Obviously he was not gettin enough sausages!!
As it now so public, I imagine not only will the boy racers be turning up, the local Plod along with ID10T 'headlight n main beam', dont have a clue doggers will be joining you to.
I have been to the locations you mention in the past and had some jolly good fun while camping but guess that over the next few weeks the Corsa's, Focus ST's and the Cleo's will be out in force to join you and screw up any chance you had at fun..
Like everywhere..
It is quieter (Winter's here), but sure have had some good fun the last couple of months and weeks..
Some of the best nights I have had is when its snowing!!
So deffo not dead!!
How can I stop, I am about to write a book with all these stories...
At another well known location North of Manchester, one of the guys I notice on a regular basis turned up and as per usual, full of his self centered 'I am' comments and stories and that his new company (fully loaded) car had just been given to him (yawn*).
Claiming to be working for the MoD and a very large computer company a few nights later I pulled in and parked up. I noticed a group of people around a car and assuming they where huddled around a map to plan the next leg of their night hike, prepared to head over and see if my map reading skills were required.
As I got out of my car, I heard a strange noise very much like a slowly moving car on stones being pressed into tar mac. The noise was getting louder and not sure where is was coming from (it was pitch black) tried to focus my attention.
The noise got quicker and louder until I heard a crash, a bang and the noise of stressed and breaking twigs and branches.
'Holy shit, what was that' I thought and went to take a closer look where I had soon realised someones all singing and dancing shiny new car, was not to new and shiny anymore.
It appears the hand brake had not been properly applied and as the car park was on a hill, the car broke free and set off on a toboggen ride of its own. As I apprached the group of people one of the other guys who also heard it annouced "does any one have a Mondeo" to which there was a reply of yes, "well, you better go and recover it from the bushes as its rolled down the hill".
Next time, I'll get onto the night I literally bumped into CID, or shall it be the time that 6 policemen caught 7 guys and a lady on a picnic bench in Yorkshire?
Just read it myself and will be forwarding it to Greater Manchester and Lancashire constabularies as they don't seem to have got the message yet.
Government told them to back off over 18 months ago, yet they still drive around giving grief for being parked listening to the shipping forecast on Radio 4. It's not good enough, all I want to do is listen to the radio, yet they pull up and make accusations of all sorts of terrible things!!
I really must stop listening to the radio and try this dogging as it sound much more fun.
Over the 12 months, I've helped police catch fly tippers, burglars, car thieves and fraudsters.
Must admit, the funniest thing I ever saw was a night I got stopped on a lane leading to a popular place and while my details were being checked (which seemed to take a very long time) I had difficulty keeping my face straight as one of the regular guys was stood behind his police car pulling 'moonies'.
Its not easy trying to give my date of birth and address while in fits of laughter. He must have been a rookie as asked him why he had stopped me and he said he was working 'covertly' at which point I suggested if this was the case then it may be an idea to turn the damn spinning blue flashing light on his 'high powered' 1.3 Ford Fiesta off as it was sending my eyes nuts.
Its great when they ask 'do you know what goes on in this car park', to which you act dumb and say no, which then always gets the response 'people meet here for sex and dogging'. I usually reply shocked stating 'crikey occifer, I must come back another night check this out as it sound great fun, what nights are best?'.
Although a few weeks ago, nearly came unstuck when I was in the back of a transit van in the pitch dark only to have the back doors flung open and a bright torch shone in with the words, "what's going on in here then"?
I think the 6 guys stood around the van had a harder job explaining their presence then I did in the van. 'Talking' was a the response, 'why are you out of breath' he said, 'hay fever is killing my astma' was the answer and he soon gave up..
I have seen plenty of boys in blue sniffing around couples in cars, even witnessed cohersion and once had to step in.
I cannot complain..
Been out a few nights over the last couple of weeks and had fun on nearly every time. I tend to go to the quieter places as couples as you rightly say, wont hang around where there are many cars, especially the 8-10 guys stood together shouting and laughing.
I tend to keep myself to myself and keeping a keen eye can usually have fun without anyone even realising until the car leaves or I am asked to follow.
Its amazing how many times I have had fun with couple's and there are two or more guys in cars next to us that are completly oblivious to whats just happened.. They must sit there with thier eyes shut, then again you get the guys who comes screaming in with main beam and fog lights on, parking 12 inches from the car with a couple in and diving in, then wonders why the two of us are left alone in the car park!!
The only reason locations are dead is that couples (like yourselves) are not frequenting the places as they used to.
I am sure if you head out that someone else in the same frame of mind will also appear and then you will get your fun without disturbance from the 'The Sunday Sport' doggers who have not quite fully understood the way to behave.
I regulary visit the 'dead' spots up here in Manchester and I have had plenty of fun to start the year off and not into summer yet.
Grab a flask and dont plan for action and see what happens, you may be surprised!!
That one has been shut since a guy was thrown in the water and drowned 3 years ago..
Had some great meets over the last couple of weeks and if you are reading this, thanks and look forward to meeting again..
Any couples around Manchester looking to meet a genuine guy for some outdoor play? If so, drop me a line..
I am happy to watch or by invite join in or touch and will always stick to your limits and invitations without over stepping..
I am also looking for a regular lady to join me to tease others and if this is your thing, or something you would like to try, then get in touch.
Non pushy, easy going and enjoy a laugh..
Hoping to hear from you soon..
Petrol stations are well covered and secure at night when locked up..
Part of the fun is freezing ya knacks off peering through a window, at least if the engine is running, the warmth from under the car is always welcome..
Hope there is plenty room for all the Corsa's turning up..
At least I know where I am going wrong now... I aint got a BIRDY WOLF mask..
Off to the joke shop tomorrow to procure one, of, joke shop or was this program was the biggest joke I have ever seen..
Whats door mice, otters, dear and other silly clips of night vision got to do with outdoor sex..
Complete rubbish, I should have gone out instead!!
This hobby is already shot to pieces without sentational TV programs to ruin it more..
Best as it was in the old days.. kept secret..
More numpties with main beam on driving into car parks who dont have a clue..
Have done this and was very very good as we AVDP..
A very pretty lady gave my todger a good shmoking last night..
Very enjoyable, thank-you..
Grab a TENS, stick one pad on your backside and the other on your partners..
Insert connecting link (your cock) into her pussy and set to MAX..
Enjoy ;)
After many, many posts you read and on other sites about behaviour, you would have a better chance of seeing Argentina drop thier claim on the Falklands before you change the way people behave..
I was not questioning your behaviour, I was suggesting that walking into a scenario where two cars are parked could go one of two ways depending on the reason for them being there..
- A couple are happy to allow a second guy to be present
- You will be told it is private (by the couple)
- or you have stumbled on a couple having an affair
Telling a new arrival that a meet is private is one of the oldest tricks in the book, especially after I have been stood next to a car for 10 minutes and a guy walks over and says, "these two only want one!" to which I usually answer, "well, if you leave, then there will be only one again" ffs..
Pretending to take a call on the phone speaking loudly being overheard where the imaginary friend claims that two couples have just arrived at another location and you will be heading there in 10 mins.. Watch the dust in the car park!!
There are no hard fast rules, his behaviour was overly pushy and probably ruined what would have been a good time for the pair of you if he had backed off and waited for an invite or his turn..
I see bad, arrogant, pushy and damn right offensive behaviour and things dont change, however many posts appear here and other places.
Usually saying something ends up in being told they are new and had no idea or get told to F*** OFF or worse in being tailgated and followed, there are some desperate nut cases out there!!
The number of times I hear guys in groups claiming they are the perfect doggers, commenting on others behaviour in that they dont shine lights, they dont park too close, they never follow a couple, they dont get pushy then as soon as they are on thier own the night after, they are everything they claim not to be.
I have had a few good chances screwed up by similar and accept you win some, you loose some and out weighed by the number of times I have dropped lucky where no others turns up or have turned up too late as the couple are driving away and its all over..
Keep ya pecker up!!
Wondered if you would have drove off if the shoe was on the other foot and you had happened to stumble on two cars..
Yes, it more than likely means something is going on but there are many scenarios that you could be walking into..
- A couple having an affair
- Dogging meet where the couple are happy for others and have moved from the busy area
- A private meet
Yes, its annoying as it has happened to me many times but as for etiquette, is there any other than simply being respectful to others?
See a dogger with a couple, do you leave to head over in the 'hope' of fun?
Just have to be prepared to leave quietly if the couple ask..
The number of times I have been told, 'this is a pre-arranged meeting', 'they only want one guy', 'I was here first' by guys hoping that this would allow all the fun to himself and I will ask the couple if it is thier preference to be left, where 9 times out of 10, they say its fine to stay and turns out the guy had made it up.
What happened was bad luck and although many things he did was questionable in terms of respect.. Dogging is outdoor fun, there are others out looking for the same and if a couple don't want disturbing, then they could have got a room or arranged fun at home..
Yes, the guy should have shown more respect and I would be posting every week if I was to comment on every time I see this or similar when out..
Nothing is set in stone and best to go out and hope next time you will not get disturbed and put this down to the one that got away!!
Have fun
Would be very careful visiting this beach..
Dogging seems to have found a new angle in that area that has a new name "Felining"..
You may get a surprise should 'Lenny the Lion' pop out from the dunes and joins you and not quite the pussy you were hoping for..
So if you do go out there and something furry gropes your bum, best double check its not one of the locals with hairy palms!!
Then again, I should rent a Lion suit and prowl the beach at night for doggers, jump out and roar.... Grrr
Have fun
Not sure which part you are going to,
I was there both Saturday and Sunday afternoon and it was crammed full..
Seriously recommend the Ice Cream van on the right hand side..
What a fab night last night, thank-you to the two couples I bumped into..
Hope to see you again soon, I have sent you messages if you read this..