Gee thanks pardners.........Great um wont tell you what happened.(blush)
But have loadsa photos.........when I found out how to "Sepia"
Send us a mail..if you want them.
Gra and his Boss Sara
Sara just said she has a denim mini skirt and boots...........(Wonder if I can get my size 10 feet into size 7 boots?).................Oh and the mini skirt............Nah maybe not Broke Back Mountain springs to mind
Whale,Oil,Beef,Oct.........I (Gra) went to collect my fancy dress stuff today Fits really the part as well..........Only trouble is When i said Injun.............The blind,Deaf,Dyslexic,One legged,Ginga Whinga shop assistant thought I said Indian...........
Er is Ghandi allowed this weekend?
Gra...............Did the earth move for you?
Sara Nah but the wardrobe wobbled a bit
YEAH we know its late But Gra is home for the weekend can we come please?
On Friday 7th Dec, We were handed a disc from the Photographer/Videor As is normal when your pissed, You shove it in your pocket and forget it.....We have now looked closely at this Disc and BLOODY HELL..........This is totally little more than an insult to all those who he considered friends..
Pickles ABSOLUTELY no way are you to blame for the actions of someone else.
Westy you did ask me about the CD last Tuesday...I informed you there were no videos Babe I apologise I was wrong..Its only now I have looked closer at the disc.
Its bloody Galling that someone each and everyone of us us all like something He has trod in.
BUT we have all learned from this experience.
AND NO if your at a party with us there......DO NOT even attempt to photo us................Coz yur camera will go swimming.........
OK heres one for you.
Normally have NO problems at all getting into the chat rooms Last couple of days I cant get past the log in screen.
System running.
Firefox via Virgin ISP .
I have removed and reinstalled Java.
Installed the Macromedia FLASH thats is mentioned on these pages
Even gone to the Trouble of running a System Restore back 3 days
YET my Parner SARA has No problems what so ever in logging on from the same house Via the same broadband...(VirginISP)
Sara also has the same problem logging into the chat On my laptop with her Log in.
So it has to be my system
All I get is the "Loading Interface" and "Authorised Gra_Sara-Couple.
Then it just sits there and looks at me as if im stoopid (Maybe I am)
Any help on this problem at all?
I wear the trousers in our house and I have sara's permission to say so SOOOOOOOO I have decided(With her consent) that we are going to the NW derby social.
Put us down C/S...:kiss
Whoops like like we wont be able to attend Sorry giuys enjoy the evening anyway
Sunday 21st Oct 2007...........
sara_gra: If Wolves come top of league this year and get promoted....Dean gonna do the full monty lol
deancannock: I will as well Sara
Sounds like the room are gonna have to respond to this
I suspect it could be linked to the governments Ban on smoking in enclosed seeing as Swing heaven is a members club (Falls under the no smoking rule) Members are failing to come in COZ they cant "Ave a fag"
But then Im reknown for being a nutter.
It wor me..........was a big boy done it, and ran away
thanks to all those who were there its you lot that make the night not me.
Well we know that STANDARDS Try STANDARDS....Pray tell me.......What happened to the serviettes? has become so accustomed to these special
Bloody good night mate...keep up the high standards(and serviettes)Long may you run the COV meet..
OH this could be good......
Sara wants to come for all you sexy girls
and the Bonus is Sat 17th Is Gra's birthday.
Can we come Pretty please?
Sorry my fault didnt realize this weekend coincidede with my visit to the south coast..............
We cant make it...............well makes room for people who can attend.
C'mon guys support these two....Nice couple and working hard to make this happen.
Which makes us feel even worse .
Gra Sara
Can we HUH can we...promise to be good......(Yeah right)
I spoke to the manger (Alan) Last night in respect to the camera's He assured me the ones in the couples room where to appease any couples who are unsure he is willing to cover the camera's until such time as they are removed.
But as Nikki/Rob pointed out being a big club its going to take 500 people to fill it.
Lets hope they achieve at last half of that number
Jim -----------Jo........Read it again I was sorry for you lot Coz we are COMING
But you'll all get over it eventually
Gonna ruin everyones night nowLOL Looks like Sara and I are coming tonight..........Oh and to the club she enjoys a good dance and me?.........I enjoy a good OGLE
Dress Sexy girls.........Porn Sar (Star) and me are on the way
Looks like we aint gonna be there then..............We cant make weekend of the 15th We am across the water...Never mind all ensure you rnjoy yourselves and donr get to pissed...As if..
DEAN mate great weekend well thought out...well presented..........
Also i think its worthy to say a BIG thank you to all those who supported Dean Merely in the fact that they turned up...........Dean.. you know who you are Support was great.,..
(And we all know Dean needs support at his age.........50 wasnt it Dean?)
Seeing as Pickles got in before us...Can we get right up behind her and cum as well?.......
MUNCH/SOCIAL we do give long as we get to socially munch jane.............OK you win shove our names down
If it aint big....................Then Gra is what your looking for
Well seeing as we went to the last one........It could be construed as Rude if we didnt attend this one.....Please put our names forward.
ps your all cute........but some are cuter than others