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secret videoing ??

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Safe sex used to be all about condoms, but a recent incident shows that mobile phones can be just as dangerous. At a recent party (not a munch or a social, just a party at which some of our number were guests) a minute or two of video was recorded by a person believed to have been using a mobile phone. That video clip has now been seen by quite a lot of people here, much to the horror of the people shown on the clip who did not give their consent or even know it was being taken. Pictures at parties for “personal use” are commonplace at some of our meets and events, but what do you all think of a person who secretly does a “candid camera” stunt and worse still, passes the result around ??
i was the person who this video was taken of i was never asked if i could be filmed this was done without my knowledge or consent. when i confrunted the person he said he had loaded the wrong file onto the disc and has handed it out to people. iam shocked that a fellow swinger could do such a thing am just wondering why the hell somebody would film me in such a way. please all learn from my leason do not trust people who have a camera or mobile phone in their hand at a party whats happened to me is proof people dont give a damn for their actions other people were also filmed without their knowledge by this person iam totally gutted and heart broken by this
Blimey, that is really bad mad
Is the person a member on here? Perhaps they could be kicked out for their actions or if the mods feel it's not their place to do this, the name could be PM'd around (behind the scenes) so the person could be universally ignored / banned from parties and the like?
Just a thought or am I over reacting?
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Yes this person is a member and yes - personally I think they should be banned. I certainly wouldn't be comfortable turning up to a club or party knowing they were there.
Westie chin up matey and other people affected - this person is a total waste of skin. I am so angry for you because the whole basis of this scene is trust and respect.
To the vile oxygen thief who did this - hope you're really proud you pathetic person.
Not a lot you can do about retrieving the situation, which is really shitty.
Send a complaint to a mod if it has been distributed on the forums or admin if it is elswhere on the site, with as much evidence as you can find.
This is a serious breach of trust.
Its awful thing to happen to you... kiss
The person obviously didnt feel they were doing anything wrong at the time. It does show no respect for privacy.
Not sure what can be done as the event wasnt an offical SH one. Maybe someone can ask a moderator/ Admin and check?
BUT is it any different to members taking still shots of people on cam?? Thats done without anyones knowledge as well. Then again you take that risk being on cam I suppose. So I'll shurrup now!
Hope its sorted out to everyones satisfaction.
Quote by west-brom-babe
i was the person who this video was taken of i was never asked if i could be filmed this was done without my knowledge or consent. when i confrunted the person he said he had loaded the wrong file onto the disc and has handed it out to people. iam shocked that a fellow swinger could do such a thing am just wondering why the hell somebody would film me in such a way. please all learn from my leason do not trust people who have a camera or mobile phone in their hand at a party whats happened to me is proof people dont give a damn for their actions other people were also filmed without their knowledge by this person iam totally gutted and heart broken by this

You should be revelling in the afterglow of the munch not feeling heart broken. This is abs disgusting and whatever the reason the "film maker" had he/she should've asked for your permission.
I'm not one for naming and shaming but the person who took the video really needs to think about their future here...
A diabolical fukin liberty mad
Quote by jaymar
You should be revelling in the afterglow of the munch not feeling heart broken. This is abs disgusting and whatever the reason the "film maker" had he/she should've asked for your permission.

Just to clarify this - it wasn't at a Munch, it was at a private party. We are looking into this and know who it was...what we CAN do is another matter. If it had happened at a Munch the solution is very obvious and we wouldn't hesitate to take immediate action.
as a private party...don't think there is alot SH can actually do......
but the person concerned knows who he is...and so do na great many the person concerned should beaware when people ignore him..and he never gets invited anywhere...that it is a result of his own stupid and pathetic actions.
the first think he should do wipe the clip clean from his phone and his computer and any other record he has of it...then go away and think very seriously about his actions.
Quote by deancannock
as a private party...don't think there is alot SH can actually do......
but the person concerned knows who he is...and so do na great many the person concerned should beaware when people ignore him..and he never gets invited anywhere...that it is a result of his own stupid and pathetic actions.
the first think he should do wipe the clip clean from his phone and his computer and any other record he has of it...then go away and think very seriously about his actions.

But that doesnt help those who organise munches or in fact those down to attend munches does it ??
We havent a bloody clue who it is and what lists they are on !!!
I know this is an emotional topic but please don't be tempted to name and shame the idiot. I would hate to have to pull the thread and stop the warning it is giving to others :thumbup:
Anyorganisers of events in the future should be informed of this persons wish to attend so they may make an informed choice as to whether to risk inviting them.
I think a public naming and shaming is not the way to go BTW...
Quote by west-brom-babe
i was the person who this video was taken of i was never asked if i could be filmed this was done without my knowledge or consent. when i confrunted the person he said he had loaded the wrong file onto the disc and has handed it out to people. iam shocked that a fellow swinger could do such a thing am just wondering why the hell somebody would film me in such a way. please all learn from my leason do not trust people who have a camera or mobile phone in their hand at a party whats happened to me is proof people dont give a damn for their actions other people were also filmed without their knowledge by this person iam totally gutted and heart broken by this

sounds like a load of bollocks to me, how do you load the wrong film on a disc dont you watch it after first to make sure its loaded and would you not notice it was the wrong one, all i can say is i hope the people who saw this clip took note of whoever took the clip and dont invite them to anymore parties
Quote by deancannock
as a private party...don't think there is alot SH can actually do......

im sure they cant do anything, not that i can name names but a while back, dont know if any of you mids room can remember this, but a woman started talking to a guy on swingingheaven and then they took it over to msn and he started sending her death threts, she reported him but because it was on msn and not on the site nothing was done about it so not sure what they can do about this situation.
I suppose all you can do is let your friends know who it was so noone gives them the chance to do it again
Quote by west-brom-babe
when i confrunted the person he said he had loaded the wrong file onto the disc and has handed it out to people.

The point is he should never have had the clip in the first place unless he had asked permission to take it and shown it to you first! Being ignored would be the least of his problems if me or anyone I was with had been filmed without our knowledge.
So sorry it happened to you Westie hun {{{hug}}}.
Quote by Unc
when i confrunted the person he said he had loaded the wrong file onto the disc and has handed it out to people.

The point is he should never have had the clip in the first place unless he had asked permission to take it and shown it to you first! Being ignored would be the least of his problems if me or anyone I was with had been filmed without our knowledge.
So sorry it happened to you Westie hun {{{hug}}}.
i agree, the thing with house parties is because they are invited to peoples homes its usually people who are known to each other and considered as friends and the though of someone you saw as a friend and you trusted has done this is not a very nice thought sad
cant add anything to this, my feelings have been already expressed to you in person and by others above, it will be universally condemned by one and all im sure westy, your not the first this has happened to and im afraid you wont be the last.
Sorry, but i think Hung Drawn n Quartered comes to mind.
I find it dispicable (cant spell)to hear that some1 who has bein invited to a party, even a house party, (which 4 me makes it worse because its more informal & peeps usually know each other & are close in 1 way or another & they trust each other too) has had the gaul n audasity to cam whomever doing watever........ too me it is totally wrong mad
What ever happened to dignity & respect. Everyone is entitled to it, but unfortunatley on this occassion, it has bein blown out ov the water by some inconsiderate TWAT !
They kno who they are & i do hope that infuture they take note....................& if they dont, well then expect the consiquences ov their actions & not make any excuses
Lets be adult over this, yes i wud luv whomever to be named & shamed but unfortunatley as stated above it was a house party. I think that those that attended will be making peeps aware & i'm sure that word will get around very quickly.
As to the person who held the party, you only invited them as friends, any actions that THEY have taken are their actions & not yours. I'm sure that your true friends will agree with me, that any blame lye's fairly at the so called cam-persons feet.
Ooops, i seem to have gone on abit, but does sooooooooo annoy me, i'm a quiet ole fashioned girl really lol
the problem now is that those people in the mids room know who it is... and I am sure that will get around the room.... but this people could go to other events in other rooms around the country and no one would be any the wiser.....
wouldn't it be wise to let the organisors or social/munches know that this person is on their lists so they can then make a valued decision???
I was the host of the party and just want to say that i am sooooo sorry for the hurt it has caused people. Unfortunately i didn't know this had happened until it was too late to stop it. All i can say is that i will seriously think twice about having anymore parties.
Again everyone i am sooooooooo sorry sad
pickles hun in no way shape or form is this down to you, you didnt know along with the rest of us what this person has done is betrayed all of our trust xxxxxxxxxxx
thanx westy - the friendship of you guys means alot to me and don't wanna lose it over this xxx
Disgusting, I wouldn't be comfortable turning up to a club or party knowing they were there.
Westy {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}
I am so upset for you because the whole basis of this scene is trust and respect.
to the person who did this - hope you're really happy...cos u aint gonna be at anymore parties.....
pickles that aint ever gonna happen xxxxxxx
Pickle's you cant blame yourself hun it is not your fault in any way at all. Its the peeps that have done it who is soley too blame. If it is the same peeps has we have meet well they wont be getting any-more invites too the partys we do.
Cant say anymore on the subject has we fully agree 100% with wot has already been said in the thread.
sugs xxxx
Quote by Jags

You should be revelling in the afterglow of the munch not feeling heart broken. This is abs disgusting and whatever the reason the "film maker" had he/she should've asked for your permission.

Just to clarify this - it wasn't at a Munch, it was at a private party. We are looking into this and know who it was...what we CAN do is another matter. If it had happened at a Munch the solution is very obvious and we wouldn't hesitate to take immediate action.
Oops sorry re read the author's thread, it does say was a social, my mistake.
It shouldn't have happened end of tho should it?
biggrin OI PICKLES........................we still love you babe, u aint done nowt wrong at all, so stop worrying. In all honesty it wudn't have made any differance where it was held, the occasion wud have still arisen.
It was just unfortunate that it was at ur party xxxxxxxxxxx We still love you get ur arse ova ea so we can giz ya a cuddle n show u that we still luv ya lol xxxxxxxx
i was the guy in the phone clip, im very upset about it but not half as much as i am for the girls involved. Their dignity has being abused in a way that should never have happened. I was never asked if this video clip could be taken, let alone be sent to any Tom,Dick or Harry. This person SHOULD NOT be invited to anymore parties/socials due to his actions at this party.
When I posted this thread last night I was too angry to express my views without getting a ban, but I think I’ve calmed down enough now.
Pictures are an integral part of this scene and videos are also becoming more commonplace, but one of the most important aspects is what you do with them after they are taken. Consent from the person you are capturing on cam is important but what you do with the resulting images is also vital. To hawk the pics round, as these seem to have been, is in my opinion, despicable and reflects badly not on the party organiser or the people who’s images were captured, but on the person with the cam.
My sympathy to the people who have been upset by this incident, and it’s a small consolation that the perpetrator will be remembered in a bad way far longer than the people on the video, or the party organiser.