPhone 4 and now I have an iPhone 5 I'm not blown away by the differences. But to an extent that's the point. It's evolution more than revolution, and it'll come into it's own more over the next year as iOS 6 develops. Plus 4G potentially opens up loads more applications for both Apple and Samsung (still not sure if it's worth it at the mo though).
I personally think you can't go wrong with either the iPhone 5 or the Galaxy SIII....it's all about what's right for you.
Apple is right for me...and I'm very comfortable with that.
I have to take exception to a couple of points you made.
first, Android is susceptible to malware not viruses. And then only through unverified sources not the googleplay store. Any Android app on googleplay that needs comms permissions goes through the same type of security checks as stuff on iTunes.
Second, just because your OS is secure does not mean you are not open to other attack vectors. Quite recently OSX had been infected via the java runtime that apple themselves created. You say you feel safe browsing websites, that's how the infection was spread.
I have no real axe to grind here, but blind brand loyalty and misinformation really grind my gears.