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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
Straight Female, 66


hi, we are looking for a fuck buddy for the wife. pub meet first, then car fun. see how you get on. if you only want a one off, then fine. just don't tell her. x
We are looking for a very heavy cumer to play with the wife over her pantys then shoot all over her panty clad crotch as hubby watches
some time over the hols.
Excactly that no more or less.
We are still looking for 3 guys to come for a. Walk with us into the woods on tuesday evening near yatelley to use the wife with me..
Hi. We are looking for three guys to join us in a wood near shinfield on the 30th for a "private" dogging meet. Wife is on offer. Hubby to join in.
hi. we are looking for youngish guy for a safe "private" dogging meet near yateley this evening
hi. we are looking for a young guy who can accom this evening to help with the wifes fantacy.
we are looking for a guy who can accom in reading/basingstoke to take the wife to bed as hubby watches/joins in tomorrow evening. any takers
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Of course because castration and spaying does reduce risk some insurance companies charge lower premiums for such dogs.

what a complete crock of misguided, misinformed troll material
dog insurance pricing is done on post codes, age and breed type no more no less
if you have any doubt phone pet plan as kc reg accredited breeders of two breeds of dogs we have considerable knowledge in this field
as pet insurance dose not cover pregnancy or any costs related please tell how spaying a dog will make its insurance cheaper ?????
If this is the case then why did petplan need to know if our dog was castrated when preparing a quote?
I would imaginethat the health benefits associated with spaying would reduce premiums. One in four unspayed bitches will suffer from breast tumors and spaying virtually eliminates the risk. Also unspayed bitches are at high risk from pyometra and other uterine infections as well as cancers of the reprodructive tract.
ring pet plan or one of the others to find out!! your insurance is based on what i said above we talk to pet plan regularly to sort out peoples dog insurance and have never been told that that spaying/neutering would bring it down, as the insurance is based on breed /post code and age
just as a footnote your dog would need to be spayed before its first season to to gain any benefit from reduced cancer risks
but many vets wont spay a dog until after its first season and many prefer it to be two seasons
but i feel you already know this wink
the insurance thing is down to the fact that a done dog or bitch won't be running across the road or biting a person to get sex with another dog. not being rude, but read your public liability section
Quote by Bluefish2009
we have 5 working border collies and a jack russell. none are docked and we can't see why they should be, they all work hard and seem to be able to keep thier talls under control.
the only dog we have had in the family that was docked was our old english, but that was done before we got her and purely because the kennel club said the breed looked better docked. i say "bollocks ". most docking was, and to an extent, still is being done because the kennel club has historically said "that is how the breed should look.
there is no medical reason for it. people cut thier fingers so, should we all have them cut off at birth?

The only dog from the list above that I would imagine could need its tail docked would be the Jack Russel and only if it was intended to work underground. This kind of work is of coarse now very limited.
not even the jack. he knows where his tail is and is inteligent enough to accomadate it when moving. as i said, docking is purely because of the kennel club. or to prevent damage during fighting. and no, dennis does not work at all. ( lazy git ) he is allowed natural instict if he likes but that is just his nature
Its a dogs life
wouldn't mind it. wonder who rules the roost?
Quote by Bluefish2009
we have 5 working border collies and a jack russell. none are docked and we can't see why they should be, they all work hard and seem to be able to keep thier talls under control.
the only dog we have had in the family that was docked was our old english, but that was done before we got her and purely because the kennel club said the breed looked better docked. i say "bollocks ". most docking was, and to an extent, still is being done because the kennel club has historically said "that is how the breed should look.
there is no medical reason for it. people cut thier fingers so, should we all have them cut off at birth?

The only dog from the list above that I would imagine could need its tail docked would be the Jack Russel and only if it was intended to work underground. This kind of work is of coarse now very limited.
not even the jack. he knows where his tail is and is inteligent enough to accomadate it when moving. as i said, docking is purely because of the kennel club. or to prevent damage during fighting. and no, dennis does not work at all. ( lazy git ) he is allowed natural instict if he likes but that is just his nature
wife and i would like to go dogging with nice people in a safe area. we tried old basing but she found the guy's too intimidating. ( think she would prefer 3-4 guy's to ease her back into it )she to put on a show, bj's and safe fucks but all the time letting her feel in control.
anyone got any ideas?
we have 5 working border collies and a jack russell. none are docked and we can't see why they should be, they all work hard and seem to be able to keep thier talls under control.
the only dog we have had in the family that was docked was our old english, but that was done before we got her and purely because the kennel club said the breed looked better docked. i say "bollocks ". most docking was, and to an extent, still is being done because the kennel club has historically said "that is how the breed should look.
there is no medical reason for it. people cut thier fingers so, should we all have them cut off at birth?
wife and i are looking for two guy's for a pub meet on sunday evening. thoughts are play with her in pub, (as circs allow ) under the table as we have a drink and chat. then back to the car so she can sit between you in back and open wide for foreplay or safe fuck and or bj (or both) as i watch. pub tba
funny , i am very comfortable with my body but, never even thought about going nude in public. just don't seem right somehow. although i do like nudism outdoors in private
Quote by MidsCouple24
So your criteria is to meet anyone, males, females, couples, at clubs, hotels, homes, yours, on weekdays, weekends, evenings, daytimes, black, white, tall, short, large, slim, hairy, shaven, bald, bearded or anything else, and that is great but it is still your criteria for meeting so I did respect what you said and didn't "throw it out of the window" and certainly did not feel the need to swear at you as you did me.
But if you insist that this is not criteria then my initial post stating "if the cap fits applies" and I respected you then by not including you in the lists/criteria statements.

have to say, we dont have many criteria, but i would find you very intimidating to meet as i would be so scared that i, or j may do something wrong. ( like, not sit with correct posture, or not have the same view ) we have had our share of wasted time but, we meet and see how it goes. if it seems wrong then we just say so and walk away, but we will meet most anyone for a drink (a must)so we can make up our minds with no pre-concieved idea's. i genuinely don't mean that in a rude way, but?
i love my bit of the countryside, but why don't other people respect it. sick of people just thinking they can do what they want and we have to clean up after them. a little thought should be used, then i wouldn't mind anyone roaming around.
i agree totally. we need the countryside but too many people trying to buy it for the wrong reasons. ok, foxes and all!
surely we could pull something together. if we can get enough girls involved and a nice set of guy's. would agree with the guy ho said " only vetted guy's. all it needs is for someone to say " would love to host a gangbang in the reading area back end of april would be hotel meet and guy's to chip in with cost but need two ladies ( or not ) to attend and say six guy's, it should be easy. see where we all come from and choose a central hotel. not going to start without ladies though.
Quote by MidsCouple24
We will only meet people who have a good sense of humour, thiers may differ from ours but there will be common ground in there somewhere.
Don't understand the "sickest joke" question, why would that be relevant, I mean why the sickest joke I know and not the funniest (what I think is the funniest)
A gsoh to me, someone who can have a laugh at most things and not be single minded, ie get offended at jokes, thats hard to explain because sometimes something intended to be a joke can be offensive to some, but what I mean is, perhaps an ability to be spontaneously funny, to be able to make a funny comment without being offensive to those present.
How many jokes do you (anyone) know that are not about someone else and therefore not offensive to someone, the mother in law, slim people, large people, welsh people, Irish, scottish, Belgians (they deserve it though) essex girls, nerds, chavs, vicars, Germans, Yanks, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Romans, sheep etc
I think making a joke about people is fine providing it is just humour and there are none of "those" people present, ie if all the women present have a good sized set of boobs you can make small boob jokes, but if there is a flat chested woman present saying "I will tell you a joke that will make your tits fall off, oh you've already heard it" is offensive and the same with mother in law, fat jokes, skinny jokes etc.
Joking about bad things doesn't mean you necessarily agree with such things, like the jokes or the Tsunammi jokes, or saying a place is not all it's cracked up to be after an earthquake or that you thought 7up was an Appollo mission, much of the time it is how we deal with the bad things in life.
I was always taught that the best way to get a woman into bed was to make her laugh ........ so I show them my willy, doesn't seem to work though wink but they certainly laugh a lot
sickest joke quote was meant as, you wouldn't meet for first time and just come out with the sickest joke you can think of with no thought for the people you are with. hence we taylor our humour. therefore it does take a while to , to say a person doesn't have a gsoh after 2 mins is a bit wrong.
not liking them after 2 mins is different. some people do get nervous on first meet. all that said, my piont was at the top of my quote
read a thread which read "take it your profile doesn't say good gsoh". what is a gsoh? surely we all adjust to situation and company for humour? or do we take the risk and stay true to ourselves and risk offending. i will say what i think, when i think ( if i think ) i.e, if i asked for the sickest joke you know, would you post it?
Quote by paddy
A little light humour, please don't post anything that may offend a fellow user.
I'm fed up of Happy Birthday the person.
What's yours?

strikes me, some people need a bigger arena than they really have so they need to talk to the world when only 3 people are actually listening. hence the need to tell the world that someone has a birthday, regardless of the fact that we all have one. no real news
possibly, the reason for the upturn in urban foxes is because rural folk have stopped allowing them to scavenge so they have gone for an easy source of food. i.e moved into town because of the abundance of half eaten chinese, macs or what ever that we throw away. much the same as the ( don't laugh ) urban population of kites that are around.
if you go to our local kfc, there are three pairs that thrive on the chicken that people throw on the pavement. i am anti fox as they don't just kill to eat. they kill all they can in the hope of coming back for the rest later, but you can't blame them for gaining an easy meal.
for us, j gets a great feeling of "power" in turning a guy on and all that goes with that and, although she doesn't like to see me with another woman, i am happy for her to feel that. different for everyone i guess
Quote by HnS
For those with Android Smartphones then they can record video and upload to the site very simply/easily via the Swinging Heaven app, see
P.S. Current users of the application, please go to the link and download the new version so you will get a notification about future updates.

Whilst as Paddy pointed out the 'traditional' method has usually involved recording via people's webcam or via a video camera and then uploading uploading the resulting files via
and for those of us who are technafobes. we have to use old phones and hope the recipient can receive. i don't even know how to put a vid on site and it's a right passion killer to ask for five mins while i set the webcam up correctly. don't know the answer so should not bitch, but?
i am sure there will be, but seemed a great guy so no jokes please. truely r.i.p
why not find a guy who is also interested but nervious and go together. make it clear you are both single but mates. see how you get on. at least you have a wing man. but choose wisely. not offering myself so no worries.
hi, is there a club in bournemouth we could use when we are down there?
poblem is, it's in the rules. even in small companies, things are claimed for that should never be. whether it be meals, hotels or what ever. lets all look at our expence claims. trouble is, it's allowed. wrongly but?
why won't the government of the day, regardless of party, listen to us. not radicals or far whatever., but normal, everyday people. should they be made to go into pubs and actually hear what is said by everyday, average folk. surely they can all see we know what is needed. just seems a sensible approach could work? bugger being pc or fitting in with europe ect. should we come first?
how about, the north generates the money and takes the olympics and i get by on stella till we can find some water. everyone happy then